Solar on Your Roof: Critter Guards!

Neighborhood animals are especially prone to nesting underneath roof-mounted solar panels. Why? Because rooftop solar systems provide protection from the sun, security from predators and a good space to create a nest for many of these animals. If you arenโ€™t proactive, animals can quickly become a problem for your solar array.

What kind of damage can critters do?

Well, a lot. Birds and squirrels are the most common culprits of damage on rooftop solar arrays. Squirrels nest under panels, chew through wires and sometimes burrow through your roof. Birds leave behind scat and nets, which build up lots of debris. This damage and build up can lead to power loss and maintenance costs for your roof and solar array.

A Solution to the Problem


Kokosing Solar recommendsย installing critter guards for your home solar arrayย in most cases. You could have critter guard screens installed at the time of your solar instillation, or at a later time. It will be most cost effective to install critter guards at the time of your solar installation.

Kokosingย Solar doesnโ€™t recommend installing critter guards by yourself. We wouldnโ€™t want you to get hurt, or to accidently cause your solar system to malfunction by pulling a wire.โ€ฏโ€ฏย ย 

Critter guards are aโ€ฏrelatively low-cost additionโ€ฏwhichโ€ฏcan help prevent big maintenance problems and damage to your panels or roof in the long run.โ€ฏHowever,ย youย should not solely rely on critter guards to keep out the more ravenous nesters โ€“ Kokosing Solar recommendsย all homeownersย keep an eye on their systems, especially if you see a lot of activity going on.

While you could haveโ€ฏcritterโ€ฏguards installed later, it will be most cost effective to install critter guards at the time of your solarย installation.

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