Kokosing Solar Donates Solar Array to Environmental Nonprofit


The upgrade installed at the Grand River Conservation Campus will reduce the facility’s carbon footprint and support public dialogue about renewable energy.

LOCATION –Morgan Swamp Preserve, Grand River Conservation Campus, Rock Creek Ohio

Within The Nature Conservancy’s Morgan Swamp Preserve, the Grand River Conservation Campus is a place where people can enjoy nature through numerous recreation opportunities, including hiking, paddling, fishing, nature observation and more. A new solar panel installation at the Grand River Conservation Campus will help the facility save money, reduce their carbon footprint, and expand public dialogue about renewable energy.

The donation was made after conversations between The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and Kokosing Solar began in 2021. Kokosing Solar was invested in assisting The Nature Conservancy to advance their mission to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. In Ohio, this includes supporting their work to advance renewable energy buildout in ways that are good for people and nature.

“Kokosing Solar is grateful for The Nature Conservancy’s work as they help the people of Ohio understand how the transition to clean, renewable energy is about job creation, diversification of our economy along with clean air and a healthy climate. Our donated project has dual benefits for the nonprofit: the solar system will offset some of the nonprofit’s utility expenses while also bringing the topic of solar energy into the environmental education that is offered at the Dr. James K. Bissell Nature Center at the Grand River Conservation Campus.” — Geoff Greenfield, Director of Solar Strategy at Kokosing Solar.

The addition of 20 rooftop solar panels will allow The Nature Conservancy to reduce their contribution to greenhouse gas emissions over time. The 7.4 kilowatt solar array will help supply energy for the picnic pavilion, nature center and electric car charging stations, offsetting an annual equivalent of 111 tons of CO2. In greenhouse gas emissions, this is equivalent to driving a car 498,433 miles, or planting 240 acres of forest.

“The Nature Conservancy is working to address climate change and is a strong supporter of safely expanding the use of renewable energy sources, including solar, as part of the solution. We are grateful for Kokosing Solar’s gift of solar panels at the Grand River Conservation Campus. Not only will they help us reduce our reliance on fossil fuels at the preserve, but they will also provide visitors a chance to see and learn about the benefits of renewable energy on site.” – Marcel Weigand, northeast Ohio conservation coordinator for The Nature Conservancy.

About Kokosing Solar

Kokosing Solar has been designing, building, and financing clean energy solutions for commercial clients across the Midwest since 2000. We bring more than 22 years of solar installation experience as Ohio’s longest-standing full-service solar installer. In 2022 we became Kokosing and are strengthened by the 72 years of experience of Kokosing, Inc., one of the largest family-owned construction companies in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic. We serve residential and commercial clients in Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus and beyond. We are a fully insured and licensed Electrical Contractor with highly trained, NABCEP certified installers committed to delivering safe high-performance systems with top-notch customer service.

About The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is the world’s largest conservation organization working globally to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. Since 1951, TNC has protected more than 120 million acres of land and thousands of miles of rivers and works in all 50 states and more than 76 countries and territories. This foundation of success was built on the same principles that drive our vision today: utilizing the best available science and driving collaboration and innovation with strong partners by our side. We’re deploying innovative solutions that maximize nature’s ability to fight climate change while bolstering resilience for our most precious ecosystems and vulnerable communities.

Budgeting for Commercial Solar in 2023

Do you plan to budget for commercial solar in 2023? Solar energy has become one of the most affordable types of energy for businesses in 2023.

Kokosing Solar offers customized commercial solar solutions for businesses, municipalities, schools, project developers, non-profits, and more.

As we reflect on our operating budgets over the past year and look to make improvements, we urge business owners, building operators, operations directors, and facility managers to consider solar energy as a strategy in the new year. Hosting an onsite solar energy system can help your company lower operating costs, reach corporate sustainability goals, recruit mission-driven team members and maximize your energy economics.

In this blog, we’ll cover the benefits available to commercial entities when they build solar into their new year budget.

Incentives available to help commercial entities budget for solar include:

  • Solar Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC)
  • Net metering
  • Federal bonus depreciation
  • REAP Grants (for rural business and agriculture)

Federal tax credits for solar

In 2022 the federal government extended the federal solar investment tax credit (ITC) for ten years. The ITC gives businesses a dollar-for-dollar reduction on corporate taxes for the amount they paid for their solar P.V. installation.

Historically, the ITC could offset up to 30% of the cost of the system. The ruling in 2022 that extended the tax credit also made way for additional deductions and benefits available to businesses and now non-profits and government entities.

These additional deducts can be added, for example, if the installer uses domestic content or if your business is located in a designated “low-income community” or “energy community”. If you’re interested in learning more for yourself, check out this blog post or sign up to receive a recorded webinar we did explaining all of the new tax benefits of the ITC for projects under 1 M.W. and projects above 1 M.W.

Don’t feel like you have to understand all of this information yourself. You’re an expert in your industry, and we’re an expert in ours.

We have been successfully helping commercial entities understand rules like these for the past 20-plus years. Our expert commercial solar consultants can help you understand these rules, what you’re eligible for and how to take advantage of the incentives available to you.

Net Metering Maximizes your Solar Benefits


Get more out of your solar system through net metering. Net metering is a policy that allows solar energy produced by your system to flow through to the grid when you make more energy than you consume.

Energy sent back into the grid will flow immediately to power the loads of nearby buildings and facilities. The State of Ohio requires the utility company to credit you for the energy your system has sent along to the grid. These credits appear on your monthly electric bill.

We design all our systems to maximize net metering rules. During sunny summer months, your system will produce more energy than you consume, allowing you to bank up credits. During the winter months, your facility will use more energy than it makes, and you will use up the credits you’ve earned.

With solar, you get charged for the energy you use from the traditional electric grid when your solar panels aren’t producing. And, when you have a solar system, you pay for that energy using the credits you built up during times your solar system is producing more energy than you are using.

Know that net-metering rules change from state to state and even vary by utility company and energy supplier. This description of net metering applies to the net-metering rules in the State of Ohio. Some states may be similar, but we always recommend finding local information because solar rules and regulations vary widely. Also, working with an installer familiar with your utility’s rules and regulations will ensure you get the most accurate economic modeling during the solar design phase.

Decrease Your Taxes further with Federal Bonus Depreciation


Most businesses include depreciation in their tax filings. Depreciation is considered an expense to the company, and it lowers the profits and reportable taxed income.

Businesses can depreciate the entire cost of the solar system in year one instead of spreading that depreciation over many years. This upfront benefit significantly impacts the return on the solar investment.

You May Be Eligible for a REAP Grant

The USDA REAP Grant is one extra incentive available to agricultural producers and rural businesses. The grant can cover up to 25% of the total cost of your solar installation.

The USDA REAP Grant provides funding to rural small businesses and agricultural producers. You can use the money to implement renewable energy systems or improve energy efficiency if you qualify. The USDA instituted the program to increase energy independence in the U.S. and decrease the energy needs for rural agricultural producers and businesses, all while generating more onsite, clean energy.

Like the investment tax credit, there are quite a few rules to pay attention to when evaluating a REAP grant for your onsite solar P.V. system at your farm or business. We have lots of experience and know quite a few grant writers who specialize in this program.

When you start evaluating solar for your onsite energy needs, we will work with you to determine eligibility, timeline, and next steps for submitting the grant for your solar energy project.

Budgeting for Solar

Evaluate how you structure your solar purchase. There are a few different ways to pay for your solar energy system for commercial entities. Two of the most common methods are direct purchase and a power purchase agreement (PPA).

A PPA is an excellent option if a capital investment like solar doesn’t fit into your annual budget. In the case of a solar PPA, a solar developer pays for the system upfront in exchange for an agreement from your organization that you will purchase the power from the system for a defined amount of time. Usually, after a certain amount of time, the agreement is structured so that you may extend it, remove the system or purchase the solar installation. Usually, the rate you pay is less than the rate you are currently paying for electricity, and/or the rate is fixed, allowing you to calculate fixed energy costs for the next 20-25 years.

If you choose to purchase the solar energy system outright through a direct purchase, you are the sole owner of the system. One of the main benefits of buying the system outright is that you can take advantage of all the incentives outlined above.

Evaluate your circumstances to choose the route that makes the most sense for you. As you may have guessed, through a PPA, the company hosting the solar energy system cannot take advantage of the tax benefits of the system. In fact, the third-party developer makes use of those benefits. However, if you go solar through a PPA, you may see savings on day one if you pay less per kWh than your current electricity supplier. This route can help companies keep cash on hand and lower operating expenses from the outset.

Rising Electricity Costs and Margins

2022 saw electricity costs spike across the U.S., and locally, we felt it. Beyond sustainability, solar offers market stability during a time of increasing inflation. Fixing operating costs is an actionable step you can take to lock in your energy rates for years to come.

Find out how today’s solar economics impact your bottom line. We look forward to discussing solar with you and how it might fit your situation.

Inflation, Economic Uncertainty and Solar

We’ve been thinking a lot about Inflation, Economic Uncertainty, and Solar.

It’s been a challenging year. There is a war in Ukraine, inflation in the headlines, and “economic uncertainty.” As we wait for the analysts to officially call it a recession or not, we discuss the price of eggs, gas, and milk and we worry about the future. If you remember your lessons from science class, we are wired with instincts to “fight, flight or freeze,” and that’s what many of us are doing, especially regarding investments and spending. While that ‘freeze” instinct may be helpful when considering if the time is right for a big vacation or replacing a “good enough” vehicle with a shiny new one, it works against us in this inflationary period.


We install a lot of solar for a wide variety of clients, and over the last 23 years, we have always asked our solar clients “why” they are going solar. This year we are seeing an interesting trend. While many of the answers still include “the environment,” there is a significant uptick in clients treating solar “as an investment.” Digging deeper, these homeowners are looking at inflation and know that keeping money in the bank means watching it lose value over time. They also are anxious about stock market volatility after a year like 2022, when the S+P lost almost 20% of its value. Their solution? Investing in their home with solar as a hedge against inflation.

Learning From The Past

Imagine if you could go back in time and buy 30 years worth of gasoline for $1.11 per gallon in 1993.

While that would be a lot of barrels stacked up in the backyard, going solar is a much simpler way to “pre-purchase” a decade’s worth of electricity.

Our customers that own their solar power plants own their future – no matter how fast or how high electricity rates increase.

If they have or eventually buy an EV, they will also be insulated from ever-rising gasoline costs. These customers did the research, called Kokosing Solar, and made the jump from “freeze” to “fight”, taking action against inflation and market uncertainty by investing in their homes. On top of all this, the “return” from a solar investment is TAX FREE because it saves money that would have been spent rather than earning taxable interest.

Many of our customers are not sure how long they will be in their homes… more space is needed for growing families, empty nesters downsize… people move. Will they see the same return? These are important considerations, and while each situation is different, our customers that go solar are often considering the impact of a zero or very low electric bill on their home selling process. According to a nationwide Zillow survey of homes that went solar, going solar adds 4.1% to your home value. It only makes sense that home buyers recognize that electric utility bills are important considerations when choosing a home, and a home that includes a high-quality solar installation can demand a premium price.

Taking Action This Year

While the future is uncertain, one thing that is certain is the sun will always rise.

We all have a lot going on right now and it is understandable to hit the “pause” button on major decisions.

In these conditions our “fight-flight-freeze” instincts are activated and amplified. While many are stuck in a “freeze” mode, letting their savings be eroded by inflation, others decide to “fight”, taking action where they can. For some, going solar is a great way to continue investing for the future, and lock in savings now. Give us a call and let our 20+ years of experience show you how we can help you invest in and save for the future. We will provide a detailed report, answer all your questions and do all we can to help you take control of your energy and own your future.

New Name: Kokosing Solar

Third Sun Kokosing Solar Adopts New Name: Kokosing Solar

Kokosing Solar’s New Name, Logo, and Brand Reflect Solar Industry Growth


In April 2022, Kokosing Industrial, Inc. purchased the assets of solar installer Third Sun Solar. During the past year, the company operated as “Third Sun Kokosing Solar”; moving forward, the company will do business under the brand name “Kokosing Solar”.

Kokosing Solar’s Director of Solar Operations Brady Phillips noted that as the Solar and Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) industry is poised for tremendous growth in the coming decade, and the company’s scope will grow to include utility-scale in addition to the residential and commercial/industrial projects historically built by the company. “The brand transition aligns us clearly with the larger Kokosing group of companies, whose reputation for self-performing quality projects is well established across the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic,” Phillips said. “Kokosing Solar is an extension of the Kokosing Industrial business and will provide renewable energy projects with the same commitment to safety, quality, and customer focus that is a staple of Kokosing’s other work.”

“Our new name and logo reflect the great work our team has achieved over the past year as we have integrated our historic solar expertise with the proven processes and resources of the Kokosing family of companies,” said Geoff Greenfield, co-founder of Third Sun Solar. “As we focus on our updated mission to “Put People to Work to Build the Clean Energy Future,” it only makes sense to lead with the strong, well-known brand “Kokosing”.

Kokosing President and co-CEO Brett Burgett said that entering this growing sector is an exciting new chapter for his family’s 72-year-old construction company: “Kokosing has a long history of diversification, and after watching solar move from the early adopters to the mainstream, we have added it to the services our company offers. We have a proven track record of building conventional energy generation projects, and building clean energy projects is a natural progression for us.”

Kokosing Solar specializes in the following:

  • Evaluation of siting and suitability of solar and BESS opportunities
  • Cost and energy modeling, economic analysis
  • Project development and finance
  • NABCEP-accredited engineering and design services
  • Equipment selection and procurement, access to the pooled purchasing power of the AMICUS Solar Cooperative
  • Project management, comprehensive regulatory compliance and industry leading safety programs
  • Self-performing installation work with highly trained and skilled workforce
  • Comprehensive Service, Operations & Maintenance offerings, membership in the AMICUS O+M Cooperative


Headquartered in Westerville, Ohio, Kokosing is one of the largest family-owned construction companies in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic. Kokosing’s primary business lines include solar, industrial manufacturing, transportation, pipelines, water/wastewater, and marine work. Additionally, Kokosing owns construction material supply companies. Known for unwavering integrity and exceptional safety and quality, Kokosing’s companies provide extensive resources for its customers.


Our team has been designing, building, and financing solar energy projects since 2000. Over the past two decades, we have worked with hundreds of clients to achieve their economic and sustainability goals. Kokosing Solar is a self-performing EPC that offers our customers the accessibility and competitiveness of a local firm with the stability, reputation, and resources of one of the largest construction companies in the eastern US.

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