Kent State University

Project Overview

In 2020, Kent State University sought to establish itself as a sustainability leader to attract students, save money and reduce their environmental impact. Kent State University chose  Kokosing Solar to install solar at 3 of the University’s regional campuses: Stark, Ashtabula, and East Liverpool.

Work at the Ashtabula Campus began in Fall 2020 and included the installation of 2,160 ground-mounted photovoltaic panels totaling an 864 kW ground mounted array mounted on a solar tracking system. Native wildflowers were planted near the ground mounted system to help preserve and promote an ecosystem of bees and insects, increase water retention and reduce mowing needed at the site.

The three-campus project completed in 2021 was the most recent but not the first project that  Kokosing Solar completed for Kent State University. The Kent State University Field House project, installed in 2012, was the University’s first solar array.  Kokosing Solar was chosen as the installation partner. At the time of installation, it was the largest roof mounted Solar PV system within the University System of Ohio.

Permitting and interconnection experience: 

  • Ashtabula: Permitting was done through the State of Ohio Division of Industrial Compliance. Interconnection was done through First Energy.  
  • Stark: Zoning permit submitted before the rest of permitting through Jackson Township. Permits (building and electrical; commercial) plan review through Stark County. Interconnection through AEP.  
  • East Liverpool: Permits through the State of Ohio. Interconnection through AEP.  
Locations: Stark, Ashtabula, East Liverpool, and Akron Ohio  
System Size: In total, over 1.7 kW of solar installed across 4 Kent State University-owned facilities
Completed: 2021 

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