Go Green & Save Green this St. Patrick’s Day

Go Green & Save Green this St. Patrick’s Day

Here in Ohio, it seems that spring has come early and while our trees aren’t green quite yet, St. Patrick’s day is a good reminder of all things green. It’s a great opportunity to start thinking about greening your home and consequently, saving green in the long run!

In the world we live in, energy is an expense that is nearly impossible to avoid. Reducing the amount of energy we use is good for both the planet as well as our wallets.

Tips to Green Your Home by Saving Electricity:

1. Wash only full loads of laundry and dishes

2. Plug electronics into power strips

3. Purchase Energy Star products

4. Switch out incandescent bulbs for CFL & LED bulbs

5. Wash laundry in cold water

6. Go solar!

How Going Solar can help you Go Green & Save Green

Solar power uses clean, renewable power from the sun to make energy. The standard way of creating energy relies on non-renewable fossil fuels which release carbon when processed and contribute to rising greenhouse gasses in our environment. In fact, the majority of greenhouse gas emissions come from brown energy – vehicle emissions and power plants that generate power for the utility companies. Compared to its alternative, solar power has a much greener impact on the environment.

Energy from the sun is readily available, abundant, and won’t run out! Fossil fuels, like coal and natural gas, need mined before they can be processed. The mining process is harmful to the environment and it is expensive. This expense, in part, is passed on to customers by way of their electric bill. Using solar power over fossil fuels is one of the most important steps a person can make to reduce the amount of carbon they put out into the environment. By switching to solar power, you can put your money towards capturing earth’s cleanest and most readily available energy resource: the sun!

Solar systems provide homeowners with the opportunity to generate their own power.

Solar energy systems have a high up-front cost, but once installed, the fuel (the sun) is free forever. Due to the thirty-year system life and low maintenance costs, once the system is purchased, the cost of energy is fixed at a known quantity. Conventional energy prices, however, with their dependence on fossil fuels (coal, gas, and oil) are subject to the volatility of those markets, as well as any future costs of environmental remediation or carbon emissions penalties. The cost of owning a solar system remains set and the reward- the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow- comes as you avoid energy costs that tick upward year after year.

How to save the most green?

Start the process today! Our schedule is quickly filling up and customers who are looking to take advantage of the full federal tax credit before it drops. Also, Third Sun Solar offers zero down financing! There is no better time to commit to owning your energy now and in the future.

Solar can give you 30 years or more of energy cost predictability, along with a nice rate of return on the solar investment. That could make you and your family feel really good — knowing you are also taking positive steps for the climate, the planet, and your future generations.

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