Federal-Hocking Local Schools flip the switch on new solar energy system

Federal-Hocking Local Schools cut the ribbon on a new solar installation that will offset 70% of the school’s annual energy use with renewable power. Students “flipped the switch” on a 700 kW solar system for the first time at the Federal-Hocking Middle & High School campus on July 11th 2019 at 11 AM. Former Federal-Hocking Superintendent, George Wood will speak at the event.

“Solar and renewable energy are the way of the future,” said George Wood. “But getting from here to there will take big actions by big organizations and institutions, like schools. Our district is a demonstration of what other districts can do.”

Attendees were joined by Former Governor and clean energy advocate Ted Strickland, State Representative Jay Edwards and Athens County Commissioners. The event follows the recent appointment of Third Sun Solar’s CEO Michelle Greenfield, to the Governor’s Executive Workforce Development Board.

The rooftop array will deliver environmental benefits to the region, eliminating 583 metric tons of carbon emissions each year – the equivalent of the annual energy used by 70 homes – offsetting over 825,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity each year.

The array was built and installed by a partnership consisting of the installer, Third Sun Solar, New Resource Solutions, who structured the financing and Foundation Renewable Energy Company, the system owner and operator.

“Third Sun Solar has installed solar on more than 70 schools, but this project is really exciting because it is right here in our community, and many of the folks working Third Sun Solar,” said Geoff Greenfield, President and co-founder “While the financial benefits to the school are very attractive, we believe that the benefits to our local economy, like the growing number of solar jobs, are also very important.”

Several installers on this project were students at Federal-Hocking High School and Joint Vocational School.

Watch the live-streamed video of the event here.

“I applaud Third Sun Solar and New Resource Solutions for building this impressive solar energy project. There are so many benefits: the school district saves money, our air is cleaner, and high quality jobs are created here in Appalachia. Sadly, while other states are raising their renewable targets to 50% or even 100%, Ohio’s clean energy standards are under attack. A decade ago, my administration worked with a Republican-controlled legislature to create a strong clean energy plan for Ohio that has saved families and businesses billions of dollars and created thousands of jobs. It is my sincere hope that we don’t go backwards on this issue” – Former Governor, Ted Strickland

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