2024 Solar Module Tariff Announcement

2024 Solar Module Tariff

If you’re thinking about installing solar at your business or organization in early 2024, act now to beat solar module tariffs and maximize the peak sun season to get the best return on your solar investment.  

Starting in June 2024, the solar panel supply market is set to see disruption as tariffs are reinstated on some non-U.S. solar panel suppliers. Once instated next year, the tariffs may impact global solar module inventories and change prices across the board for both U.S. and foreign-manufactured solar modules. 

Our goal is to inform our potential customers about this disruption in the market.  

We believe this is critical information for our clients considering a solar investment for their business or organization in 2024.  

Solar projects can take months to develop before installation begins – between design, permitting, and equipment procurement. While it seems like 2024 is far down the road, planning for these projects is already well underway.  Now is the time to reevaluate your company’s onsite clean energy and long-term investment goals. 

Read more from NPR here. 

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