How long does solar last?

Solar panels last 30 years or more. The industry standard panel warranty is this:

  • 10 year workmanship warranty
  • 25 year power warranty

Some modules, such as Trina, have a linear power warranty. Most however, have a two-tier step warranty that guarantees this:

  • 90% power at year 10
  • 80% power at year 25

Solar panels degrade gradually over time with exposure to sunlight, wind and weather. Panels are typically warranted 25 โ€“ 30 years and have a design lifespan of over 30 years. Energy production is expected to degrade by about one-half of one percent per year.

Inverters are warranted for 10 โ€“ 15 years and have an expected lifespan of 15 – 20 years. Future inverters will likely have longer lives. You may need to replace an inverter once in the systemโ€™s lifetime and we figure that cost into our financial predictions.

All other system components have service lives over 30 years.

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