Veterans leading the charge to a brighter energy future

Over the last year, the solar industry has continued its double digit growth throughout the US, creating thousands of jobs along the way and outpacing the national average. Many of these jobs have been filled by our military veterans. We are proud of our veterans for their commitment and service to our country, and we are excited to have them securing our energy future by joining the solar workforce.

Credit: The Solar Foundation
Credit: The Solar Foundation

Veterans are now nearly 10% of the solar workforce and with their discipline, motivation and technical expertise that percentage should continue to grow and outperform the percentage of veteran employment nationwide. Even the Department of Energy recognized the contribution that veterans could make to the solar industry and created the Solar Ready Vets program last year, which connects our nation’s skilled veterans to the solar industry, preparing them for careers as solar installers, sales representatives, and system inspectors.

Over 8% of our Third Sun Solar team is made up of people who have served in the military and we thank them for their service to our country as well as the work they do now to secure America’s energy future.


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