Baltimore Ace Hardware

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Baltimore ACE Hardware

The Baltimore ACE Hardware project in Baltimore, Ohio consists of (161) 330-watt Hanwha modules mounted on the roof of the building. This creates a total array size of 53,130 watts (53.13 kW). It’s estimated that the solar array will offset 70-80% of the electricity used annually by the facility. The system is grid-tied, making net metering possible with the local utility. Because these solar panels produce DC electric, the current passes through 4 SolarEdge inverters and is converted to AC current that is synchronized with the local utility grid.

The solar project includes a SolarEdge web-based monitoring system. This tool allows the facility to view the system performance online at any time via the web portal

We were recently able to follow up with the owner of the Baltimore ACE Hardware, Rick Foreman, and asked him a few questions about his system.

TSS: What motivated you to go solar?

Rick: For me, it was the savings. The financial tax credit and the potential savings on my electric bill.

TSS: That’s definitely one benefit of going solar, so what were the goals for your solar array and how is your system performing for you?

Rick: It’s been great! I went solar for the financial incentives; it’s all about the dollars and the cents really. Since my installation, I’ve been saving about 70-80 percent off my electricity bill. To put it simply, it’s been great.

TSS: Wow, that’s wonderful to hear! So, one last question, would you recommend Third Sun Solar to your friends or family?

Rick: I’ve already been recommending solar with Third Sun to everyone. The entire process went smoothly and everything’s been operating well.

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Customer Detail
City/State: Baltimore, Ohio
Customer Type: Commercial

System Info
System Size: 53.13 kW
Panel type: 330-watt Hanwha
Mounting Method: Flat roof, ballasted
Inverter Type: SolarEdge
Monitoring: SolarEdge web portal

Annual Energy Production (kWh): 66,703
Percent of Building’s Electrical Demand: 70-80%

Carbon Offset (lbs)
Per Year: 109,441
Over 30-Years: 3.3 million
Equivalent Carbon Sequestered Annually by Forest Acre: 58.5
Equivalent Passenger Vehicles Removed from the Road: 10.6



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