Kibler Dairy

Project Overview

System Size: 163.2 kW

Completed: 2017

Adding solar helps to stabilize a farms operating costs, which is valuable to farmers and agricultural producers in general. Kibbler Dairy Farms found that they had to constantly run fans during the summertime to keep brutally hot temperatures at bay. This electric expenditure led to very high electric bills. To reduce and stabilize the expense, the farm turned to solar.

In 2017 Third Sun Solar installed 480 solar panels at Kibler Dairy Farm in Warren, OH. The system provides monthly savings in the thousands to the farm. The first year alone saw over $23,000 in avoided electrical payments. The farm was excited to save that money to reinvest in the operations. In turn, the project will offset approximately 120 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year.

Family farms see their future in going green. Dairy farms are prime candidates to bring more renewable energy to our heartland.

It’s Easy to Claim Your Federal Solar Tax Credit

Understanding your federal tax forms seems like a lost cause to many people. And turning to a tax professional may be your cup of tea. But in a post by EnergySage, theyโ€™ve broken down every form needed to claim the federal solar tax credit, most commonly referred to as the ITC (Investment Tax Credit).

Some things mentioned to keep in mind:

  • Solar array owners (not leasers) are eligible to claim the ITC on any property they live in at least part of the year. (Primary or not)
  • The ITC is a refundable tax credit, which means that if your federal tax liability is less than the total solar savings, you can carry over the remainder to the following year because you canโ€™t get more back than you owe in any one year.

Youโ€™ll just need one additional form to complete in order to claim your tax credit: IRS Form 5695. Once youโ€™ve completed Form 5695 in the manner they outlined, youโ€™ll take the final result (line 15) and include it in your IRS Form 1040, line 53.

Read original article at…

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It’s Easy to Claim Your Federal Solar Tax Credit

Understanding your federal tax forms seems like a lost cause to many people. And turning to a tax professional may be your cup of tea. But in a post by EnergySage, theyโ€™ve broken down every form needed to claim the federal solar tax credit, most commonly referred to as the ITC (Investment Tax Credit).

Some things mentioned to keep in mind:

  • Solar array owners (not leasers) are eligible to claim the ITC on any property they live in at least part of the year. (Primary or not)
  • The ITC is a refundable tax credit, which means that if your federal tax liability is less than the total solar savings, you can carry over the remainder to the following year because you canโ€™t get more back than you owe in any one year.

Youโ€™ll just need one additional form to complete in order to claim your tax credit: IRS Form 5695. Once youโ€™ve completed Form 5695 in the manner they outlined, youโ€™ll take the final result (line 15) and include it in your IRS Form 1040, line 53.

Read original article at…

2014 Another Great Year for Solar

Thank you for another great year of accelerating the shift to clean energy.

This year we welcomed over 50 new farms, businesses, and homeowners to our Third Sun Solar family. They join more than 400 others who have taken their energy independence into their own hands while doing something positive for the planet.


2014 Thank You


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Third Sun Solar to Speak at Forum Designed to Explore Solar’s Future in Ohio

Third Sun Solar to Speak at Forum Designed to Explore Solar’s Future in Ohio

Athens, OH– Third Sun Solarโ€™s president and co-founder, Geoff Greenfield, will be speaking at this yearโ€™s final Ohio Conservation Forum, this Friday, December 19th. The forum will explore Ohioโ€™s current energy situation with a look back at the history and impact of solar in the state, as well as discussing what the future holds for renewable energy in Ohio. The forum will feature a panel of solar professionals, including Greenfield, as well as a guest from Green Energy Ohio, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting environmentally and economically sustainable energy policies and practices in Ohio. The forum will take place at 1 p.m on December 19th at 1404 Goodale Boulevard, in Columbus. Those who are interested in attending are asked to RSVP to [email protected].

This symposium is a part of the Ohio Conservation Forums, an event put on by the Ohio League of Conservation Voters. The forums seek to stimulate education and discussion by joining experts with concerned citizens to discuss environmental and sustainability topics pertinent to the future of our state and its people.

Third Sun Solar president, Geoff Greenfield, at the Athens Public Library. (Photo courtesy of The Athens News)
Third Sun Solar president, Geoff Greenfield, at the Athens Public Library.
(Photo courtesy of The Athens News)

Do Your Solar Homework

We have FAQs here, but the Qs we’d really like to A are yours. Read these questions and jot down your answers. Those answers will help us help you decide whether solar makes sense for you. Call us when you have all the answers, and we’ll deliver a quick review of your solar potential, the costs, and the returns you can expect on that investment in your home. Or, fill out our on-line form here.

Your street address: (So we can look you up on Google Earth)
City, State, Zip:

Which best represents the orientation of your house?

  • North/South
  • East/West
  • Northeast/Southwest
  • Southeast/Northwest
  • None of these

Which best represents your roof?

  • Flat roof
  • 15ยฐ pitch
  • 30ยฐ pitch
  • Complex roof (facing many directions)
  • None of these

Which best represents the shading on your roof from trees or other structures?

  • No Shade
  • Partial Shading
  • Full Shading

Find a recent utility bill. If you have it scanned as a PDF, that’s great. You can email it to us at [email protected].
Or, you can fax it to us at 740-249-4596.

About how much you pay per month for electricity, on average?

  • Under $100
  • $100-150
  • $150-200
  • $200-300
  • Over $300

How much of your electric bill would you like to eliminate?

  • Reduce 100% of my electric bill
  • Reduce my electric bill by 50%
  • Reduce my electric bill by 25%

I would like to have uninterrupted power during grid blackouts





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Solar for National Security

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Solar Barriers Disappearing

We all use electricity. For too long, we have used electricity without thinking much about it, believing that electricity is best made by others, by experts, by “the powers that be.”

We are now entering a new era, one where we can take control of our future, including the important choice of how our power is generated.

I am proud to be part of the growing solar power industry. Every day, companies like Third Sun Solar are busy building new clean solar power plants, including solar for households, businesses, government buildings, military facilities… and even libraries.

Solar technology is simple, reliable and efficient. There are no moving parts. The panels are solid state, modular and scalable. More panels make more power, and the amount of power they produce is a function of their specifications and their location. To make equal amounts of electricity, you might need 10 solar panels in the desert southwest and 12 panels in Ohio, maybe 15 panels in western New York state. The point is, solar panels work anywhere.

The nation’s second-most solar state is New Jersey. Germany is a shining example of a modern industrial nation that is well on its way to a clean, renewable power grid. The key point here is, solar can work anywhere the sun shines. There is no technical barrier to a solar powered U.S.A.

Is solar cost effective? Yes, solar panels also make sense financially. Solar costs have dropped by 80% since 2007 — just as we saw with personal computers and smartphone, as a new industry scales up, costs come down. So with long-term financing a solar system can cost less than conventional retail power, with no fuel costs–sunlight is free fuel. There is no economic barrier to a solar powered U.S.A.

As I said… My company and many of my friends in the solar industry are hard at work turning on system after system for folks that are choosing clean energy. But there are also many entrenched power interests that benefit from perpetuating the status quo — that want us to keep burning coal, oil, and natural gas and throwing pollution up into our delicate atmosphere. Aging, inefficient and highly-polluting power plants are being kept online simply to maximize profit. This has to stop.

There is STILL a political barrier to a solar powered U.S.A.

At Third Sun Solar, our company mission is to accelerate the shift to clean energy. We need to move forward, both installing clean solar and wind power as quickly as we can, while also retiring the dirtiest, oldest power plants as quickly as we can. We salute and support Environment Ohio in calling on Senator Sherrod Brown to support the EPA’s new Carbon Rule.

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Solar Myth Busting: Too Much Snow for Solar

Solar panels still generate power under snow
Myths get started all the time as we try to understand something complicated. We make up a story as an explanation, and the more times we say it and share it, the more that myth sounds like truth. So, we are going to bust some myths by sharing the simple facts about solar. This doesn’t have to be complicated and these myths are no longer necessary to get solar.

Myth: There’s too much snow for solar in the Midwest

Fact: Solar panels still work in snowy parts of the country and in some situations can work more efficiently that during summer months.

Itโ€™s true that when your solar panels are completely snow-covered, they will only be able to generate a portion of their typical energy output because less sunlight is able to pass thru the snow cover.

That being said, this is nothing to be concerned about because:

  • Solar creates more efficient energy at cooler temperatures.
  • The sun will warm up the dark solar panels and the snow will quickly melt and/or slide off the smooth surface, so no need to clear the snow off yourself.
  • Even in the dead of winter, solar panels give off some small amount of heat, which can prevent snow from sticking in the first place.
  • In working with Third Sun Solar experts in the design of the array, the shorter days, weather, and less direct sunlight is taken into account to optimize your system. Net-metering will allow you to continue receiving electricity when your array produces less.
  • As a percentage of overall yearly production the loss from some snow is very small.
  • When snow is on the ground and the panels are clear, the snowy surface basically acts as a mirror and in many cases, you end up with a small boost because of the reflection off the snow.
  • Snow sliding off panels as it melts simultaneously cleans them.

We recommend not trying to clear the solar panels. Getting onto a roof in inclement weather is dangerous and using any type of tool on the panels themselves can damage the panels.

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3 Solar Power Predictions for 2016

Welcome 2016

Quite a lot happened in 2015 that will bring improvements to our homes and environment. Now that 2016 is here, we wanted to make some solar power predictions around what we think is in store for the Midwest.

1 – More homeowners will go solar. The renewal of the ITC will allow solar installations in the Midwest to catch up to what has been going on in the coastal states. More and more homeowners will turn to solar this year as they watch their electricity bills increase due to rising costs of fossil fuels and rate hikes approved by PUCO.

2 – Storage is going to be talked about more than installed this year. We donโ€™t think 2016 is the year for energy storage, although it will start creeping more and more into the media. Weโ€™ve already seen the excitement building around energy storage prototypes, but in the Midwest, we think it will be a few years away until energy storage provides financial benefits.

3 – Solar installation prices will continue to drop, although only slightly. PV modules have already seen significant price cuts over the last few years, so any future drops in price are more likely to come from installation innovations. These types of efficiency changes are only likely to result in small cost cuts and not on the scale as has been witnessed one the last few years.

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Top 5 Solar News Stories from 2015


2015, A Landmark Year for Solar

As we reflect on 2015, it seems likely that it will be a year remembered for landmark actions taken in defense of the planet. The Clean Power Plan passed, the ITC was extended, and a historic international agreement was made in Paris at the COP 21 summit to reduce emissions globally. It was a lot to take in and fully digest, so we decided to pull together a short list of must read articles that wrap up 2015 and get us energized for 2016.



The future for renewable energy is looking bright!

Cheers to a Happy Solar New Year!

Santa Closes Coal Plant for Good!

December 22, 2015

Santa Closes Coal Plant for Good!
(North Pole) – Major changes for Christmas this year, as Santa closes the centuries old coal plant at the North Pole. Parents and children around the world will be enjoying a much greener and cleaner Christmas from now on with toys made with responsibly produced electricity and without coal in their stockings.
Santa ClausFor years, coal has been easily accessible and cheap for Santa to use in powering his toyshop at the North Pole and giving leftover coal to children on the Naughty list. Making the shift to renewable energy to power the toyshop, Santa says embracing solar and wind power for his energy needs โ€œis the way of the future.” People around the globe are being advised to learn from Santaโ€™s choices and include renewable energy on their Christmas lists this year.

โ€œItโ€™s a great way to lower the rising price of energy bills,โ€ says Mrs. Claus, โ€œand itโ€™s better for everyone.โ€

Green Gifts
By closing the North Pole Coal Plant for good, Santa is also changing his โ€œgiftsโ€ for naughty children from lumps of coal to local rocks. Elf Sam comments, โ€œLocal rocks are in greater supply, can be picked up conveniently at each home, wonโ€™t overburden the reindeer, and are a much more green, sustainable gift encouraging children to be good the coming year.โ€ He also thinks itโ€™s great that Santa is going to be โ€œrocking the rocksโ€ instead of carrying coal.

Santa is a Role Model to All
โ€œWe think this is a great time for people to learn from Santa and take control of their energy supply by installing solar panels on their homesโ€, comments Geoff Greenfield, President of Third Sun Solar, โ€œMany families are unaware of the savings they could enjoy by going solar. Since the panels donโ€™t require direct sunlight to work, there is still electricity generating on a cloudy day.โ€ โ€œThough,โ€ says Michelle Greenfield, โ€œSantaโ€™s going to have to be a little more careful where he parks the sleigh from now on!โ€

Santa is being applauded for his dedication to reversing climate change and the impact he is making by switching to renewable energy. The North Pole is already enjoying the benefits of free power and Santa hopes they can be a positive influence on the rest of the world.


About Third Sun Solar
Based in Athens, Ohio, Third Sun Solar is a fast-growing design/build solar photovoltaic firm serving Ohio and surrounding states. Recognized as an Inc. 5000 Five-Year Honoree company, Third Sun Solar is at the forefront of the emerging clean energy industryโ€”a growing resource for 21st-century Ohio jobs. For 15 years, the company has custom designed and installed over 400 solar energy systems for its commercial, institutional, government, and residential customers across the Midwest, generating more than 9 megawatts of energy in pursuit of the goal of bringing solar energy into the residential and commercial mainstream. Third Sun Solar employs a team of NABCEP-certified solar energy system installers along with design engineers, financial analysts, grant specialists, and support staff focused on making it easier for customers to go solar. The company combines financial and management experience, multiple installation crews, a network of professional services partners, and advanced internal systems to deliver a smooth transition to solar energy at any scale.

Third Sun Solar is a woman-owned business, recognized as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) through the state of Ohioโ€™s Unified Certification Program. The firm is EDGE-certified and federal HUBzone-certified. The firm is a Certified B-Corporation โ€“third party audited for sustainable and fair business practices.

Contact: 1-877-OWN-SOLAR

From LEDโ€™s to Solar-Powered Christmas Trees: the Holidays Become More Energy Conscious

The holidays have never been brighter, or greener. With the unseasonably warm weather weโ€™ve been experiencing in the Eastern half of the country, weโ€™ve noticed more people making time to get outside and set up holiday light displays. And as we take in these beautiful displays, we are enjoying the trend towards LED lights and solar-powered Christmas trees.


LED Lights Keep Money in the Bank

Christmas lights are typically left on for hours at a time, so itโ€™s easy to rack up higher than normal electric bills. Investing in LED string lights that use less than a third of the energy, last 10 times longer, and are safer than a standard incandescent string means that you will end up with more savings in your pocket year after year. The electricity bill will go down. Replacement strands wonโ€™t be needed for years. And since LED lights donโ€™t emit heat, they won’t overheat and cause a fire.

Harnessing the Sun to Light up the Night

Christmas Tree: Rockefeller Center
Christmas Tree: Rockefeller Center

Cities around the world have been using LED lights to brighten trees for years and now they are taking things a step farther by powering those lights with energy supplied by the sun. Hereโ€™s a rundown of some solar-powered trees we love this Christmas:

Brisbane, Queenland, Australia

New York City, NY: Rockefeller Plaza

Lismore, New South Wales, Australia

These trees are gorgeous. If you are traveling this season and have an opportunity to visit them in person, you won’t be disappointed.

(Due to space constraints, panels are not yet supplying 100% of the power needed, but we find it inspiring none-the-less that cities are using renewable energy to make their holiday displays greener each year. More information can be found here regarding the energy usage of the Rockefeller Center tree.)

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Solar Myth Busting: High Maintenance

Rooftop solar

Myths get started all the time as we try to understand something complicated. We make up a story as an explanation, and the more times we say it and share it, the more that myth sounds like truth. So, we are going to bust some myths by sharing the simple facts about solar. This doesn’t have to be complicated and these myths are no longer necessary to get solar.

Myth: Solar is High Maintenance

Fact: Solar panels have no moving parts, on average are warrantied for 25 years, and nature takes care of the bulk of the maintenance work.

With no moving parts, solar panels require little to no regular maintenance. And because we are in the Midwest, we are lucky, because heavy rainfalls generally take care of cleaning the panels for us! If you think you are in an extra dusty part of town, a couple times a year you may want to check your solar panels for a build-up of dirt and debris, since heavily soiled panels will have slightly decreased output than sparkling panels. Panels that appear heavily soiled with dirt, pollen, or bird droppings can be rinsed off safely with a garden hose on cloudy days or early in the morning. No need to scrub your panels or hand clean them, which can result in damage. If your garden hose doesn’t have the power to get all of your panels with you standing on the ground, we recommend having a professional climb onto the roof to take care of them for you. Safety isn’t to be taken lightly.

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From Paris to Your Home

COP21 to Home
This week, 190 leaders from around the world are gathered in Paris for the 2015 Climate Change Conference (COP21). Governments from the largest nations to the smallest, from the most wealthy to the poorest, are putting forth plans to slow global warming. With such distant dignitaries working on the problem, where does that leave you and me?

It may feel like all of us back at home are just in the audience of the climate talks. We are outside looking in, following the scenarios, the plans and the pledges. But we donโ€™t have to just be1 spectators. We can actively participate by making necessary changes in our own back yard.

Several key actions have been identified as needed to limit the most severe effects of global warming. These are actions that nations, states and cities will be making pledges and plans around. They are also actions that each one of us can address individually, in our own homes, and in our own back yards.

  • We can increase the efficiency of buildings. Think about your own home: where can you make efficiency improvements? US News and World Report offers 10 Energy Efficient Home Improvements you can make like sealing air leaks, adding insulation to your attic, and installing a programmable thermostat. The bonus you get with these improvements is that you not only make your home more efficient, you’ll use less electricity and gas, and save you money. Over the long term, you will save more money than it costs to implement these improvements. And you’ll reduce your use of fossil fuels.
  • We can increase electricity generation using clean power like solar and wind. Over the last 15 years installing solar on homes around the Midwest, we’ve experienced the price of solar dropping 80%, which has been making solar cheaper for many homeowners than their existing electric provider. You can save money from day one and do your part to contribute to the slowing of global warming by switching to renewable energy. We are seeing more homeowners than ever taking this bold and smart step to reduce the amount of fossil fuel pollution entering the atmosphere.
  • We can educate. Each one of us can share news and ideas for slowing global warming. When we take action at home to reduce fossil fuel usage, we can let our friends and neighbors know how they can do the same. We are in this together and the only way we will get out of it and make an impact is together.

The adage โ€œThink Globally, Act Locallyโ€ still applies to the worldโ€™s climate crisis. Leaders on the global stage in Paris are making commitments and taking action to help alleviate this crisis, and each one of us can do the same on our own local stages too.


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5 Top Solar Changemakers We’re Thankful For

Heartfelt Thank You

Gratitude, like solar, is a renewable energy that gives us power and is contagious. Here’s a short list of Solar Changemakers we’re thankful for and we encourage you to share your gratitude for solar with others as well.

1) Customers!
Happy customers are our Solar Champions, early adopters, and our greatest resource in spreading the word about clean solar energy.

2) Third Sunians
This team crusades for solar every day, climbing to new heights installing arrays, speaking at community events, and walking the talk to accelerate the shift to clean energy.

3) Renewable Energy Advocates
Associations like the Ohio Advanced Energy Economy, Solar Energy Industries Association, and Green Energy Ohio advocate for a clean energy economy in Ohio every day to the state and federal congresses. Right now they are battling to continue the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) that expires at the end of 2016, which has reduced the cost of solar arrays by 30%.

4) Amicus Solar Cooperative
Being a member-owner in this coop benefits our customers by lowering the costs of installing solar on their homes and businesses because we pass purchasing discounts thru to them.

5) Ownership Partner
We’re thankful for Dividend Solar partnering with us to make solar more affordable for homeowners. They offer financing with as little as $0 down, so you can own your energy instead of renting it. You experience energy savings from day one and receive the tax benefits all while investing in your home.

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Opt OUT of Black Friday and Opt IN to Green Friday


Around the office, weโ€™re getting a little worn out from all the hype and consumerism of Black Friday. So this year weโ€™ve decided to opt out of Black Friday and Opt IN to Green Friday. You might be wondering what we mean by that. Well, being a solar company, we tend to be green-minded. We spend a lot of time thinking up ways to do good for our communities and environment, and the more we thought about Black Friday, the more it didnโ€™t sit well with us. So weโ€™re reimaging what it could be.

Green Friday for the team at Third Sun is going to be spent reconnecting, recharging, and relaxing this year, and hereโ€™s how we plan to do it:

  • Relaxing with our loved ones both near and far
  • Playing flag football
  • Hiking at local parks
  • Mountain Biking
  • Skateboarding
  • Decorating for Christmas
  • Renovating our homes

A couple more ideas for opting into Green Friday would be to volunteer your time with a nonprofit, clear out your closets and donate items to charity, or sleep in and enjoy a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper. Opt IN to Green Friday with us and share your plans to do it in the comments below, Twitter, or Facebook.

Veterans leading the charge to a brighter energy future

Over the last year, the solar industry has continued its double digit growth throughout the US, creating thousands of jobs along the way and outpacing the national average. Many of these jobs have been filled by our military veterans. We are proud of our veterans for their commitment and service to our country, and we are excited to have them securing our energy future by joining the solar workforce.

Credit: The Solar Foundation
Credit: The Solar Foundation

Veterans are now nearly 10% of the solar workforce and with their discipline, motivation and technical expertise that percentage should continue to grow and outperform the percentage of veteran employment nationwide. Even the Department of Energy recognized the contribution that veterans could make to the solar industry and created the Solar Ready Vets program last year, which connects our nationโ€™s skilled veterans to the solar industry, preparing them for careers as solar installers, sales representatives, and system inspectors.

Over 8% of our Third Sun Solar team is made up of people who have served in the military and we thank them for their service to our country as well as the work they do now to secure Americaโ€™s energy future.


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Local Solar Business Leaders and Veterans Call on Sen. Portman to Grow Ohioโ€™s Clean Energy Economy & Support the Clean Power Plan



Support the Clean Power Plan

Columbus, OH โ€“ On Tuesday, September 22, solar business leaders Geoff Greenfield and Mathew Oโ€™Brien of Third Sun Solar, solar homeowner Dr. Matthew Taylor and veteran Allen Zak urged Senator Portman to start voting to support the Clean Power Plan because of what it means for the booming clean energy economy and national security.

The Clean Power Plan was finalized on August 3, and puts in place the nationโ€™s first ever limits on carbon pollution from power plants while providing incentives for investments in wind, solar and other sources of clean energy.

โ€œMake no mistake, climate disruption is a national security matter and poses grave threats to the economic stability of all American families,โ€ said veteran Allen Zak. โ€œThatโ€™s why itโ€™s time for all of Ohioโ€™s representatives in Congress to tackle the climate crisis and support the Clean Power Plan.โ€

Power plants are the single largest source of carbon pollution in the United States– responsible for 40 percent of the dangerous pollutant being pumped into our air. Carbon pollution fuels climate change, which the Department of Defense last year declared to be a โ€œstrategic threatโ€ with major security implications for the United States.

Despite the fact that a majority of Ohioans support the Clean Power Plan, U.S. Senator Portman has voted against a burgeoning Ohio clean energy economy and clean air in Congress multiple times. That includes by introducing an amendment that would enable states to scrap the protections of the Clean Power Plan.

Congress has a key role to play in providing funding for all Environmental Protection Agency programs, and Senator Portman can show his support for the Clean Power Plan in the future by ensuring that the resources necessary for this program are secured in full.

โ€œTaking action on climate provides Ohioans opportunities to use cleaner energy, grow our economy and protect the health of our families,โ€ said Geoff Greenfield, President of Third Sun Solar. โ€œWe urge Senator Portman to start voting in support of the Clean Power Plan.โ€

Also See:

Department of Defense sees Climate Change as strategic threat:

Majority of Americans support the Clean Power Plan:





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Cincinnati, Ohio Residence

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A beautiful home in Cincinnati, now with lower utility bills than all the neighbors! 7.6 kW system, with about 2/3 of that capacity visible in the photo, the rest of the array located on the right side of the roof and hidden in this photo.

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