Third Sun Solar is fortunate to have many devoted ambassadors among our customers, business partners, and employees. And if we were to fashion a hierarchy of such goodwill agents, Tim Dunning would be near the top of that pyramid.
Following a long career with AT&T Bell Labs and Lucent Technologies, Tim came to us with a deep interest in solar energy and skills in electrical layout, system design and maintenance. His previous work on data acquisition projects for Bell Labs and Lucent helped him transition easily to his role at Third Sun Solar, where he serves as a Project Specialist with a focus on PV solar monitoring systems, setup and maintenance. As part of that role, Tim seeks to optimize the energy flow from PV solar installations and provide monitoring data so that customers can see what their system is producing at any time. Naturally, there is a strong customer education element in that, and Tim enjoys the process of getting systems set up and working, then showing customers how they can keep themselves informed of their systemโs production.
Timโs enjoyment of education has also come into play with area students. At New Albany High School, he helped create a project to light up a boardwalk and nature preserve using solar. His students in the Environmental Sciences program gained hands-on experience installing the PV solar array, wiring the modules, and gaining a close understanding of how PV solar works.
Communication is therefore central to Timโs job. From his early days as a ham radio operator, he has enjoyed the process of building and using technology to connect people. The best part of his Third Sun Solar job, he says, is all the interesting people he gets to meet. We consider ourselves very fortunate to have Tim on our team.