2014 Another Great Year for Solar

Thank you for another great year of accelerating the shift to clean energy.

This year we welcomed over 50 new farms, businesses, and homeowners to our Third Sun Solar family. They join more than 400 others who have taken their energy independence into their own hands while doing something positive for the planet.


2014 Thank You


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Third Sun Solar to Speak at Forum Designed to Explore Solar’s Future in Ohio

Third Sun Solar to Speak at Forum Designed to Explore Solar’s Future in Ohio

Athens, OH– Third Sun Solarโ€™s president and co-founder, Geoff Greenfield, will be speaking at this yearโ€™s final Ohio Conservation Forum, this Friday, December 19th. The forum will explore Ohioโ€™s current energy situation with a look back at the history and impact of solar in the state, as well as discussing what the future holds for renewable energy in Ohio. The forum will feature a panel of solar professionals, including Greenfield, as well as a guest from Green Energy Ohio, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting environmentally and economically sustainable energy policies and practices in Ohio. The forum will take place at 1 p.m on December 19th at 1404 Goodale Boulevard, in Columbus. Those who are interested in attending are asked to RSVP to [email protected].

This symposium is a part of the Ohio Conservation Forums, an event put on by the Ohio League of Conservation Voters. The forums seek to stimulate education and discussion by joining experts with concerned citizens to discuss environmental and sustainability topics pertinent to the future of our state and its people.

Third Sun Solar president, Geoff Greenfield, at the Athens Public Library. (Photo courtesy of The Athens News)
Third Sun Solar president, Geoff Greenfield, at the Athens Public Library.
(Photo courtesy of The Athens News)

Do Your Solar Homework

We have FAQs here, but the Qs we’d really like to A are yours. Read these questions and jot down your answers. Those answers will help us help you decide whether solar makes sense for you. Call us when you have all the answers, and we’ll deliver a quick review of your solar potential, the costs, and the returns you can expect on that investment in your home. Or, fill out our on-line form here.

Your street address: (So we can look you up on Google Earth)
City, State, Zip:

Which best represents the orientation of your house?

  • North/South
  • East/West
  • Northeast/Southwest
  • Southeast/Northwest
  • None of these

Which best represents your roof?

  • Flat roof
  • 15ยฐ pitch
  • 30ยฐ pitch
  • Complex roof (facing many directions)
  • None of these

Which best represents the shading on your roof from trees or other structures?

  • No Shade
  • Partial Shading
  • Full Shading

Find a recent utility bill. If you have it scanned as a PDF, that’s great. You can email it to us at [email protected].
Or, you can fax it to us at 740-249-4596.

About how much you pay per month for electricity, on average?

  • Under $100
  • $100-150
  • $150-200
  • $200-300
  • Over $300

How much of your electric bill would you like to eliminate?

  • Reduce 100% of my electric bill
  • Reduce my electric bill by 50%
  • Reduce my electric bill by 25%

I would like to have uninterrupted power during grid blackouts





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Solar for National Security

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Solar Barriers Disappearing

We all use electricity. For too long, we have used electricity without thinking much about it, believing that electricity is best made by others, by experts, by “the powers that be.”

We are now entering a new era, one where we can take control of our future, including the important choice of how our power is generated.

I am proud to be part of the growing solar power industry. Every day, companies like Third Sun Solar are busy building new clean solar power plants, including solar for households, businesses, government buildings, military facilities… and even libraries.

Solar technology is simple, reliable and efficient. There are no moving parts. The panels are solid state, modular and scalable. More panels make more power, and the amount of power they produce is a function of their specifications and their location. To make equal amounts of electricity, you might need 10 solar panels in the desert southwest and 12 panels in Ohio, maybe 15 panels in western New York state. The point is, solar panels work anywhere.

The nation’s second-most solar state is New Jersey. Germany is a shining example of a modern industrial nation that is well on its way to a clean, renewable power grid. The key point here is, solar can work anywhere the sun shines. There is no technical barrier to a solar powered U.S.A.

Is solar cost effective? Yes, solar panels also make sense financially. Solar costs have dropped by 80% since 2007 — just as we saw with personal computers and smartphone, as a new industry scales up, costs come down. So with long-term financing a solar system can cost less than conventional retail power, with no fuel costs–sunlight is free fuel. There is no economic barrier to a solar powered U.S.A.

As I said… My company and many of my friends in the solar industry are hard at work turning on system after system for folks that are choosing clean energy. But there are also many entrenched power interests that benefit from perpetuating the status quo — that want us to keep burning coal, oil, and natural gas and throwing pollution up into our delicate atmosphere. Aging, inefficient and highly-polluting power plants are being kept online simply to maximize profit. This has to stop.

There is STILL a political barrier to a solar powered U.S.A.

At Third Sun Solar, our company mission is to accelerate the shift to clean energy. We need to move forward, both installing clean solar and wind power as quickly as we can, while also retiring the dirtiest, oldest power plants as quickly as we can. We salute and support Environment Ohio in calling on Senator Sherrod Brown to support the EPA’s new Carbon Rule.

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