Denison University Solar Pollinator Garden

  • Denison University’s pollinator-friendly solar array is the first of its kind in the State of Ohio!
  • Nationwide, bees, monarchs, and other pollinators are disappearing, and scientists agree that loss of habitat is a primary concern.
  • This pollinator habitat provides natural sources of food, water and shelter to wildlife and is sustainably maintained with the incorporation of native plants instead of pesticides.
  • The habitat is part of the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge, a national effort to grow a million gardens that foster habitats for threatened insects such as butterflies and bees.
  • The 10-acre, 2.3 megawatt solar system is big enough to power 300-350 average Ohio homes.

Learn more here!

Denison University Solar Pollinator Garden

  • Denison University’s pollinator-friendly solar array is the first of its kind in the State of Ohio!
  • Nationwide, bees, monarchs, and other pollinators are disappearing, and scientists agree that loss of habitat is a primary concern.
  • This pollinator habitat provides natural sources of food, water and shelter to wildlife and is sustainably maintained with the incorporation of native plants instead of pesticides.
  • The habitat is part of the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge, a national effort to grow a million gardens that foster habitats for threatened insects such as butterflies and bees.
  • The 10-acre, 2.3 megawatt solar system is big enough to power 300-350 average Ohio homes.

Learn more here!

Posted in Uncategorized

Federal-Hocking Local Schools flip the switch on new solar energy system

Federal-Hocking Local Schools cut the ribbon on a new solar installation that will offset 70% of the school’s annual energy use with renewable power. Students “flipped the switch” on a 700 kW solar system for the first time at the Federal-Hocking Middle & High School campus on July 11th 2019 at 11 AM. Former Federal-Hocking Superintendent, George Wood will speak at the event.

“Solar and renewable energy are the way of the future,” said George Wood. “But getting from here to there will take big actions by big organizations and institutions, like schools. Our district is a demonstration of what other districts can do.”

Attendees were joined by Former Governor and clean energy advocate Ted Strickland, State Representative Jay Edwards and Athens County Commissioners. The event follows the recent appointment of Third Sun Solar’s CEO Michelle Greenfield, to the Governor’s Executive Workforce Development Board.

The rooftop array will deliver environmental benefits to the region, eliminating 583 metric tons of carbon emissions each year – the equivalent of the annual energy used by 70 homes – offsetting over 825,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity each year.

The array was built and installed by a partnership consisting of the installer, Third Sun Solar, New Resource Solutions, who structured the financing and Foundation Renewable Energy Company, the system owner and operator.

“Third Sun Solar has installed solar on more than 70 schools, but this project is really exciting because it is right here in our community, and many of the folks working Third Sun Solar,” said Geoff Greenfield, President and co-founder “While the financial benefits to the school are very attractive, we believe that the benefits to our local economy, like the growing number of solar jobs, are also very important.”

Several installers on this project were students at Federal-Hocking High School and Joint Vocational School.

Watch the live-streamed video of the event here.

“I applaud Third Sun Solar and New Resource Solutions for building this impressive solar energy project. There are so many benefits: the school district saves money, our air is cleaner, and high quality jobs are created here in Appalachia. Sadly, while other states are raising their renewable targets to 50% or even 100%, Ohio’s clean energy standards are under attack. A decade ago, my administration worked with a Republican-controlled legislature to create a strong clean energy plan for Ohio that has saved families and businesses billions of dollars and created thousands of jobs. It is my sincere hope that we don’t go backwards on this issue” – Former Governor, Ted Strickland

Federal-Hocking Local Schools flip the switch on new solar energy system

Federal-Hocking Local Schools cut the ribbon on a new solar installation that will offset 70% of the school’s annual energy use with renewable power. Students “flipped the switch” on a 700 kW solar system for the first time at the Federal-Hocking Middle & High School campus on July 11th 2019 at 11 AM. Former Federal-Hocking Superintendent, George Wood will speak at the event.

“Solar and renewable energy are the way of the future,” said George Wood. “But getting from here to there will take big actions by big organizations and institutions, like schools. Our district is a demonstration of what other districts can do.”

Attendees were joined by Former Governor and clean energy advocate Ted Strickland, State Representative Jay Edwards and Athens County Commissioners. The event follows the recent appointment of Third Sun Solar’s CEO Michelle Greenfield, to the Governor’s Executive Workforce Development Board.

The rooftop array will deliver environmental benefits to the region, eliminating 583 metric tons of carbon emissions each year – the equivalent of the annual energy used by 70 homes – offsetting over 825,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity each year.

The array was built and installed by a partnership consisting of the installer, Third Sun Solar, New Resource Solutions, who structured the financing and Foundation Renewable Energy Company, the system owner and operator.

“Third Sun Solar has installed solar on more than 70 schools, but this project is really exciting because it is right here in our community, and many of the folks working Third Sun Solar,” said Geoff Greenfield, President and co-founder “While the financial benefits to the school are very attractive, we believe that the benefits to our local economy, like the growing number of solar jobs, are also very important.”

Several installers on this project were students at Federal-Hocking High School and Joint Vocational School.

Watch the live-streamed video of the event here.


“I applaud Third Sun Solar and New Resource Solutions for building this impressive solar energy project. There are so many benefits: the school district saves money, our air is cleaner, and high quality jobs are created here in Appalachia. Sadly, while other states are raising their renewable targets to 50% or even 100%, Ohio’s clean energy standards are under attack. A decade ago, my administration worked with a Republican-controlled legislature to create a strong clean energy plan for Ohio that has saved families and businesses billions of dollars and created thousands of jobs. It is my sincere hope that we don’t go backwards on this issue” – Former Governor, Ted Strickland

Working With Your Homeowners Association

Working with your homeowner’s association for solar

The History of Solar And Homeowners Associations

In some neighborhoods, a homeowner must work with their homeowners association (HOA) prior to adding solar panels. When it comes to addressing solar proposals from homeowners, the HOA will typically rely on its restrictive covenants, or “deed restrictions” to guide their decision making. Covenants describe how a property can be used and what can be built on it. HOA’s use this tool to maintain uniformity and aesthetics in a neighborhood.

To begin the approval process, submit a proposal to the HOA architectural review person or committee. Sometimes the entire HOA board will vote to approve or disapprove of a proposal.

At the end of the day, your HOA deed restrictions often do not address solar panels.

The documents were written many years ago when residential solar wasn’t as common as it is today. So, in most cases, one will find that HOA deed restrictions do not include language that prevents solar. However, this does not mean that HOA boards will approve solar projects. There may be hesitancy by the HOA board to approve anything that is deemed to alter the “uniformity” of the neighborhood. Some HOA’s have restrictions on roof color which solar panels may not conform with. Even without roof color restrictions, HOA’s may see solar panels as altering the uniform look of the neighborhood.

Besides the issue of uniformity, HOA’s can typically block solar panels by invoking a clause in the deed restrictions pertaining to “aesthetics”. Since this is subjective, HOA boards can simply say that the panels will detract from the aesthetics of the neighborhood.


Before submitting your solar proposal to your HOA:


1. Become familiar with the HOA restrictive covenants.

  • Is there any language that is specific to solar panels? If so, are there certain restrictions or guidelines? If not, is there language regarding maintaining neighborhood uniformity?
  • What is the HOA approval process for home improvements? Can the HOA reject a proposal solely for aesthetic reasons?

2. Develop a proposal for the homeowner that addresses the possible HOA concerns.

  • If aesthetics and/or uniformity are a concern, consider: all black panels and/or careful placement of panels ( to make sure design layout is optimal from an aesthetics standpoint)

3. If you think immediate neighbors will be supportive, talk to them.

  • This support can be included in a proposal letter to HOA. HOA boards may be fearful of backlash from neighbors, so if homeowner has spoken with them and has their support, this will be beneficial.

4. Find out what other neighborhoods nearby are doing with regards to solar.

  • Talk to other HOA’s in the area. Contact information for HOA presidents may be available from the city in which the neighborhood is in. For example, the City of Powell, OH has a list of contact information for all 29 HOA’s in the city.
  • Are HOA’s in the area allowing solar? If not, what restrictions are in place?
  • Are there any solar homes in surrounding neighborhoods?
  • There is a chance that not many HOA’s will have experience dealing with solar. However, this also means that there is a high probability that no HOA’s in the area will be restricting solar. This fact can be highlighted when the homeowner submits a solar proposal to the HOA. If other nearby HOA’s are not restricting solar, this may influence the homeowner’s HOA to allow solar to go forward.

After submitting your solar proposal to your HOA:

Submit your proposal to the HOA along with a letter to the appropriate HOA architectural review person/committee, etc.

  • Points to consider including in this letter:
    • Reasons for wanting to go solar (electricity cost savings, making an investment in the home, environmental stewardship).
    • Make note of research showing a substantial increase in home resale value for solar homes. This point is crucial since the aesthetic concerns of HOA’s typically stem from concerns about neighborhood value.
    • Briefly show data regarding environmental benefits (i.e. emissions avoided: equivalent number of trees planted, pounds of coal avoided, miles driven by car avoided, etc.). Your solar proposal should have statistics like this included.
    • Discuss any findings from talking to other HOA’s. Your proposal will be strengthened if the letter can state that “other nearby HOA’s are allowing solar” or “of the HOA’s I contacted, none have any restrictions on solar.”
    • Solar is becoming more common and widespread, so this is an opportunity for the neighborhood to set a precedent — with a reputable solar firm who will ensure the installation maintains the aesthetics of the neighborhood. In other words, present this as a chance for the HOA to set a high standard for solar in the neighborhood.
    • Consider proposing a set of solar guidelines that the HOA can use if desired. This may make it more palatable for the HOA to approve a solar installation if it knows that certain standards will have to be followed going forward. The HOA may be ok with the solar proposal of the current homeowner with regard to aesthetics, etc., but is concerned that this will open the door to all types of solar installations that may not be done as well by other homeowners. Northwest Solar Communities has developed residential solar guidelines that can be used as a template for HOA’s. Guidelines may need to be modified somewhat – i.e. take out language regarding ground-mounted solar, etc.
    • Stress at the close of the letter the desire to work closely with the HOA.
    • Provide contact information for yourself and your Third Sun Solar Consultant for any questions.
  • Offer to present the proposal to the architectural review committee/board.
    • In the presentation, show photos of high quality residential installations. Your Solar Consultant would be happy to provide you with photos to use.

If your solar proposal is not accepted…

If HOA does not approve the solar proposal, you may consider obtaining a supportive opinion letter from an attorney that addresses concerns brought up in the HOA restrictive covenants.

  • This letter can describe how the solar proposal is in line with the HOA restrictive covenants and can speak to specific concerns raised.
  • The point of the letter is not to appear as a threat of possible litigation against the HOA. Rather, it is to provide a supportive legal document to facilitate the HOA approval of solar.
  • Note: this step can be taken prior to the initial submission of the proposal to HOA, but will add to the total cost to the homeowner and possibly be an unnecessary one.

Homeowners may consider modification of HOA restrictive covenants.

    • Often this entails obtaining approval from 75% of homeowners in the neighborhood.
    • One possible approach is to circulate petitions in the neighborhood for approval of solar guidelines (as mentioned above).
    • The HOA attorney will need to write an amendment to the restrictive covenant.
    • Prior to petitioning the neighborhood, send out an email to the neighborhood explaining the petition process and attach the proposed amendment, sample guidelines, etc.
    • Likely, the most successful approach is going door-to-door in order to facilitate in-person conversations.
    • Along with the petition, take around copies of proposed amendment documentation, proposed solar guidelines, and rendition of homeowner’s house with panels.
    • If the petition is successful, the HOA board will need to formally adopt amendments to restrictive covenants, then submit documentation with the county recorder.
    • You will now be able to resubmit the solar proposal.

Bi-Directional Metering in Ohio

All residential solar systems that maintain a connection with their utility company require a bi-directional meter. A bi-directional meter measures the flow of electricity in two directions. It measures how much energy you’ve consumed and how much solar energy you’ve fed back into the grid. Read more about net metering here.

When do I turn my solar system on?

Before you begin the operation of your solar system, wait until your utility installs your bi-directional meter . This is to avoid any generation fees.

Why do I have to wait for the bi-directional meter to be installed?

Some standard meters may include a feature that prevent it from turning backwards and registering reverse power flow. In this case, even though your facility should reduce the amount of electricity the electricity your facility generates in relation to your current consumption would not be measured or subtracted from your overall electrical energy use.

Unfortunately, turning your solar energy system on before the bidirectional meter is installed can lead to extremely large utility bills. In the case that your solar system is on and the bidirectional meter is not yet installed, you could be charged for the energy your solar system produces. This is because your current meter understands all the energy you’ve created as energy used.

Third Sun Solar’s Role

Following installation and inspection of your system, Third Sun Solar will submit a request for bi-directional meter exchange.

Typically, the utility company will install the bidirectional meter anywhere from a week to a month post notification. Unfortunately, your solar company does not have control over when the utility will replace your meter. Additionally, your solar installer and you, the homeowner, are not always notified by the utility that the meter has been swapped! This can leave you waiting and checking your meter regularly, in anticipating of turning on your new solar array!

At Third Sun, we will be persistent in trying to make this happen! If it takes an unusually long time (over a month) we will file a case with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (or your state’s Public Utilities Commission) to have them intervene and help accelerate the process.

The Solar Homeowners Role

Be vigilant! Check on your meter! Because the utility company might not notify you or your installer about the meter swap, it’s possible that they install it while you aren’t looking. For the first month, go ahead and check on your meter every once in awhile to see if it has been switched out.

Fine Print Information about Net-Metering and Meter Exchanges

Be aware, as a net-metering customer, you are required to report yearly excess generation credits that total $600 or more to the IRS as miscellaneous income and your utility is required to report this information to you and to the IRS.

Please note that you are responsible for operating the facility safely, in accordance with the terms of the Application/Agreement and the manufacturer’s instructions. You also are to perform regular maintenance and inspections in accordance with accepted practices and the manufacturer’s instructions.

Useful Links:


The Summer Solstice & Why We Celebrate

The Summer Solstice marks the first day of summer. This is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere.

Ever wondered why the days are longer in the summer and shorter in the winter? Or why we have seasons at all? We experience seasons because of the tilt of the earth as it circles the sun. The tilt also accounts for the change in sun hours throughout the year. As the earth tilts slightly towards the sun, our days get longer. Our peak tilt towards the sun in 2019 is June 21st!

How much energy does the sun produce?

At any moment, 173,000 terawatts (trillions of watts) of solar energy strikes the Earth. That’s more than 10,000 times the world’s total energy use. This summer solstice we’ll experience 15 hours of exposure to powerful & bountiful sun energy.

Why do we celebrate?

The Summer Solstice means that we are in peak summer production months for solar. This means that solar panels in the northern hemisphere have even more energy to soak up through the day.

Why celebrate in 2019?

In 2019 we‘re celebrating because there is more solar PV capacity worldwide than ever! This summer solstice the world has more solar infrastructure to soak up sunlight for use as energy than ever before!

According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), as of 2019, the United States has 2 million solar installations- on homes, business, industrial buildings, and utility-scale solar installations. The energy generated by these solar systems combined would produce enough to power more than 12 million American homes. That is now greater than 70 gigawatts.

This reflects major growth in the solar sector in the U.S., which just 3 years ago reached 1 million solar installations. Additionally, the cumulative operating solar PV capacity is about 75 times more than what was installed at the end of 2008 (SEIA).

What has caused this growth?

The growth in the solar industry in recent years is a result of cumulative efforts by policymakers, solar customers, advocates, and business. The progress shows us the potential solar has to be a clean energy solution. Fueled by the incentive to create a better future for the planet, create jobs, reduce reliance on energy sources with harmful emissions and lower electric bills, we plan to see future growth in the solar market.

What next?

The Solar Energy Industries Association estimates that by 2024 2.5% of all US homes will have a home solar energy system installed. And we believe it. We are seeing solar become more and more mainstream. Between the federal Investment Tax Credit dropping to 26% at the end of 2019 (before it’s eventual drop to 0% in 2022) and the commercial tax credit eventually dropping to 10% for commercial projects, there are certainly incentives to go solar now.

To request a free solar evaluation, click here or give us a call during office hours: 877-GO-SOLAR

The Summer Solstice & Why We Celebrate

The Summer Solstice marks the first day of summer. This is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere.

Ever wondered why the days are longer in the summer and shorter in the winter? Or why we have seasons at all? We experience seasons because of the tilt of the earth as it circles the sun. The tilt also accounts for the change in sun hours throughout the year. As the earth tilts slightly towards the sun, our days get longer. Our peak tilt towards the sun in 2019 is June 21st!

How much energy does the sun produce?

At any moment, 173,000 terawatts (trillions of watts) of solar energy strikes the Earth. That’s more than 10,000 times the world’s total energy use. This summer solstice we’ll experience 15 hours of exposure to powerful & bountiful sun energy.

Why do we celebrate?

The Summer Solstice means that we are in peak summer production months for solar. This means that solar panels in the northern hemisphere have even more energy to soak up through the day.

Why celebrate in 2019?

In 2019 we‘re celebrating because there is more solar PV capacity worldwide than ever! This summer solstice the world has more solar infrastructure to soak up sunlight for use as energy than ever before!

According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), as of 2019, the United States has 2 million solar installations- on homes, business, industrial buildings, and utility-scale solar installations. The energy generated by these solar systems combined would produce enough to power more than 12 million American homes. That is now greater than 70 gigawatts.

This reflects major growth in the solar sector in the U.S., which just 3 years ago reached 1 million solar installations. Additionally, the cumulative operating solar PV capacity is about 75 times more than what was installed at the end of 2008 (SEIA).

What has caused this growth?

The growth in the solar industry in recent years is a result of cumulative efforts by policymakers, solar customers, advocates, and business. The progress shows us the potential solar has to be a clean energy solution. Fueled by the incentive to create a better future for the planet, create jobs, reduce reliance on energy sources with harmful emissions and lower electric bills, we plan to see future growth in the solar market.

What next?

The Solar Energy Industries Association estimates that by 2024 2.5% of all US homes will have a home solar energy system installed. And we believe it. We are seeing solar become more and more mainstream. Between the federal Investment Tax Credit dropping to 26% at the end of 2019 (before it’s eventual drop to 0% in 2022) and the commercial tax credit eventually dropping to 10% for commercial projects, there are certainly incentives to go solar now.

To request a free solar evaluation, click here or give us a call during office hours: 877-GO-SOLAR

Net-Metering for Solar in Ohio

Ohio Net-Metering

In sunny peak months in Ohio, solar systems often produce more energy than a home can consume. Have you ever wondered what happens to this excess electricity? Or how you, the homeowner, benefit from the extra energy your solar energy system produces? In Ohio, Net-Metering is the process that accounts for this difference in production & use.

Net-metering allows you to store the energy you produce in the electric grid, in the form of credits. When you produce more energy than you need, excess electricity travels back into the power grid. Energy sent back into the grid goes to power your neighbors’ homes. The State of Ohio requires that the utility company credit you for the energy you produced and send along. These credits appear on your monthly electric bill to help you keep track.

During sunny summer months, when your solar system is producing more than the energy you are using, you bank up credits. During the winter months, your home uses more energy than your solar system produces, and you use up the credits you’ve earned.

You will be charged for the energy you take use from the traditional electric grid (when your solar panels aren’t producing). You can pay for that extra energy using the credits you accrue during times your solar system is producing more energy than you are using.

Know that net-metering rules change from state to state. This description of net-metering applies to the net-metering rules in the state of Ohio. Some states may be similar, but we always recommend finding local information because solar rules and regulations vary so widely.

Why is net metering important?

Net metering increases the economic benefit of solar power by crediting you for the power your solar energy system produces. The amount of energy you produce and use will vary over the course of the year. Net metering helps you account for this difference by crediting you for the excess electricity your panels produce so you can use it later.

Your utility benefits from net metering because electricity is generated so close to where it is consumed. This diminishes the amount of electricity lost when power is transmitted across miles of wires. Additionally, it helps reduce strain on the grid during peak demand times: like on hot, sunny days.

Will I receive payment for the excess energy I produce?

You’ll get credits to be used on an annual basis to offset the cost of electricity that you take from the grid during times when your solar system is not producing energy. These credits rollover from month to month. A surprise to some: you will not receive a check from your utility for the excess energy you put back into the grid.

At what rate do utility companies credit me for my usage?

Electric companies credit you at a net excess generation rate. The State of Ohio’s net metering policy does not require utilities to credit energy you produce at the full retail rate.

This rate depends on your electric company. Your experienced Solar Consultant can help you understand what your utility’s net excess generation rate is.

Can my energy bill be $0?

In many cases, yes!

Some utility companies have a single fixed cost, or customer charge, that all customers are required to pay each month. However, in many cases, you can use credits to pay down the fixed monthly costs. We often see $0 electric bills sent to us by our customers!

How much energy from my electric company will I purchase annually, when I have a solar system?

We don’t design all solar systems to meet 100% of a home’s electric usage over the course of the year. Why? This depends on many factors, but primarily the amount of space a home has for solar panels. Your solar consultant will work with you to design a solar system that makes sense for your home’s annual electricity usage.

Third Sun Solar has worked with hundreds of homeowners across the state of Ohio and beyond. We have close working relationships with all of Ohio’s many rural cooperatives and public utilities.

Net Metering Ohio

Ohio Net Metering

In sunny peak months in Ohio, solar systems often produce more energy than a home can consume. Have you ever wondered what happens to this excess electricity? Or how you, the homeowner, benefit from the extra energy your solar energy system produces? In Ohio, Net Metering is the process that accounts for this difference in production & use.

Net metering allows you to store the energy you produce in the electric grid, in the form of credits. When you produce more energy than you need, excess electricity travels back into the power grid. Energy sent back into the grid goes to power your neighbors’ homes. The State of Ohio requires that the utility company credit you for the energy you produced and send along. These credits appear on your monthly electric bill to help you keep track.

During sunny summer months, when your solar system is producing more than the energy you are using, you bank up credits. During the winter months, your home uses more energy than your solar system produces, and you use up the credits you’ve earned.

You will be charged for the energy you take use from the traditional electric grid (when your solar panels aren’t producing). You can pay for that extra energy using the credits you accrue during times your solar system is producing more energy than you are using.

Know that net metering rules change from state to state. This description of net metering applies to the Ohio net metering rules in the state of Ohio. Some states may be similar, but we always recommend finding local information because solar rules and regulations vary so widely.


Why is net metering important?

Net metering increases the economic benefit of solar power by crediting you for the power your solar energy system produces. The amount of energy you produce and use will vary over the course of the year. Net metering helps you account for this difference by crediting you for the excess electricity your panels produce so you can use it later.

Your utility benefits from net metering because electricity is generated so close to where it is consumed. This decreases the amount of electricity lost when power is transmitted across miles of wires. Additionally, it helps reduce strain on the grid during peak demand times: like on hot, sunny days.

Will I receive payment for the excess energy I produce?

In Ohio, you’ll get credits to be used on an annual basis to offset the cost of electricity that you take from the grid during times when your solar system is not producing energy. These credits rollover from month to month. A surprise to some: you will not receive a check from your utility for the excess energy you put back into the grid.

At what rate do utility companies credit me for my usage?

Electric companies credit you at a net excess generation rate. The State of Ohio’s net metering policy does not require utilities to credit energy you produce at the full retail rate.

This rate depends on your electric company. Your experienced Solar Consultant can help you understand what your utility’s net excess generation rate is.

Can my energy bill be $0?

In many cases, yes!

Some utility companies have a single fixed cost, or customer charge, that all customers are required to pay each month. This is particularly common in rural cooperatives. 

However, in many cases, you can use credits to pay down the fixed monthly costs. This is particularly common with the larger, investor owned utility companies (AEP, AES, Duke, First Energy). We often see $0 electric bills sent to us by our customers!

How much energy from my electric company will I purchase annually, when I have a solar system?

We don’t design all solar systems to meet 100% of a home’s electric usage over the course of the year. Why? This depends on many factors, but primarily the amount of space a home has for solar panels. Your solar consultant will work with you to design a solar system that makes sense for your home’s annual electricity usage.

Kokosing Solar has worked with hundreds of homeowners across the state of Ohio and beyond. Both our sales and operations teams have close working relationships with all of Ohio’s many rural cooperatives and public utilities. We would be happy to give you more information about your electric providers unique net metering policy.

House Bill 6: Ohio Businesses Call on Governor and Lt. Governor to embrace clean energy policies

June 4, 2019

Ohio Businesses Call on Governor and Lt. Governor to embrace clean
energy policies: HB 6 Provisions Repealing Renewable and Energy
Efficiency Standards would be “huge step backward”

COLUMBUS, Ohio – More than 60 businesses and organizations have issued an open letter to Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted today calling on them to support the state’s
future and ability to attract long-term investments, innovative companies, and ultimately thousands more jobs to our state by supporting the clean energy standards that would be repealed
by House Bill 6.

Dear Gov. DeWine and Lt. Gov. Husted,

Thank you for your leadership of our great state. We are thrilled to see that you are pursuing bold policies and transforming our state into a 21st century economy. Since taking office in January, you have already inspired confidence in Ohio’s business and investment climate. We write this open letter to you today to proactively urge your support for a key sector of Ohio’s economy that holds great promise for growth: clean energy. As companies and organizations with a keen interest in the state’s energy future, we support policies that will make our energy clean, affordable, reliable, and predictable over the long-term. This is a major consideration for where we do business. Unfortunately, the Ohio General Assembly appears to be rapidly advancing energy legislation (HB 6) that falls far short of these goals. While creating a fund to support Ohio’s two nuclear plants and granting cost recovery for old coal plants, the bill repeals Ohio’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (“RPS”) and Energy Efficiency Resource Standard (“EERS”). This would be a huge step backward. Eliminating these standards will create tremendous uncertainty for the Ohio renewables industry, which directly employs almost 10,000 Ohioans, and back-pedal on our ability to reduce energy waste through cost-effective energy savings programs that employ over 81,000 Ohioans and have saved Ohioans $5.1 billion to date. The bill also misses an opportunity to address Ohio’s restrictive wind power siting regulations which have stymied in-state development for years, and in fact makes the permitting process more challenging. Clean energy standards help businesses cut energy costs, avoid the volatility of fuel prices, and help us stay competitive. As of 2018, 39 companies in Ohio have committed to power their operations with 100 percent renewable energy( and almost half of Ohio’s 50 largest employers have set targets to procure more renewable energy or invest in energy efficiency. States with robust clean energy standards create policy certainty, attracting companies and enabling them to make long-term investments consistent with meeting sustainability and financial goals. We recognize the significant economic opportunity presented by renewable energy and energy efficiency. As such, we write collectively to urge you to protect Ohio’s growing clean energy economy and oppose the provisions of HB 6 which would eliminate Ohio’s clean energy standards and harm Ohio’s ability to bring more clean energy projects online.


Thank you for your consideration and your continued leadership of our State.


The letter was signed by the following 63 companies and organizations, demonstrating depth and
breadth of support for renewable energy and energy efficiency standards in state law:
Algonquin Power and Utilities Corp. ElectraTherm Siemens Gamesa
Ameresco Energility, LLC Simple Energy
AP Alternatives Energy Management Solutions, Inc. Sol Systems
Apex Clean Energy Energy Optimizers, USA Solar Action LLC
Avangrid Renewables Enervee Solar Power & Light
AviSun Renewable Energy First Solar Solscient Energy
Baker- Shindler Company Friends Fiduciary Stoneacre Energy Solutions
Better Together Solar Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. Sun Lion Energy
Burton Innogy SunLit Solar
Carbon Solutions Group IntegralPower Talan Products, Inc.
Catalyst Café Invenergy, LLC TEfusion Group
Central Insurance Companies Ironclad Energy Third Sun Solar
Cleveland Clinic LaFargeHolcim TMI Energy Solutions
Clif Bar & Company Melink Corporation Trillium Asset Management
Community Energy Inc. Miller Brothers Construction Unitarian Universalist Association
CS Energy Ohio Power Solutions Village Bakery
Cypress Creek Renewables Open Road Renewables Vistula Management Company
DG Edison Ormat Technologies Yellowlite
E.ON Profit & Sons Farms, Inc.
Echogen Power Systems RBI Solar
Ecohouse Solar Roanna Farms, Inc.
EDF Renewables Rudolph Libbe Group
EDP Renewables North America


Media contact: Angela Krile, 740-974-3948, [email protected]


Customer Care Specialist

There is a position for you, if you are passionate about customer care and service and have an interest in being part of a fast-growing, world-changing, mission-driven company that deliveries exceptional service.

Family Like Work Environment

Nestled in the Appalachian foothills, this position will be based out of our headquarters in Athens, Ohio.

Third Sun Solar is a different kind of company, united by our mission to Accelerate the Shift to Clean Energy. We are a Certified B-Corp, operating with a triple bottom line commitment to people, planet andprofit. Our team works hard together, but also has fun and enjoys working and playing together.


Here at Third Sun Solar, we believe that we are successful because of our people, and we’re proud to provide competitive compensation and benefits packages. We promote from within and are in an exciting, rapidly growing industry with many opportunities for training and advancement. This position is full-time.

Why Us?

We are the number one solar installer in Ohio (as ranked in the Solar Power World 2018 top 500). Google us – we’ve been in the business a long time and know what it’s like to run a successful company. Get up to speed by following us on Facebook.

The Job Description

The Customer Care Specialist will Provide front line customer service to customers, vendors, and visitors of Third Sun Solar, here at our Athens, Ohio headquarters, by being the companies first contact with customers.

  1. Serve as the first impression of our company, and a professional, courtesy, customer friendly face must be put forward. Receive all phone and walk in inquiries.
  2. Answer the main Third Sun Solar phone system, and routes calls to appropriate staff.
  3. Manage, log and processes leads that come in through the phones, website, and events.
  4. Qualify leads as viable customers and work closely with the Growth Team to ensure that the customer receives white glove customer service by providing in-depth knowledge of company products, applications, product stages, and programs.
  5. Receive and distributes daily incoming and outgoing mail, including UPS/FedEx packages.
  6. Manage and logs daily checks from mail.
  7. Provide support to the service team for service inquires. Logs service issues in the designated system.


  • Proven customer service experience that includes experience operating and answering a company phone system.
  • Experience working with CRM systems, particularly Salesforce.
  • Strong organization skills required to keep track of many moving processes.
  • Communication skills, both written and verbal must be outstanding, and deliver constant quality and service both internally and externally.
  • Experience with renewable energy products, process, and programs, or a willingness to learn.
  • Must be proficient in Microsoft Office and Window operating systems, along with the ability to quickly learn new software and accompanying software tools.

Here’s the Good News

Working somewhere now? We understand and will keep your inquiry confidential. If you’re curious and want to know more, we would be happy to answer any questions you have over the phone.

What To Do Next

P.S. This opportunity starts right away. So send over your information so we can get you on board, ASAP.

A Women-Led Solar Business

For the past 20 years, Third Sun Solar founder and CEO Michelle Greenfield has contributed tirelessly to the advancement of solar. These contributions include the increased participation & contributions of women in the solar field. Her leadership can be seen in many areas, as a contractor, policy advocate and educator. Over the years, Michelle’s leadership has had a ripple effect. Her work has opened doors and driven female participation across the industry.

Michelle is a woman on a mission, working to Accelerate the Shift to Clean Energy.

Founding Third Sun Solar

In 2000 Michelle and Geoff Greenfield built their own sustainable home on a piece of rural Ohio land. This land did not have access to utility power. Instead of making an investment to bring the utility out, they chose to generate their own power: solar power.

In the early 2000’s there was not a solar installer in their area. Geoff decided to move forward and become a solar expert himself. He designed and installed his first high performance solar array on their home.

The Greenfields founded Third Sun Solar that same year, in 2000, out of their attic. Today, 19 years later, Michelle is the CEO of Third Sun Solar. Along the way, Michelle has had the opportunity to direct the growth of a blossoming economic sector in Appalachia Ohio, all while influencing the green energy movement in the state of Ohio & beyond.

Women in Solar at Third Sun Solar

Third Sun Solar has hired women into many roles over the years. Michelle’s current staff housed at the Third Sun Solar headquarters is half female employees. She has hired women into Third Sun for various roles, and is a decisive advocate for inclusion, ongoing recruitment and creating opportunities for female candidates in hands on labor, sales & administrative roles. It is impossible to tally the influence she has had over the past 20 years. But, it’s certain Michelle’s leadership has led to many women entering the solar and other technical fields.

Accomplishments over the Years

  • Michelle has had dozens of speaking engagements over the last 20 years to many groups such as the Sierra Club, the University System of Ohio Sustainability conference, Ohio University’s Environmental Education program, Rotary Clubs, Earth Day events and most recently, the Rural Action annual member meeting.
  • Michelle Served as a Board Member of Green Energy Ohio for 10 years and President of the Board for 2 years.
  • Michelle received a 2009 “Keys to Success Award” from the Ohio Department of Development.
  • In 2012, Michelle spearheaded the effort for Third Sun Solar to become a Benefit Corporation (B Corp). This process emphasizes and holds her company accountable to a triple bottom line approach. Third Sun gives equal footing to planet and people, as well as profit. At that time, Third Sun was only one of 3 B Corps in the State of Ohio.
  • In 2013 Michelle was an Innovation Award Winner from TechGrowth Ohio for “Outstanding Woman in Innovation”, a recognition of her accomplishments in promoting the growing clean tech sector in the state & of her continued advocacy for inclusion of and leadership by women in the field.

The Clean Energy Credit Union

In 2014, Michelle joined the Organizing Committee for the founding of the Amicus Solar Cooperative’s initiative to start a Clean Energy Credit Union. It might not be a coincidence that Michelle once started and managed a community development credit union in southeast Ohio. This experience combined with her solar experience was key to navigating the founding of this institution.

After nearly 4 years organizing, the Clean Energy Credit Union was federally chartered in September 2017. At that point, she became a Member of the Board of Directors and serves on the Credit Committee.

In its first full year of operations and lending, they have:

  • Over 700 members
  • $6.5 million in assets
  • Granted nearly 400 loans for PV systems for electric vehicles & green home improvements
  • Over 50% of loans granted have been for solar energy systems
  • Granted loans totaling more than $6.4 million

The Himalayan Light Fund

In 2018 Michelle had the opportunity to spread her leadership and impact beyond the US. As part of a team with the wellregarded non-profit Himalayan Light Fund, Michelle planned, raised money for and installed a solar power system at a school in a remote village in Nepal. This village is far from the tourist centers or the utility grid. Her leadership and technical skill on the roof undoubtedly planted seeds of opportunity in the onlooking community.

Michelle Greenfield is a tireless advocate for Solar in Ohio, a large emerging market with huge potential for growth. She has progressed from being an early consumer of solar energy to a business pioneer – advocating and educating about both solar power as well as leadership roles for women in the solar industry.

More about Third Sun Solar

A Women-Led Solar Business

Third Sun Solar is a women-owned and women-led business. For the past 20 years, Third Sun Solar co-founder and owner Michelle Greenfield has contributed tirelessly to the advancement of solar. These contributions include the increased participation & contributions of women in the solar field. Her leadership can be seen in many areas, as a contractor, policy advocate, and educator. Over the years, Michelle’s leadership has had a ripple effect. Her work has opened doors and driven female participation across the industry.

Michelle is a woman on a mission, working to Accelerate the Shift to Clean Energy.

Founding Third Sun Solar

In 2000 Michelle and Geoff Greenfield built their own sustainable home on a piece of rural Ohio land. This land did not have access to utility power. Instead of making an investment to bring the utility out, they chose to generate their own power: solar power.

In the early 2000s there was not a solar installer in their area. Geoff decided to move forward and become a solar expert himself. He designed and installed his first high-performance solar array on their home.

The Greenfields founded Third Sun Solar that same year, in 2000, out of their attic. Today, 19 years later, Michelle is the CEO of Third Sun Solar. Along the way, Michelle has had the opportunity to direct the growth of a blossoming economic sector in Appalachia Ohio, all while influencing the green energy movement in the state of Ohio & beyond.

Women in Solar at Third Sun Solar

Third Sun Solar has hired women into many roles over the years. Michelle’s current staff housed at the Third Sun Solar headquarters is half female employees. She has hired women into Third Sun for various roles and is a decisive advocate for inclusion, ongoing recruitment and creating opportunities for female candidates in hands-on labor, sales & administrative roles. It is impossible to tally the influence she has had over the past 20 years. But, it’s certain Michelle’s leadership has led to many women entering the solar and other technical fields.


Accomplishments over the Years

  • Michelle has had dozens of speaking engagements over the last 20 years to many groups such as the Sierra Club, the University System of Ohio Sustainability Conference, Ohio University’s Environmental Education program, Rotary Clubs, Earth Day events and most recently, the Rural Action annual member meeting.
  • Michelle Served as a Board Member of Green Energy Ohio for 10 years and President of the Board for 2 years.
  • Michelle received a 2009 “Keys to Success Award” from the Ohio Department of Development.
  • In 2012, Michelle spearheaded the effort for Third Sun Solar to become a Benefit Corporation (B Corp). This process emphasizes and holds her company accountable to a triple bottom line approach. Third Sun gives equal footing to the planet and people, as well as profit. At that time, Third Sun was only one of 3 B Corps in the State of Ohio.
  • In 2013 Michelle was an Innovation Award Winner from TechGrowth Ohio for “Outstanding Woman in Innovation”, a recognition of her accomplishments in promoting the growing cleantech sector in the state & of her continued advocacy for inclusion of and leadership by women in the field.


The Clean Energy Credit Union

In 2014, Michelle joined the Organizing Committee for the founding of the Amicus Solar Cooperative’s initiative to start a Clean Energy Credit Union. It might not be a coincidence that Michelle once started and managed a community development credit union in southeast Ohio. This experience combined with her solar experience was key to navigating the founding of this institution.

After nearly 4 years of organizing, the Clean Energy Credit Union was federally chartered in September 2017. At that point, she became a Member of the Board of Directors and serves on the Credit Committee.

In its first full year of operations and lending, they have:

  • Over 700 members
  • $6.5 million in assets
  • Granted nearly 400 loans for PV systems for electric vehicles & green home improvements
  • Over 50% of loans granted have been for solar energy systems
  • Granted loans totaling more than $6.4 million

The Himalayan Light Fund

In 2018 Michelle had the opportunity to spread her leadership and impact beyond the US. As part of a team with the wellregarded non-profit Himalayan Light Fund, Michelle planned, raised money for and installed a solar power system at a school in a remote village in Nepal. This village is far from the tourist centers or the utility grid. Her leadership and technical skill on the roof undoubtedly planted seeds of opportunity in the onlooking community.

Michelle Greenfield is a tireless advocate for Solar in Ohio, a large emerging market with huge potential for growth. She has progressed from being an early consumer of solar energy to a business pioneer – advocating and educating about both solar power as well as leadership roles for women in the solar industry.


Governor’s Executive Workforce Development Board

The Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation selected Michelle to sit on the board, given her positions in leadership, business education, and workforce development. Along with her peers on the Board, Michelle’s role is to advise the Governor, Lt. Governor and the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation about emerging workforce needs, solutions, and best practices.

Read more here.

Solar Batteries Becoming Increasingly Common

Here at Third Sun Solar we are finding that our residential customers are increasingly interested in purchasing battery storage with their solar energy system. Battery systems are valuable for many reasons. They provide peace of mind to individuals who experience frequent power outages. Especially in rural areas in Ohio, grid outages are common. Solar batteries help families regain control over their home lives by providing a source of power that doesn’t rely on the energy company.

Is Your Grid Reliable?

Some people don’t know that The National Electric Code mandates grid tied solar systems shut off during a power outage. Why? During a power outage, the power utility sends out repair crews to find and fix the points of failure. Power leaking onto the grid lines endangers linemen and women fixing the service issue. Therefore, utility rules mandate that in the event of a power outage, solar arrays must automatically shut down. Solar systems have detectors that sense whether power is coming across the grid. Solar systems automatically shut down when the grid fails. This is a done to protect utility workers.

Because batteries store excess solar energy, they still function during a power outage.

What are battery backup systems?

Battery backup systems are a lot like they sound. Batteries are used as an emergency power source during power outages. Solar energy created from you array charges the batteries, then the batteries power your home. These systems are generally not designed to backup whole house loads, but rather critical loads such as lighting, sump pumps, furnace blowers, refrigeration, etc. Third Sun Solar installs battery backup solutions to for homeowners who request backup batteries in addition to a solar PV system.

By design, solar battery systems provide backup power during grid failure. Solar batteries do not typically support nighttime loads.


Batteries are much like a car, if you park in the garage and never pay attention to it, it will not work when you need it. Depending on the type of battery technology you choose, there may be some battery maintenance such as topping off fluid levels and equalizing the batteries (lead-acid batteries). Other types of batteries, like lithium-ion batteries, require much less maintenance. Batteries need to cycle, this means that the power levels need to reach a low point to get charged to full again. Additionally, battery charge levels need observation both during use and while not in use.

They level of attention your solar batteries will need depends on your choice of technology. Compared to lead-acid batteries, lithium-ion batteries are virtually trouble free, however the inverters and communications systems will need modified as time goes on and new features become available.

A solar battery customer will have a higher level of engagement with their batteries than your typical solar homeowner. Maybe you have a technical mindset & are interested in being involved with the solar battery system. If you’re interested in a hands off system, a generator may be a better choice to achieve your backup power goal.

Why now?

We are in a new era of solar energy storage. Lithium ion batteries are a wonderful technology and new innovations like the Tesla Powerwall are making their way into the market. Don’t forget- the 30% federal tax credit drops after 2019– and solar battery purchases count in this tax credit.

For customers who experience frequent grid outages and want to regain control of their energy, batteries are a great solution. Comfort comes from knowing that you’ll have the power you need even when the grid is down. With a battery system, energy is reliably ready for you at any moment.

Click here to get your FREE solar proposal.

4 Reasons To Go Solar This Spring

The dreary Ohio winter is behind us. That means it’s the perfect time to think about solar for your roof! Take advantage of peak solar production months by choosing to go solar this spring.

Many homeowners choose to get repairs done on their roofs or replace the whole roof in the springtime. Right after a roof repair or replacement is the best time for solar panel instillation. Why? Because you won’t have to worry about your solar panels outliving your roof.

And while you’re thinking about springtime home improvement projects, remember: solar is an easy way to improve your utility bill! Take full advantage of the peak production months by reaching out today.

1. Get a system in time to soak up the sun during peak solar production months

Even though we’ve got a fantastic install team, if everyone buys solar at once, there can be delays. Spring is your chance to beat the rush!

Here at Third Sun Solar we’re in the highest demand in the summertime. Why? Once those long days of sunlight are upon us, people remember why solar in Ohio works! Calling now is the best way to get scheduled to maximize peak production months.

What is a peak production month?

The longest day of the year is coming: June 21st The Spring equinox! This means that the days will be longer and will remain long into the summertime and fall. Peak production months are months with the most amount of peak sunlight hours. A peak sun hour is defined as an hour of sunlight that offers 1,000 watts of PV power per square meter. These peak hours occur when the sun is highest in the sky. The number of peak sun hours increases during the summer months. In Ohio, our peak production months are May- October, when days are long and sunny.

2. Get the paperwork over with

Solar installations are a little more complicated than installing a new central AC unit. It’s important to allow time for the whole solar process. From permitting with the utility company to the local municipality, we process a lot of paperwork before your solar system can go live. Because we’re often waiting on responses from energy retailers and utility companies, this process can take a while. It’s important to start planning early.

3. Enjoy the summer without worrying about choosing a solar installer!

What do you like to do in the summertime? You probably want to be relaxing, spending time away from work and with your family. Maybe you enjoy barbecuing, hiking or canoeing. You don’t want to be spending hours researching solar installers or on the phone with your utility company. Choosing your solar installer now guarantees that you won’t have to spend relaxing summer days researching!

4. The FTC end this year

Ensure that you purchase your solar energy system before the end of 2019 to qualify for the 30% Federal Tax Credit. This Solar Tax Credit allows you to deduct 30% of the cost of your solar system from your federal taxes. Remember: the average homeowner will save approximately $1,000 more when they buy in 2019. In 2022 the tax credit drops permanently to 0% for homeowners.

Who is eligible for the 30% Federal Tax Credit?

  • Individuals and for-profit businesses in the U.S.
  • Those that pay federal taxes
  • Those who have purchased a new solar system and placed it in service prior to 2020.

What costs are eligible?

  • Solar panels
  • Racking/Mounting equipment
  • Inverters
  • Balance of system (wire, conduit, junction boxes, etc)
  • Installation labor
  • Sales and use taxes

A case could be made that anytime of the year is a good time for installing solar. BUT if you’re currently enjoying the rays of the sun, now is the right time! Give us a call today: 740-249-4533

4 Reasons To Go Solar This Spring

The dreary Ohio winter is behind us. That means it’s the perfect time to think about solar for your roof! Take advantage of peak solar production months by choosing to go solar this spring.

Many homeowners choose to get repairs done on their roofs or replace the whole roof in the springtime. Right after a roof repair or replacement is the best time for solar panel instillation. Why? Because you won’t have to worry about your solar panels outliving your roof.

And while you’re thinking about springtime home improvement projects, remember: solar is an easy way to improve your utility bill! Take full advantage of the peak production months by reaching out today.

1. Get a system in time to soak up the sun during peak solar production months

Even though we’ve got a fantastic install team, if everyone buys solar at once, there can be delays. Spring is your chance to beat the rush!

Here at Third Sun Solar we’re in the highest demand in the summertime. Why? Once those long days of sunlight are upon us, people remember why solar in Ohio works! Calling now is the best way to get scheduled to maximize peak production months.

What is a peak production month?

The longest day of the year is coming: June 21st The Spring equinox! This means that the days will be longer and will remain long into the summertime and fall. Peak production months are months with the most amount of peak sunlight hours. A peak sun hour is defined as an hour of sunlight that offers 1,000 watts of PV power per square meter. These peak hours occur when the sun is highest in the sky. The number of peak sun hours increases during the summer months. In Ohio, our peak production months are May- October, when days are long and sunny.

2. Get the paperwork over with

Solar installations are a little more complicated than installing a new central AC unit. It’s important to allow time for the whole solar process. From permitting with the utility company to the local municipality, we process a lot of paperwork before your solar system can go live. Because we’re often waiting on responses from energy retailers and utility companies, this process can take a while. It’s important to start planning early.

3. Enjoy the summer without worrying about choosing a solar installer!

What do you like to do in the summertime? You probably want to be relaxing, spending time away from work and with your family. Maybe you enjoy barbecuing, hiking or canoeing. You don’t want to be spending hours researching solar installers or on the phone with your utility company. Choosing your solar installer now guarantees that you won’t have to spend relaxing summer days researching!

4. The FTC end this year

Ensure that you purchase your solar energy system before the end of 2019 to qualify for the 30% Federal Tax Credit. This Solar Tax Credit allows you to deduct 30% of the cost of your solar system from your federal taxes. Remember: the average homeowner will save approximately $1,000 more when they buy in 2019. In 2022 the tax credit drops permanently to 0% for homeowners.

Who is eligible for the 30% Federal Tax Credit?

  • Individuals and for-profit businesses in the U.S.
  • Those that pay federal taxes
  • Those who have purchased a new solar system and placed it in service prior to 2020.

What costs are eligible?

  • Solar panels
  • Racking/Mounting equipment
  • Inverters
  • Balance of system (wire, conduit, junction boxes, etc)
  • Installation labor
  • Sales and use taxes

A case could be made that anytime of the year is a good time for installing solar. BUT if you’re currently enjoying the rays of the sun, now is the right time! Give us a call today: 740-249-4533

Solar Design & Engineering Assistant

Are you ready to work for a team that is accelerating the shift to clean energy by creating solar systems, services, and solutions based on core values for the past 20 years?

About the Business

At Third Sun Solar, we are here to serve by creating business as a force for good and making the planet a better place. Our teams are serving our customers, each other, the community, and stakeholders, which ultimately shows in the genuine pride our team takes in delivering the very best solar solutions.

We are reliable. Our team is filled with dependable, honest, and reliable people. We keep our promises and strive to do it right the first time.

Our team is driven. We are passionate about solar, and that shows in every project that the Third Sun Solar team completes. The team does what it take to ensure the finest system and the best customer experience, and we take pride in our dedication in doing things right.

Third Sun Solar values growth. We have been in business for twenty years and we have a bright future ahead. Our hunger for knowledge and continuous improvement keeps us at the top of our ever-evolving industry. Our staff are on the pulse of cutting-edge solar advancements. We strive for greatness and are not satisfied with the status quo.

Not only do we operate our team with a clear mission and values, we are a certified B Corporation. That means we operate with a triple bottom line commitment to people (our employees and their families, our clients and residents of the communities where we do business), the planet (we appreciate the wonders of nature and believe that a habitable plant is worth fighting for), and profit (generating capital to keep increasing our impact and revenue to share among our team and partners).

We are a talented team of electricians, crew, project managers, engineers, finance, supply chain, permitting, and veteran community members, who are all excited about crafting beautiful solar systems to enable our communities to power their lives with clean energy.

Third Sun Solar is committed to providing our staff with competitive wages, health care benefits, travel expenses, paid holidays, vacation, and a caring, flexible, vision and value-oriented work environment.

Are you interested in joining an established team? We are hiring a Solar Design & Engineering Assistant for our Athens, Ohio office.

Job Description & Responsibilities

The Solar Design & Engineering Assistant is a member of the Operations Team. This position will be directed by the Design and Engineering Manager. All work will be completed in accordance with Third Sun Solar internal standards and practices, industry best practices, and required codes/standards.

Primary Responsibilities

  • Prepares project plan sets and renderings for permitting and construction
  • Applies solar design principals, National Electric Code requirements, structural load analysis, and financial analysis daily
  • Prepares performance models based on system designs
  • Provides support to the operations team, growth team, and third parties during system design, review, utility interconnection review, and other code or permitting support
  • Provides estimated costs of construction for solar projects based on bid/RFP requirements or internally prepared scopes of work. Maintains historic database and library of subcontractor quotes, supplier pricing, and Third Sun Solar labor production factors
  • Assists in developing, maintaining, and refining tools to perform Design and Engineering Team processes

Job Qualifications

  • Experience using CAD or other drafting programs
  • Knowledge and experience with the National Electric Code
  • NABCEP Installation Professional preferred, but not required
  • Knowledge of building codes and good construction practices
  • Mathematical ability to apply calculations of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and trigonometry
  • Experience in contracting or construction management preferred
  • Be able to work in a flexible, “roll up your sleeves” and dynamic work environment
  • Computer Skills: Must be highly proficient with Microsoft Suite and experience using Project Management Software that includes the usage of Gantt charts, and Auto Cad
  • Knowledge and experience designing and installing solar/PV systems preferred
  • Must be process oriented and have the ability to work with a customer centered design approach
  • Will be creative, both in design and form/function, but also in problem solving and collaboration
  • Has the ability to provide internal and external customer service in accordance with the culture and values of the company
  • Must be customer service oriented and committed to delivering the highest level of customer service possible
  • Strong organizational skills and an ability to juggle multiple projects and tasks is required
  • Must have the ability to work independently on assigned tasks as well as to accept direction on given assignments
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, along with the ability to apply advanced mathematical concepts and advanced reasoning abilities to problems and data and leadership

Work Location

  • Athens, Ohio


  • Health insurance
  • Dental insurance
  • Vision insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Paid time off
  • Flexible schedule
  • IRA Retirement Account

To Apply

If you’re interested in learning more about working with us, please send us your resume and include a cover letter letting us know what you are great at and why we would be better with you on our team: [email protected]

Third Sun Solar is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against otherwise qualified applicants on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, age, sex, marital status, national origin, disability or handicap, or veteran status.

Project Manager

Are you ready to work for a team that is accelerating the shift to clean energy by creating solar systems, services, and solutions based on core values for the past 20 years?

About the Business

At Third Sun Solar, we are here to serve by creating business as a force for good and making the planet a better place. Our teams are serving our customers, each other, the community, and stakeholders, which ultimately shows in the genuine pride our team takes in delivering the very best solar solutions.

We are reliable. Our team is filled with dependable, honest, and reliable people. We keep our promises and strive to do it right the first time.

Our team is driven. We are passionate about solar, and that shows in every project that the Third Sun Solar team completes. The team does what it take to ensure the finest system and the best customer experience, and we take pride in our dedication in doing things right.

Third Sun Solar values growth. We have been in business for twenty years and we have a bright future ahead. Our hunger for knowledge and continuous improvement keeps us at the top of our ever-evolving industry. Our staff are on the pulse of cutting-edge solar advancements. We strive for greatness and are not satisfied with the status quo.

Not only do we operate our team with a clear mission and values, we are a certified B Corporation. That means we operate with a triple bottom line commitment to people (our employees and their families, our clients and residents of the communities where we do business), the planet (we appreciate the wonders of nature and believe that a habitable plant is worth fighting for), and profit (generating capital to keep increasing our impact and revenue to share among our team and partners).

We are a talented team of electricians, crew, project managers, engineers, finance, supply chain, permitting, and veteran community members, who are all excited about crafting beautiful solar systems to enable our communities to power their lives with clean energy.

Third Sun Solar is committed to providing our staff with competitive wages, health care benefits, travel expenses, paid holidays, vacation, and a caring, flexible, vision and value-oriented work environment.

Are you interested in joining an established team? We are hiring a Project Manager for our Athens, Ohio office.

Job Description & Responsibilities

The Project Manager will be part of the Operations Team and will manage commercial projects from large to small scale and residential projects from inception through installation and commissioning of Solar PV System.

Primary Responsibilities

  • Nurtures the created culture of success and execution of a purpose-driven and values-based organization to successfully lead, manage, and be accountable for company projects
  • Project Manages the successful installation of large to small scale commercial and residential projects
  • Coordinates with operational units to ensure plan sets, permits, materials, installation crew, electricians, utilities, permitting agencies, subcontractors, and customers are ready for each install
  • Creates bill of materials for each job and provides to procurement team
  • Works with engineering to ensure that plan sets are accurate and delivered in the timeframe that allows for permitting and material ordering
  • Negotiates contract, scheduling and planning for all subcontractors
  • Ensures that all inspections are successfully completed, customers system is commissioned, and working as deemed in the customer contract
  • Ensures that all projects are completed utilizing Third Sun Solar’s Safety policy and procedures
  • Delivers white glove treatment to all customers promoting the highest level of quality with customers, employees, vendors, and community
  • Reports against Key performance Indicators and metrics that are set forth to measure
  • Accountable for maintaining a profitable operation that results in meeting the target budgets of each project, by reviewing each project you are assigned on an ongoing basis and making necessary adjustments
  • Provide an accurate schedule and capacity forecasting plan
  • Creates, updates, and trains on processes as it relates to project management and the impact to the operational team
  • Works with many of the company’s computer software such as project management, Auto Cad, and the full Microsoft Suite

Job Qualifications

  • Associates Degree required. Certificate in construction or solar preferred
  • Experience in solar, construction, or an engineering related industry managing contractors
  • Successful track record of project management in large scale commercial work
  • Be able to work in a flexible, “roll up your sleeves” and dynamic work environment
  • Proven track record of building and managing projects within their forecasted budgets
  • Highly proficient in the use of analytics for operations, coaching and trend analysis
  • Computer Skills: Must be highly proficient with Microsoft Suite and experience using Project Management Software that includes the usage of Gantt charts, and Auto Cad
  • Experience working with customers and in the formal construction bid, subcontractor bids, and request for proposal process
  • Professional experience in the private sector and government contracting, not required, but ideal
  • Has the ability to provide internal and external customer service in accordance with the culture and values of the company
  • Experience reading blueprints
  • The ability to provide construction costs and times estimating to commercial and residential projects
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, along with the ability to apply advanced mathematical concepts and advanced reasoning abilities to problems and data and leadership

Work Location

  • Athens, Ohio


  • Health insurance
  • Dental insurance
  • Vision insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Paid time off
  • Flexible schedule
  • IRA Retirement Account

To Apply

If you’re interested in learning more about working with us, please send us your resume and include a cover letter letting us know what you are great at and why we would be better with you on our team: [email protected]

Third Sun Solar is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against otherwise qualified applicants on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, age, sex, marital status, national origin, disability or handicap, or veteran status.

Installation Technician

Are you ready to work for a team that is accelerating the shift to clean energy by creating solar systems, services, and solutions based on core values for the past 20 years?

About the Business

At Third Sun Solar, we are here to serve by creating business as a force for good and making the planet a better place. Our teams are serving our customers, each other, the community, and stakeholders, which ultimately shows in the genuine pride our team takes in delivering the very best solar solutions.

We are reliable. Our team is filled with dependable, honest, and reliable people. We keep our promises and strive to do it right the first time.

Our team is driven. We are passionate about solar, and that shows in every project that the Third Sun Solar team completes. The team does what it take to ensure the finest system and the best customer experience, and we take pride in our dedication in doing things right.

Third Sun Solar values growth. We have been in business for twenty years and we have a bright future ahead. Our hunger for knowledge and continuous improvement keeps us at the top of our ever-evolving industry. Our staff are on the pulse of cutting-edge solar advancements. We strive for greatness and are not satisfied with the status quo.

Not only do we operate our team with a clear mission and values, we are a certified B Corporation. That means we operate with a triple bottom line commitment to people (our employees and their families, our clients and residents of the communities where we do business), the planet (we appreciate the wonders of nature and believe that a habitable plant is worth fighting for), and profit (generating capital to keep increasing our impact and revenue to share among our team and partners).

We are a talented team of electricians, crew, project managers, engineers, finance, supply chain, permitting, and veteran community members, who are all excited about crafting beautiful solar systems to enable our communities to power their lives with clean energy.

Third Sun Solar is committed to providing our staff with competitive wages, health care benefits, travel expenses, paid holidays, vacation, and a caring, flexible, vision and value-oriented work environment.

Are you interested in joining an established team? We are hiring Solar PV Installation Technicians for our Athens and Cleveland, Ohio offices

Job Description & Responsibilities

The Solar PV Installation Technician is a member of our Operations Team. They are primarily responsible for the installation and service of components of a Solar PV system in a commercial or residential setting. Travel is required within Ohio and surrounding states.

Primary Responsibilities

  • Works with other team members of the installation team to build solar electric systems for residential and commercial customers by installing solar panels and their components on roofs and ground mounted racking systems
  • Required to manage your time to ensure that you have safely and correctly complete your work
  • Communicate with all members of the team and ensure that you are exhibiting all company values
  • Maintain a clean vehicle, and a clean and safe working environment
  • Must always be 100% safety requirements during your work

Job Qualifications

  • High School Diploma required
  • At least six to twelve months experience working with construction, renewable energy, and/or commercial or residential photovoltaics preferred
  • Basic computer proficiency, including the use of applications on a cell phone
  • Must be willing and have the ability for 2 to 4 nights of weekly overnight travel
  • Must have the ability to qualify for a drug and alcohol-free work-place policy
  • Must be punctual and be able to work in a fast-paced environment
  • Ability to climb ladders, lift up to +50lbs repetitively, work on sloped roofs in all weather conditions
  • Hold or have the ability to obtain your OSHA 30 card

Work Location

  • Athens, Ohio
  • Cleveland, Ohio


  • Health insurance
  • Dental insurance
  • Vision insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Paid time off
  • Flexible schedule
  • IRA Retirement Account

To Apply

If you’re interested in learning more about working with us, please send us your resume and include a cover letter letting us know what you are great at and why we would be better with you on our team: [email protected]

Third Sun Solar is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against otherwise qualified applicants on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, age, sex, marital status, national origin, disability or handicap, or veteran status.

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