Pelotonia 2010 and Third Sun Solar – raising funds to end cancer!

Bo’s Tire Barn : Powered by Third Sun Solar (Athens, OH)

There was never any question about the team riding the Pelotonia again. We want to do all we can to keep raising funds to support cancer research. The only question was “How could we raise more for the cause?” Last year, the four of us scrambled to meet our team goal of $10,000 on the last day of fund raising. It was a lot of work (harder than the pedaling), but it was worth it. We received a tremendous amount of support from over 120 donors and we were (and are) extremely grateful. With Pelotonia expanding, we knew some of our donors might have to split their contributions amongst more than one rider, so we also knew we had to do more than train hard to be worthy of your continued support.

Well… we are excited to announce that this year your contributions for cancer research will be 30% more powerful, thanks to a 30% match by our corporate sponsor – Third Sun Solar, the Midwest’s preeminent solar power installers. In addition to Third Sun’s support of Bo’s efforts, Third Sun will be a partner to the Pelotonia by supplying solar-generated electric power to the kick-off and finish lines.
We are honored by the opportunity to represent Third Sun and we are proud to be helping the company accelerate the shift to clean energy by spreading the word about the compelling commercial and residential ROI for solar power in Ohio. The company is a natural fit for this event and we hope that in return for their generous support of cancer research, we can provide important exposure for the company and its mission. So, please be sure to check-out their web site to learn more about this surprisingly viable source of renewable energy, whose time has come.
This year, Bo’s peloton will be six strong:
Brendan Flaherty – our Captain and 2009 Bo’s top fundraiser
Shawn McGrath – Corporate Sponsorship Officer
Dave Bowers – Chief Pilot
Scott Siebenaler – Team Nutritionist and TOSRV Participant
Megan – Team Food Taster & Fashion Designer
Kristin – Head of Security
On a final note…One of our teammates lost his father this spring. Al Siebenhaler was 81 and survived a serious brush with cancer in the 1980’s. A bittersweet reminder of what this event is all about.

Governor Strickland

Ohio Governor Ted Strickland made a visit to Third Sun Solar and Wind Power to highlight success stories in Advanced Energy in Appalachian Ohio. During his 45 minute visit on Monday, October 26, 2009, he met the Third Sun staff, toured the warehouse and offices and recognized the company as a great example of what investment in the new energy economy can achieve.

In addition to Governor Strickland, State Representative Debbie Phillips was in attendance. All guests, media and staff gathered in the Third Sun warhouse to hear CEO Michelle Greenfield present a history and overview of the company.

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