A Tesla Powerwall Installation

Third Sun Solar is a Tesla Powerwall Certified Installer.

We have met Tesla’s strict standards of quality and customer service. Tesla certifies installers to ensure quality installations of products across the United States and across the world.

Homeowners become interested in lithium-ion battery backup for a variety of reasons:

  • Protection for homes that experience frequent power outages: from blazing hot summers that increase grid demand, to extreme storms – outages are becoming increasingly common.
  • Self-sufficiency: power your home with the solar power you generate, during the day and at night
  • Increased use of your solar resource: powering your home with 100% renewable energy – day and night.

What is Powerwall?

Tesla is well known for making quality batteries. Tesla Powerwall and Backup Gateway interdependence make it the safest energy battery system on the market. The Backup Gateway controls the flow of electricity from the grid, solar or other energy sources to loads in your home and to the Powerwall. Powerwall is an inverter, a battery, and a temperature control unit, all in one. It is designed to be resistant to internal fire exposure, mechanical stresses, and electrical abuse. It is a safe touch system as no live terminals accessible to you or your family. Unlike other battery systems, the terminals are isolated and there is zero voltage when the system is turned off. Powerwall is the only double enclosure battery system for a home. The Back Gateway and Powerwall work together to safely provide your home with energy storage that you configure to your preference.

If you are interested in whole house backup, we can talk you through the pros and cons in your scenario. It’s possible to even back up your whole house. Our team will size your system based on what is going to fit your needs.

Enjoy the Benefits of Powerwall:

  • Decide when and how to use the charge from your Powerwall to power your loads using the Tesla app
  • Monitor your energy use and configure your storage settings through the Tesla app
  • Select the modes of operation you desire and the amount of battery you wish to reserve in the case of an outage

Benefits of Choosing Third Sun Solar as your Tesla Powerwall Certified Installer:

Remember that the Certified Installer you choose should offer a full range of services and have and a good track record for customer service and support.

With Third Sun you get:

  • Electricians that have been employees for a long time – As a certified benefit corporation we review and hire based on our core values and employees receive benefits and paid time off. We’re proud to say that our staff has been with us for a while.
  • The same goes for our office crew who will thoughtfully design your battery system, get and pay the permit with your local utility, procure equipment from the Tesla headquarters and make sure it gets to your home safely and is installed safely and legally.

We’re the oldest installer in the market and we’ve learned how to choose our equipment wisely.

After 20 years in business, we’ve seen a lot of products and companies come on the market – not all of them are in it for the long-haul. We are, and it’s important to us that we choose companies and products that are too. We’re experts at choosing quality products for our customers. And we think Tesla Powerwall is certainly one of them.

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