Why Solar Should Be Your Next Home Improvement

Days are growing longer and that means springtime is here! Youโ€™re probably thinking about Spring cleaning & home improvement projects… Donโ€™t forget to add Solar to the list! Why? We have 6 reasons for you below…

Lock in your Solar Installation date

Think ahead about getting locked in for a solar installation this year to receive the tax benefit for this year, when you file next spring.

Itโ€™s Getting Sunnier!

In fact, weโ€™re gaining sunlight at the fastest rate all year! In April solar panels begin to start producing excess power and begin that pile up of credits for you to use in the darker winter months.

On these longer, sunnier days solar power gives you more than what you need, it runs your meter backwards and racks up credits on your utility bill. These credits get drawn down during the darker months.

Financial Benefit

Look at this February bill from one of our solar customers covering dates 1/04/2020 – 2/07/2020 with 1,668 kWh charges. Notice also the amount due: $0.00. Especially in a grey, Ohio February… How did they do it?

Through net metering, this customer built up credits over the spring, summer and fall months to use during the wintertime.

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A Note About Fixed Charges

With rural coops, customers may still experience a fixed monthly charge that is not kWh based and will not be offset by the solar production delivered back to the grid. In some cases, such as with investor owned utility companies, like AEP in this example, the net metering credits carry forward on a rolling 12-month basis and zero out any fixed charges.

Property Value Increase

Have you ever been worried about going solar and not getting the full benefit because you may move? The home youโ€™re in now might not be the home that you live in for the next 25 or more years. With your solar system lasting at least 30 years (and some functioning even after 40 years!) you may wonder: what happens if I move?

A recent report by Zillow shows that on a national average, homes with solar sold for 4.1% more than homes without solar. So by investing in solar, youโ€™re both saving money now AND increasing the resale value of your home.

So not only is it a good home improvement, itโ€™s a good investment.

Plenty of Time to Research

Are there any other appliances in your home that have a return on the investment you put into them? Sure, an investment like solar will require some research, talking to people, and some serious thinking. BUT, what better time than now to consider an investment like solar? With time on our hands, in our homes, there isnโ€™t a better time to learn something new and connect with the folks who can answer the questions you have.

Check out our upcoming Solar 1010 Webinar Series here.

Be a Leader in your Neighborhood & Family!

What other home improvements could you make that make a statement to your children and your neighborhood about the future world you want to see? Switching to solar power isnโ€™t just a smart economic choice to make. Itโ€™s an environmental choice too.

Our Solar Consultants have moved to a remote solar site assessment process. They are available to talk with you from the safety of each of your respective homes. With the federal tax credit dropping at the end of the year, we encourage homeowners interested in getting the full benefit of a solar installation to connect with us soon.

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