Which Type of Solar Panel is Most Efficient?

How to choose the most efficient type of solar panels?

Our best solar advice to you: spend time choosing an experienced solar installer who will advise you and guide you toward the best solution for your energy needs, unique site characteristics, and budget. Solar Panels are a complex technology and choosing a partner whose recommendation you can trust is vital.

If you’re interested in knowing a little more about what goes into the recommendation that is made for you… keep reading! And if you’re ready to talk to an expert, reach out and we can link you up.

When you start evaluating different types of solar panels you’ll encounter two main categories: monocrystalline and polycrystalline. You’ll also hear terms like “Solar Panel Efficiency” and “American Made Solar” when discussing solar panel choices. We’ve broken down these key solar panel considerations below.


We consider monocrystalline solar panels a premium product. They are the most efficient. Additionally, many customers prefer the sleek, all-black aesthetic.

Monocrystalline panels are made up of solar cells produced with silicon wafers. First, the silicon is formed into bars, and then it is sliced into thin wafers.

At Third Sun Solar we offer varying density monocrystalline modules. We work with you to understand your goals and available space. Though the price tag is higher for the highest density monocrystalline modules, this panel can pack more kilowatts on your roof to give you that much more energy year after year.


The efficiency of polycrystalline solar panels is lower than monocrystalline solar panels. The crystal structure within the solar cells makes the efficiency rate of polycrystalline panels lower than monocrystalline panels.

Additionally, the aesthetics are different: the materials in this type of panel make the panel itself blue in color.

For a really deep dive into this technology check out this blogpost by Solar Magazine.

Solar Panel Efficiency

Solar panel efficiency is a rating that tells you the solar panel’s ability to turn solar energy into electricity. The higher the efficiency rating, the more solar energy the panel can convert to electricity. The solar panel with a higher efficiency rating will generate more electricity, even when the panels are the same size or are hit with the same amount of sunlight.

Even though polycrystalline solar panels are cheaper to produce and have improved in efficiency over the years– monocrystalline still wins for cost + panel efficiency rating over time.

Made in America Solar

It is important to point out that providing equipment that comes with a “Made In America” label is often more nuanced than it might appear. Per the “U.S. made solar panels” label, we always urge our customers to consider that statement in light of global manufacturing for virtually all products with multiple parts and pieces. In many cases, for many products, including solar panels, the “Made in the USA” label should have an *asterisk—because only the final assembly of the solar panel is done in America.

Solar Panel for Home Considerations

If you’re the techy-engineer type, you can use the solar panel checklist below as a checklist to choose the best solar panel for you. However, this is the list that we use when evaluating solar panel companies to recommend to our customers. We take our role as a technology expert/advisor very seriously for every project, from the largest to the smallest. We’re in this industry for the long haul & are determined to be here when less-careful solar installers fall away. Choosing a solar partner with a solid reputation in the industry means that you are choosing an installer whose recommendations you can trust. We do all of the research so you don’t have to.

If you’re looking for an even closer look at these solar panel considerations, check out Third Sun President and co-founder Geoff Greenfield in this Webinar Recording as he takes folks along for a deep dive.

Solar Panel Checklist

  1. Are the panels tier 1, 2, or 3 modules?
  2. Technology (cell type)
  3. Energy output per square foot
  4. Manufacturer history, stability, and reputation
  5. Module warranty terms and details
  6. Brand of back-sheet
  7. Brand of connectors
  8. Weight (glass frame and thickness)

Third Sun Founders Endorse Biden/Harris

At Third Sun Solar we believe that clean energy transcends the boundaries of political parties and belief systems. A wide collection of people love the idea of producing their own power for many different reasons. Our customers reflect that – we install solar for a wide variety of clients a wide variety of reasons. We serve tree huggers, technophiles, and fiscal conservatives. We install solar for folks that are against monopoly utilities, as well as utility executives that see carbon as an existential crisis. Cost reduction, resiliency, stewardship, marketing advantages… solar has a long and diverse a list of benefits and a variety of advocates.
Over the past 20 years, Third Sun Solar has been inclusive in our promotion of solar. As the political landscape evolves, we are pleased that more and more Democratic and Republican policy leaders agree on the opportunities and benefits of clean energy. We believe that although solar is “green” it is not exclusively a “red” or a “blue” issue. It is important to make sure that the power of the clean energy transition is recognized and enjoyed by citizens from all parts of society and all political persuasions. Our employees and industry partners reflect this diversity as well, and we honor our country’s tradition of tolerance, mutual respect and individual political decision making.
In our efforts to be inclusive, we have typically kept our personal politics as owners separate from our business messaging. While our intent is to maintain solar’s broad appeal to customers, employees and citizens of all stripes, it is clear to us that in the Presidential race in 2020 there is one candidate who is clearly a proponent of a future of clean energy and the other is holding on to the polluting energy sources of the past.
In the 2020 presidential election, Michelle and Geoff Greenfield, the founders and owners of Third Sun Solar are actively campaigning for and endorsing The Biden-Harris ticket.

Hear more from Geoff and Michelle Greenfield

Solar Customer – 2014 Installation

Sue Righi is a Solar Customer from back in 2014. She started her solar journey with a tour of the Greenfield’s home in 2013, an annual event put on by Green Energy Ohio. She was impressed by their commitment to make the changes they did and be willing to share that in such an open way with the public. “I was paying attention for years to ways of minimizing one’s carbon footprint years before I got serious enough to get my array.” Sue says

In late 2013, Sue got the ball rolling on a solar installation of her own. She made the move to get a solar array installed on the roof of her home in rural Vinton County.

Her motivation for going solar?

It was her concern for the planet, all the species on earth, especially her son and his friends.

What specific feature did she like most about her solar purchase?

Sue says: “It works! I’m really not a techie so the finer points were immaterial to me.”

What has been the best part of having a solar powered home so far?

“Not using coal-based electricity. Also, people who come here – workers and friends – ask about them. People who have grown up here and probably do not consider themselves tree-huggers are interested in going solar.”

We notice the demographics of solar shoppers changing, too. Like Sue says, it’s not just the tree-huggers who are solar customers anymore. Due to the drop in pricing over the years, the economics and payback on residential solar energy systems have improved. This change makes solar appealing to individuals interested in a good financial investment.

What Obstacles Did Sue Face Installing solar?

Sue’s array was built with string inverters, which means that her production is only as good as the lowest producing panel in the series. So, if one panel is shaded, it brings down the performance of the system. When Third Sun installed Sue’s array, string inverters were the best the market offered.

Now, solar systems are installed with one power optimizer for each panel, which means that panels are optimized individually. When installed today with power optimizers, the production of one panel does not affect the others in the string.

While module level optimizers prevent the old problem of losing the output of an entire string when a module gets shaded, shade is still an important factor in good solar design. While the array should be in full sun during the most powerful 10-4 window, shade after that point by trees or other roof obstructions are not detrimental to the systems performance.

Women for Recovery Goes Solar

We are proud to announce the donation of a ground-mounted solar array to local non-profit, Women for Recovery, of Athens, Ohio.

Third Sun Solar has partnered with Women for Recovery of Athens, Ohio, to provide clean energy to the Serenity Grove Women’s Recovery House. The addition of a solar array to the Serenity Grove facility will greatly reduce the nonprofit’s utility costs for the next two decades or more.

CEO and co-founder, Michelle Greenfield says:

“As a company committed to the flourishing of our community, we are proud to support this organization’s critical mission”.

Third Sun began the installation of a ground-mounted solar array on September 8th 2020. The 22 panel, 7.4 kW array will provide an estimated 40% of electricity to the Women’s Recovery House.

Annually, the greenhouse gas emissions avoided by Serenity Grove will be equivalent to:

  • Charging 865,816 cell phones
  • Driving the perimeter of the United States 1.5 times
  • Recycling 289 bags of waste instead of landfilling

The Partnership

As a non-profit struggling to navigate the effects of the pandemic, Women for Recovery can immediately use the monetary savings from their electric bills to help with ongoing operating costs.

In addition, the longer term savings will enable many other options with expanded programming.

“We believe that partnering with Women for Recovery in this way will not just reduce the overhead costs for this mission-driven non-profit, but will bring needed attention to solar and help us to further accelerate the shift to clean energy that is catching on in the Midwest,” said Greenfield.

In speaking about the launch of the Women’s Recovery House, Executive Director Betsy Anderson says

“It’s really been a collaboration with individuals and partner organizations. I don’t know if all communities are this way, but Athens has supported us remarkably.” She went on to note that the solar array will help offset operating costs for the nonprofit, but she says, “the longer term impact is, in addition to our commitment to recovery and helping women rebuild their lives, an ongoing commitment to our community, to our environment and to our planet. To reduce the amount of fossil fuels we use, and demonstrate that to our residents, staff, board and community – that is invaluable.”

Employees at Third Sun Solar are excited about this partnership.

In the past, the company has partnered with national nonprofit Habitat for Humanity. This time, Third Sun Solar is excited to partner with a different local non-profit providing meaningful services women in Athens County.

“Part of our responsibility as a certified B Corp is to actively seek ways to promote social and environmental support of our community,” Greenfield said. “Helping provide affordable and sustainable housing while educating people on how easy it is to attain energy independence is a great fit for our mission-driven company, and our team is really looking forward to it.”

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About Women for Recovery

Women for Recovery offers residential transitional living in a safe, secure and sober environment to women dedicated to recovery. Founded by women in Athens, Ohio, in 2016 and located just outside the city of Athens, the house can accommodate up to six women in a safe, secure, and sober environment. At Serenity Grove, women can establish healthy community connections, develop a new career, seek reunification with their children, learn personal finance and self-care skills, and be caringly guided in the practice of an individual program of recovery with the eventual goal of transitioning back into independent living free from the use of drugs and alcohol.

Contact: Betsy Anderson, Executive Director, [email protected]

Watch a short clip of the install here:

Invest at Home: How to Maximize Savings with the Solar Tax Credit

Timing is everything when you’re thinking of purchasing a solar system for your home. It may sound like a great marketing pitch but, hey, it’s true. If you want to get the most savings on your solar install… now is the time to start exploring your options. The biggest incentive out there today, the Solar Tax Credit, or Investment Tax Credit decreased from 30% to 26% in 2020. It will step down just once more (to 22% in 2021) before dropping to 0% permanently for residential solar installations (a 10% solar tax credit will remain for commercial solar systems).

Solar Tax Credit – How does it work?

The solar tax credit is applied to your federal income taxes as a credit, and it reduces (or eliminates) what you owe. It’s not a refund or a deduction. Anyone who purchases a solar installation on their home or business is eligible to claim the tax credit. However, you must have a tax liability to claim the credit. You can claim the credit over more than one year. In doing this you carry any leftover amount forward into the next year.

If you have any questions or need more clarity, our Solar Consultants are ready to chat with you about the solar tax credit. As you likely assumed, we are not tax experts, so we will ask you to reach out to your tax professional for any questions related to your specific tax liability.

Too early? Think again!

To claim the 26% tax credit, you must act quickly as our end of the year queue is filling up! If you purchase a residential solar system in 2020 and it is installed in 2021, you would only be eligible to take that year’s tax credit (22%). So, your system needs to be installed in 2020 to be eligible to claim the full 26%. (Heads up for business owners: the rules are slightly different here for commercial projects).

Ohio Incentives & Additional Offers?

Unfortunately, there are no statewide or local solar incentives available in Ohio. Loan options vary from solar company to company. Various finance partners have different programs and different rates (and different hidden fees baked into the price). Most solar installers in Ohio offer $0 down loans. Like them, we can offer you zero money down with any of our term loans. This is a great option for those that want to go solar but don’t want to tap into home equity or savings.

Choosing a Solar Installer in Cincinnati Ohio

Nathan Scott began the process of choosing a solar installer in Cincinnati Ohio back in 2016. At that time, Nathan and his family had just moved to Montgomery, a suburb of Cincinnati, and began to settle in. Read more to learn about this journey and how he chose a solar installer in Cincinnati, Ohio.


This initial investigation was motivated by Nathan’s budding family. He and his wife had two young children and noticed their carbon footprints increasing. They were buying more food, doing more laundry, and driving bigger cars. His family was using more energy overall, and his primary motivation was to go green and tread a little lighter. With his kids in mind, he thought about where the climate would be 40 years down the road. Going solar was a way that he could contribute to the renewable energy solution.

When asked about the financial aspect of his solar purchase, Nathan said that economics played a part in his choice to go solar. He likes knowing that there is a known return on investment. The added value in his home is another financial bonus. If his family ever does sell their home, free electricity is a compelling selling point.

What He Learned

Nathan says that he learned a lot throughout the whole solar journey. Like many shoppers, Nathan got quotes from several solar installation companies. How did he choose a solar installer in Cincinnati, Ohio? He found that the two companies he worked with had different philosophies when designing a solar system. The first company he had out proposed a huge system, maxing out his roof with panels. They posited that if you’re going to go solar, you might as well go huge. The proposed 34-panel system would have made it more expensive, but given the family more solar production. Kokosing Solar proposed Nathan go with a 21-panel design to offset 50 % of his annual consumption. At the time, Nathan felt that the smaller system seemed to be just the right size.

Choosing a Solar Installer in Cincinnati, Ohio

  • The design – Since installation, he realized that the additional 14 panels proposed by the other company would have been largely shaded by trees and other roof obstructions. He understands how our designers laid out the roof array to maximize the areas with the most sun. He has two big trees in his yard, and the roof array was designed to avoid their shading.
  • The gutters—In the years since installing the array, Nathan has noticed that cleaning the gutters is much easier than it would have been with a roof entirely covered in panels up to the very edge.
  • The electric panel—Another expense the family avoided when going solar was upgrading their electrical panel. The inverter’s output was right at the line, so they did not have to upgrade the panel, which was a big saving.
  • The panels—Nathan liked the last thing about Kokosing Solar’s proposal was the look of the panels themselves. Kokosing Solar’s standard solar panel offering is a black panel with a black frame, which some homeowners prefer over blue panels with silver frames.

Looking at the data, the annual solar projections are 100% spot-on, which Nathan is pleased with. His family has completed some energy-efficient home upgrades like adding energy-efficient lightbulbs and installing a new central air conditioning unit, as well as adding an electric car, the Tesla Model 3. His solar panels are either meeting or exceeding their proposed annual energy offset for his household.

Between our designers knowing exactly where to place the panels and our consultant’s earnest listening to the family’s true solar goals – Nathan got the solar system that he wanted installed on his family’s home in fall of 2017.

What He Likes Most

  • It more than offsets all of the AC use, Nathan says: “It’s like we have AC that doesn’t cost anything to run. You’re at your highest solar production when you need the AC and we’re reducing that load on the grid.”
  • Monitoring – With Solar Edge optimizer monitoring Nathan can see each panel and its production. Nathan looks at the monitoring software frequently – he says he doesn’t need to but it’s fun to track.
  • The system runs itself and doesn’t need anything.
  • Record solar production this year, from July 2019 – July 2020. The past 12 months have been sunny!

Advice to those shopping

His advice to those thinking of going solar? “The cost is similar to a used car, but this will last 25-40 years. It was a no-brainer for us. I would be glad to spend this money on something that will last this long. If you think about other things you might spend this kind of money on – this is one of the only ones that will pay you back.”

Nathan says that in the summertime a lot of people just come up to his house and ask questions about it. We love to hear that – it confirms our suspicion that there are so many homeowners out there who are curious about solar. It just takes one neighborhood leader to spark that interest in others.

Lastly, Nathan notes that there was a lag time between contract signing and installation. So, if you’re thinking about going solar (especially in 2020 to get the full 26% federal tax credit!) start now because it will take a while before the date of your solar installation.

Third Sun Solar Featured on 2020 Top Solar Contractors List

Solar Power World magazine’s annual list includes Athens, Ohio based solar installer

Athens, Ohio, July 23, 2020 – Third Sun Solar, Ohio’s leading full service residential and commercial solar installation company has been once again named on the Solar Power World Magazine’s Top Solar Contractors of 2020 list. Every year Solar Power World magazine releases industry information from hundreds of national solar installation companies. Companies are categorized by state, service (EPC contractors, development, construction/installation, electrical work, and/or rooftop specific installations) and market.

Third Sun Solar installed has 21,237 kW of solar for more than 1,000 clients over the past 20 years and is ranked #1 in Ohio and #50 in the nation by the Solar Power World Top Solar Contractors in 2020 for lifetime residential solar total installed kW. The company’s 2019 total installed kW ranks them at #233 on the national list that includes all companies serving all service types.

“It is great that the Third Sun Solar team has ranked again among the top solar contractors in the nation,” Said Geoff Greenfield, President and Co-Founder of Third Sun Solar “Ohio has tremendous potential to harness solar energy and our ranking is testament to Ohioans’ growing interest and eagerness to invest in clean energy technology.”

2019 was one of Third Sun Solar’s busiest years. The company installed 2,352.8 kilowatts of solar across the state of Ohio and in neighboring states and includes a growing number of battery storage projects. In the past 20 years, Third Sun Solar has installed 21,237 kilowatts of clean energy. These solar projects are a mix of applications serving residential, commercial, non-profit, agricultural, industrial, and small business clients.

Solar Installation in 2020

Due to COVID-19, the company’s 2020 kW installation numbers were impacted when Third Sun elected to pause installations for the safety of staff, customers, and the public. When installations began again in May, Third Sun had completed a robust COVID-19 internal protocol complete with mask-wearing mandates, handwashing stations among other precautions. Persevering through this historic pandemic, Third Sun has found new ways to connect with customers and innovate by adding energy storage solutions to their list of offerings. The company expects to make up for the lost time and finish the year with an even larger number of installed solar than 2019, as they pursue their mission of Accelerating the Shift to Clean Energy.

About Third Sun Solar

Third Sun Solar is Ohio’s leading full-service solar installation company, providing top quality design and installation since 2000. We serve residential and commercial clients in Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, and beyond. We are a fully insured and licensed electrical contractor. Our team is committed to delivering safe high-performance systems and top-notch customer service. Third Sun Solar is a woman-owned business founded by Michelle and Geoff Greenfield almost two decades ago. The business is dedicated to using business as a force for good in the world. Our mission-driven business is a certified B-Corp, existing not just for profit, but for people and the planet as well.

About Solar Power World

Solar Power World is the leading online and print resource for news and information regarding solar installation, development, and technology. Since 2011, SPW has helped U.S. solar contractors — including installers, developers, and EPCs in all markets — grow their businesses and do their jobs better.

Solar Case Study: A Legacy of Environmental Leadership

Bruce and Hylie Voss have been long term environmental advocates. When they moved to Athens three years ago, they had the opportunity to do a solar project on their home. They installed solar in January of 2019 and have been harnessing the sun’s solar energy ever since.

Why Solar?

Hylie’s parents, Mary Anne and Don Flournoy have been longtime Third Sun customers, supporters, and advocates. The Flournoys were in the first wave of Third Sun Solar’s customers and had solar installed on their home in 2006. For Bruce and Hylie, it seemed natural to continue that legacy. When it was time to build their home, they wanted to incorporate solar into the construction process from the ground up.

Why Now?

Three years ago, the Voss’s moved to Athens from Texas. The environmental momentum in Athens is different than Texas. Bruce says: “It was great to come into a community that was aggressively promoting science and we felt that we needed to do our part.”

Additionally, The Voss’s were excited by the sleek technology, which has improved in performance and aesthetics since Third Sun’s early installations. The panels on their home are matte black and more subtle and efficient than the original panels that Hylie’s parents had installed back in 2006.

What did they learn?

As a new build project, they found benefits in starting conversations with Third Sun in the building phase. They were able to ensure they had enough roof space and a plan for where the lines would go. They worked with Athens based Bart Kasler Construction, who was instrumental in helping them to make sure they were building with the panels in mind.

Even with the pre-planning, the solar panels weren’t put on for 6 months. Why? It was a new house so they wanted to carefully consider what their energy use would look like to determine the size of the system. The data gathered during those 6 months proved to be an accurate sample of their annual energy usage. A little over a year later, the system is producing exactly as predicted. Their Solar Consultant, Jamey Jones, has been with Third Sun for 12 years and has lots of experience sizing solar energy systems for existing homes and new build projects.

What has been the best part?

Bruce said: “Anyone who comes to our home often asks about the panels – is the system doing what you want them to do?” They are excited to share information and their journey with others.

What obstacles do others face when considering solar?

Solar is still a long-term payback and there aren’t immediate returns on the investment. If you aren’t going to be a long-term resident in one place, solar may not make as much sense for you. However, if you plan to be living for a long time in one place – both the financial and environmental payback make going solar an easy choice.

Like Third Sun, the Voss’s feel that the need to transition to a clean energy economy is vital. Any step our community members can take in that direction is important.

Zero Down Solar: The Real Deal

Recently we added one of our customers electric bills featuring a $0.00 balance due on our Facebook page. This isn’t unusual for our customers, certainly during the spring, summer, and fall months. We got quite a lot of confusion regarding cost from our fans. They had some questions about Facebook ads they had been seeing. So, we wanted to take some time to address some of the concerns that we’ve heard.

The Truth About $0 Down Solar

A $0 down solar loan is a real thing, but it doesn’t mean that the solar system is free.

A zero down loan allows homeowners to finance the full cost of the solar system without making a down payment. While there isn’t an initial out of pocket cost, obviously there will be monthly payments on the loan. Just like a car loan, if you choose a $0 down loan, your monthly payments will be higher than if you put some money down upfront. As with any loan, the amount of interest paid goes up based on the amount you borrow and the length of the loan. All of our clients are different, and some are ready to pay for their solar upfront and some choose to finance all or part of the system.

We can help you choose the option that best works for you: cash purchase, conventional financing, or a special solar loan. Conventional financing (typically a home equity line of credit or refinancing your mortgage+ solar together) is the absolute best source of financing. This option often has the lowest rates and the added bonus of tax-deductible interest (consult your tax advisor to make sure this works for your personal circumstances). We also work with specialized solar loan providers such as the Clean Energy Credit Union and Mosaic. These lenders use just the solar equipment as collateral and do not secure the loan with your home equity. They are typically faster and easier to work with.

If you’re interested in learning more about loan offerings, just let us know! Learn more from Solar Consultant David Zelasko. In this video, he explains the different types of solar loans, what makes solar loans different, and various partners we work with.

Three factors determine the rate you get on your solar loan:

  1. Your Credit Score – as with any borrowing, the lender assesses risk based on your credit history.
  2. Loan Term – the longer your term the lower your monthly payment. You’ll find this is the same as most loans.
  3. Solar Contractor – this isn’t because certain solar installers get better rates. Solar installation companies typically “buy down” the interest rate by paying more to the financing company to be able to offer that rate. That cost comes back on the customer in the form of a higher project cost.

But What about “No Cost Solar” and “New Special Programs”?

You may have seen some advertisements on Facebook advertising “free solar” or “No Cost Solar”. Sound too good to be true? Yeah, it is.

Some other solar companies misleadingly use the word “free” but what they’re actually referring to is a long-term low-interest loan. Often they offer what appears to be a very low-interest rate, but they secretly add 15 – 25% to the cost of the system to buy down the rate from their loan partner. It’s important not to assume that a lower rate is a better deal, as the full turnkey cost of the system is likely to be higher plus the lifetime cost of interest payments. We believe that these advertising tactics are misleading and bad for solar buyers. We promise to work with our clients and provide accurate information so they can choose to harness the clean energy of the sun based on what works for them.

No Statewide Program

Many of these same solar companies and advertisements imply that $0 down solar is a statewide program or some special grant or subsidy. Again, this misleading advertising is purposefully deceptive and not the way we choose to do business. Loan options vary from solar company to solar company. The various finance partners have different programs and different rates (and different hidden fees baked into the price). Most solar installers in Ohio offer $0 down loans. Like them, we can offer you zero money down with any of our term loans – often a great option for those that want to go solar but don’t want to tap into home equity or savings.

‘Predatory and harmful’: Misleading solar ads touting 100% free panels and fake stimulus programs spread on Facebook as the coronavirus upends door-to-door sales

Check out this article by Business Insider for more specifics on misleading advertisements in the solar industry.

Choose a solar partner with integrity who you can trust. For a checklist of tips we recommend when choosing your solar installation partner, check out this How To Choose a Solar Installer webinar recording.

Our 20 Year Workmanship Warranty

Solar Warranties

Any home improvement such as a roof replacement or a remodel typically has a “workmanship warranty” covering the quality of the work done. This promise from the contractor that they will install things correctly is typically 2 years. In the solar installation business, warranties often range from 2-5 Years, sometimes up to 10.
Quality, safety, and performance are the focus of our clients. We understand that. They choose their solar installer carefully as most installations involve both high voltage electrical work that must be done right. Installed correctly, modules must be securely attached to the roof while maintaining a durable 100% water-tight seal.

Third Sun’s 20 Year Workmanship Warranty

Our mission is To Accelerate the Shift to Clean Energy. In order to give our clients the confidence to take control of their energy future by going solar, we are removing any concern about our workmanship with a 20-year workmanship warranty.
We are able to offer this and stand behind it. How? Only because we have already spent 20 years honing our craft. All of us at Third Sun Solar want your solar experience to be easy and worry-free. We have worked hard at selecting the best equipment and then sending the best technicians and licensed electricians to your home to install the best solar system possible.
Now in our twentieth year of business, we are rolling out our 20-year workmanship warranty to give you the confidence and peace of mind to go solar.

Tips for Choosing a Solar Installer

Watch the Webinar Recording here.

Birthday Month – 20 Years in Business

For Third Sun Solar… It’s birthday month!

How fitting that approaching the Summer Solstice, 20 years ago this week, founders Geoff and Michelle Greenfield took the ultimate plunge. Third Sun Solar, a budding dream of the Greenfields, was incorporated as an LLC in June of 2000. Inspired by long sunny summer days, the need for electricity at their rural off-grid home and neighbors who were interested in going solar themselves- Third Sun Solar was born. It is for that reason that we celebrate this month!

Since 2000, Third Sun has installed over 23 MW of total renewable power, mostly solar, which produces over 26.5 million kilowatt-hours of emission-free power every year. As a result of Third Sun Solar’s work, 39 million pounds of CO2 emissions are avoided as customers switch from using utility power to their own clean power systems.

The company is truly fulfilling its long-time mission to “Accelerate the Shift to Clean Energy”.

In addition to clean energy metrics, Third Sun fulfills another dream set out by the founders back in 2000: to use business as a force for good. As a Certified Benefit Corporation, Third Sun Solar is held accountable to people and the planet. Whether purchasing carbon offsets for our vehicle fleets or supporting the non-profits who are doing important work in our communities, we believe that to see the clean energy future of our dreams, businesses must do good in the world. Learn more about our B Corps status here.

Looking Forward: Announcement

To celebrate we are instating a 20-year workmanship warranty at no cost for customers, the longest workmanship warranty for solar in Ohio. Why 20 years? As Ohio’s longest standing solar installer, we’ve proven to the community that we’re in it for the long haul. We’ve seen a lot of progress in the past 20 years & we will be here until we see the clean energy future that we dream about.

Any home improvement such as a roof replacement or a remodel typically has a “workmanship warranty” covering the quality of the work done. This promise from the contractor that they will install things correctly is typically 2 years and in the solar installation business often ranges from 2-5 Years, sometimes up to 10.
We understand that our clients are focused on quality, safety, and performance, and they are choosing their solar installer carefully as most installations involve both high voltage electrical work that must be done right and securely attaching the modules to the roof while maintaining a durable 100% water-tight seal.

Check out our upcoming webinar: How to Choose a Solar Installer to learn additional elements to look out for when choosing an installer in addition to warranties and company longevity!

Looking Back: The History of Solar in Ohio

Since January, CEO Michelle Greenfield has been reflecting on cornerstone projects from the past 20 years. She’s woven together blogs, photos, newspaper clippings, and stories. These pieces of history reflect the changes in the solar market that paved the way for solar as we know it today. These items are listed below – check them out!

Our goal in sharing this history is to celebrate how far we have come and recognize how the current solar opportunity is built on a foundation laid in the past.


  • 2000 – The Founders Leap. Read More >
  • 2000 – Green Living Magazine- Greenfield home feature. Read More>
  • 2001 – The state of Ohio institutes net metering. Read More>
  • 2002 From 2001 to 2004 Third Sun Solar partnered with the Foundation for Environmental Education to install 35 systems on schools throughout the state. The school featured, Granville Elementary, and had a special ribbon cutting and solar celebration with then-Congressman Pat Tiberi. Read More>
  • 2002 – Michelle Greenfield appointed to Green Energy Ohio (GEO) Board of Directors where she floated the idea of GEO becoming a statewide organizer of the National Solar Tour, which was organized along with the American Solar Energy Society, on the first weekend in October every year. Read More>
  • 2002 – Third Sun used to install wind! Check out this 10kw Bergey wind generator that was installed on a 120-foot tower at Glacier Ridge Metro Park in Plain City, Ohio. Read More>
  • 2003 – Students participate in a solar installation at New Albany High School, on a path that connects the football stadium with practice fields. Read More>
  • 2003 Ohio Magazine highlights the Ohio Solar Tour, organized in the years prior to 2003 by Michelle Greenfield, and then adopted by Green Energy Ohio as an annual event. Read More>
  • 2003 – In 2003 Third Sun Solar moved to Ohio University’s Innovation Center, which provides office space and business assistance to emerging regional technology businesses. Read More >
  • 2005 – Third Sun Solar participated in an all Ohio collaborative effort to install a net-metered solar power system on the coach house of the Governor’s residence in Bexley. Read More>
  • 2006 -Third Sun Solar led a community effort to install 42 solar panels on the Athens Middle School. Read More>
  • 2006 –Third Sun used to install hot water systems. Read More>
  • 2006 – In 2006 when homeowner and science teacher David Carpenter hired Third Sun to install his 4.8 kW system, he was on the cutting edge for homeowners. The cost of that system would have been $44,200 ($9.20 per watt) Read More>
  • 2007 – Governor Strickland visits Greenfield Home. Read More>
  • 2008 – A group of 10 homes in Arbor Village, an affordable housing development in Washington Court House, Ohio, became the “largest collection of solar homes in the state”. Read More>
  • 2008 In 2008, Mathews had moved to their new building on Columbus Rd. and decided to install solar to help cut their energy costs as well as add clean energy to their business. The natural partner was Third Sun. “I still have a letter from Russ from 2000, confirming that our business was now insured. We are still with them 20 years later!” — Geoff Greenfield, Co-Founder and TSS President. Read More>
  • 2008 In Akron, Ohio, the METRO Rapid Transit Authority officials wanted to be leaders in both alternative transit and alternative energy. Read More>

Follow us on Facebook as we continue our 20-year look back for the rest of the year!

Going Solar Despite Rural Difficulties: Case Study

Sarah and David had always been interested in going solar . Sarah says: I have always been interested in renewable energy. I had the conviction to go solar over 20 years ago, but I didn’t own a home at that time and moved around a lot without the financial resources to invest in solar installation.” So, when they were finally ready to go solar, they gave Third Sun a call.

Motivation for Going Solar

Once my husband and I realized that we were “settling down” and had enough saved to invest in home improvement, we started talking seriously about installing solar panels. When we realized that the federal incentives for home renewable energy systems were likely to be reduced, we decided to go for it before the incentives changed. My hope is that incentives from the state will increase if more people purchase from locally owned solar companies, and that the state incentives will eventually compensate for lower federal incentives.

We certainly hope for the same things that Sarah does. State and local solar incentives can serve a role in making solar accessible for more people, make up for the decreasing federal incentives, support local jobs. With their installation, they’re on the right track to reducing their carbon footprint and helping the climate.

What did they learn when shopping for solar?

Something Sarah and David learned when they started shopping for solar? That it is easier now than it was 20 years ago to get a full turnkey solar installation.

We couldn’t agree more. We’ve been in the business for 20 years and have seen the industry grow and change. Solar is in a much different place than it was just 20 years ago. More solar on more roofs everywhere is something we’re excited to see. But, as more solar installation companies pop up we encourage anyone shopping for solar to research and choose a reputable and long-standing solar partner. It’s more important now than ever!

Solar Growth Over the Years:

  • According to a recent Pew Research study,just 6% of U.S. homeowners say they have already installed solar panels at home. Another 46% say they have given serious thought to adding solar panels at their home in the past year.”
  • According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), as of 2019, the United States has 2 million solar installations- on homes, business, industrial buildings, and utility-scale solar installations. This reflects major growth in the solar sector in the U.S., which just 3 years ago reached 1 million solar installations. Additionally, the cumulative operating solar PV capacity is about 75 times more than what was installed at the end of 2008 (SEIA).

What did they like most about their solar purchase?

“We were able to work with Third Sun Solar to develop a customized solution for solar energy at our home that is simple to use. The team of people that installed the system are fellow community members that cared about doing the job right, and helped troubleshoot challenges related to the rural location.”

What Obstacles were there Installing Solar in a Rural Location?

Sarah and David’s solar project came with a few complications due to their site location.

  • Their home is in the woods and the home is shaded by trees
  • The installation site chosen was a barn in full sun, about 750 ft away from the home
  • There is a small stream separating the home from the desired solar location

After pulling in some additional teammates like Project Management for input, it was determined that the long trenching distance and stream could be easily managed. Third Sun would be able to install the proposed solar system on the roof of the barn to power the shaded home.

Despite the shade and difficult trenching situation, Sarah and David followed through with installing solar. They’re now the proud owners of a 12 kW solar array that will offset 90% of their annual electric usage.

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The Best Part

Third Sun Solar worked with Sarah and David in 2019 to create a custom solar system that will generate efficient renewable energy and power their home for years to come.

Sarah Says: The best part about having solar is that it reduces reliance on fossil fuels, thereby reducing the environmental impact of energy systems, and it supports jobs in the region that promote better quality of life for our community.

We were so glad to work with Sarah and David, who are committed to environment and community. Whether your property is residential, commercial, or agricultural, we want to help you to reduce your impact on the environment. Request a free quote to go solar like Sarah and David.

Solar Battery Backup Webinar Series

Solar Batteries

Power outages are unpredictable, but the dangers of power outages aren’t. Protect your home from the next power outage. Keep your lights on, phones charged, home offices running and food cold. The best way to protect your family from grid failure is to invest in a backup power solution. 

Each of us have our own goals- from reducing the amount of money we spend each month on energy to ensuring we have power when the grid goes down- solar energy systems & backup energy systems are designed with your needs and goals in mind. Read more about different types of grid-interactive solar systems here. 

Something on the minds of many individualis how to make sure they have secure energy for their homes in the case of a grid outage. By no means do we believe that the COVID-19 Pandemic indicates that there will be widespread grid failure. But, we do believe that there are plenty of other reasons for homeowners to consider clean, renewable energy and backup power at this moment in history 

Whether to prepare for a grid failure or just to build the feeling of resiliency – self-reliance can bring peace of mind to you and your family. Are there any other appliances in your home that have a return on their investment? That can give you the security of knowing you’ll have energy when the grid goes down?

Your home is only a few smart steps away from securing the benefits that backup power and solar energy has in store. Reach out to speak with a knowledgeable consultant today.

Types of backup power:

  • Tesla Powerwall
  • Backup Generators

Tesla Powerwall and standby generators don’t require a solar energy system to generate power. Powerwall can fill from solar, but it can also fill from the grid if you do not have solar. This allows it to function like a generator, providing energy to your home when your neighborhood grid is down. Both backup options come on automatically- whether you’re home or away. All within seconds of a power outage.


Warrantied for 10 years, Tesla Powerwall is made to charge, deplete, and recharge continually to keep a critical circuit of essential systems in your home up and running, practically no matter what. This means seamless backup power. With or without solar. Powerwall detects grid outages and automatically becomes your home’s main energy source. Through the Tesla App, you can manage your battery from anywhere. Powerwall receives free over-the air updates, providing new features and improved performance over time.

Backup Generators

Third Sun Solar is a certified Kohler installer. These standby generators run on propane or natural gas, and don’t require manual refueling. A benefit of a Kohler Generator is that there is no need for extension cords, as it’s hooked in with your homes electric panel. The power it delivers is high quality and won’t harm your electronics. A standby generator can power your whole home, including the hard-wired systems like AC, heat, sump pumps, well pumps, security systems and large home appliances.

Grid Tied Solar + Solar Batteries

Grid-tied solar systems with battery backup are ideal for anyone with unreliable power or anyone with appliances that need to operate when the grid is down or anyone. A solar energy system allows you to generate electricity right on your rooftop (or in a nearby field). These systems send excess energy into the grid for credits, pull energy from the grid when the solar system isn’t producing at night, and have backup batteries that store solar power to use in times of a utility outage.

This type of system ensures you have reliable access to electricity. And if the grid is down for a long time, a battery tied to a solar energy system will recharge using the energy you generate on site. Additionally, this type of system allows you to use more of the solar energy that you produce, minimizing your reliance on your utility, making your home truly self-reliant.

Learn from our Solar Professionals: Solar Backup 101 

Backup Battery Power for Resiliency 

While early solar technology required batteries, most modern systems are battery-free, depending on the utility grid for power at night and on cloudy days. The cost and reliability of today’s Lithium-Ion batteries are quickly changing that, as more and more solar customers are choosing to include backup power in their systems. Have you always wanted to learn more about Solar energy storage or the new Tesla Powerwall? Join Third Sun President, Geoff Greenfield for a deep dive into solar batteries. Geoff has lived 100% off-grid with a variety of battery systems, and recently installed a Tesla Powerwall, his “last battery bank ever”. 

Become Self-Reliant with Solar Energy: Emergency Backup Options 

How we can strengthen our homes and businesses and become self-reliant in times of crisis?  

In this video, Consultant David Zelasko discusses battery storage and generator options to add to solar energy systems, which allows homeowners to harness the sun and power themselves even when the sun isn’t shining, or gird is down. You will learn about: Tesla Powerwall, Other Solar Batteries, Home generator options.


Off-Grid Tesla Powerwall Experience  

Off-grid systems are ideal for individuals who live remotely and don’t have access to utility power. Systems designed this way use solar panels to charge a bank of batteries. Then, the batteries power your home at night, or when the solar PV system is not meeting the load demand. This is especially common during winter. With an off-grid system, energy conservation is important. Using energy-efficient appliances, reducing your energy consumption, managing your electric loads, and relying on a backup generator are all elements of an off-grid lifestyle. 

Learn from Third Sun President and co-founder, Geoff Greenfield about his experience going “off-grid” with his Tesla Powerwall.  

Why Solar Loans are Different

While the right financing choice comes down to your specific circumstances, loans for solar have certain advantages over traditional loan options and lines of credit – particularly for recent or first-time home buyers, as well as homeowners that want to save on their energy bills and be part of a better future for our planet.

Until recently there haven’t been great loan options for solar. But in recent years things have changed, which is why you may have noticed an increase in chatter about “going solar for $0 down” This could leave you wondering what all the commotion is about and how to choose the best solution for your family.

In this article, you’ll find lists to help you decide if a solar loan is right for you. Ultimately, we‘ll let you know what makes our Smart Solar Financing program different. For additional information, check out this recording of Consultant, David Zelasko reviewing solar loan benefits.

Why you many consider a solar loan:

Purchasing a solar energy system can be a big cost to pay upfront. Here are some reasons for homeowners to consider a loan for their solar array:

Questions to ask yourself when considering a solar loan:

Solar isn’t one size fits all. Here are some questions to ask yourself if you’re thinking about financing your solar energy system to help you choose the best finance partner:

  • Do you prefer small monthly payments or small interest rates?
  • Are you okay having a lien on your home?
  • Can you take the tax credit?
  • Will you be looking to finance additional home improvement items (new roof, electric vehicle, backup batteries)?

The benefits of our Smart Solar Financing

  • $0 down
  • No prepayment penalties
  • Ameturized loans with no lien on the home
  • Everything secured on the loan is secured by the equipment itself – if you don’t want to do a home equity or put a lien on the home, this is a good option for you.
  • Various loan terms – 10, 15 and 20 year loans
  • Will finance battery storage
  • Good option if looking to utilize the tax credit
  • Pay down your principle with your tax credit to receive an even better monthly payment

An important difference

Unlike home equity loans, our Solar Financing partner provides access to solar loans that aren’t based on how much of your mortgage you’ve paid off and don’t ask for a lien on your home. Instead, they’re based on your ability to pay going forwards, as represented by your credit score and secured by the value within the solar system itself.

One reason solar loans are different than other home improvement loans: a solar loan allows you to own an asset that generates significant financial value. It’s hard to think of another home appliance or renovation that can generate financial value.

Mission driven

Our mission is to accelerate the shift to clean energy. It’s because of our commitment to values that we partner with another Certified Benefit Cooperation to bring you the best Solar Financing on the market. Building a better world can start with you and can start in your home.

We’re excited to offer these loan options to make solar more accessible to everyone interested in making their home more sustainable, more self-sufficient and achieve financial savings over the lifespan of your system.

Why Solar Loans are Different

While the right financing choice comes down to your specific circumstances, loans for solar have certain advantages over traditional loan options and lines of credit – particularly for recent or first-time homebuyers, as well as homeowners that want to save on their energy bills and be part of a better future for our planet.

Until recently there haven’t been great loan options for solar. But in recent years things have changed, which is why you may have noticed an increase in chatter about “going solar for $0 down” This could leave you wondering what all the commotion is about and how to choose the best solution for your family.

In this article, you’ll find lists to help you decide if a solar loan is right for you. Ultimately, we‘ll let you know what makes our Smart Solar Financing program different. For additional information, check out this recording of Consultant, David Zelasko reviewing solar loan benefits.

Why you many consider a solar loan:

Purchasing a solar energy system can be a big cost to pay upfront. Here are some reasons for homeowners to consider a loan for their solar array:

  • Pay monthly instead of a lump sum
  • No money down
  • No payment penalties
  • Increase property value immediately (lowering the utility bill for the next homeowner, increasing your property value)
  • Lock in your electricity at a fixed rate
  • Take advantage of tax incentives

Questions to ask yourself when considering a solar loan:

Solar isn’t one size fits all. Here are some questions to ask yourself if you’re thinking about financing your solar energy system to help you choose the best finance partner:

  • Do you prefer small monthly payments or small interest rates?
  • Are you okay with having a lien on your home?
  • Can you take the tax credit?
  • Will you be looking to finance additional home improvement items (new roof, electric vehicle, backup batteries)?

The benefits of our Smart Solar Financing

  • $0 down
  • No prepayment penalties
  • Ameturized loans with no lien on the home
  • Everything secured on the loan is secured by the equipment itself – if you don’t want to do a home equity or put a lien on the home, this is a good option for you.
  • Various loan terms – 10, 15 and 20 year loans
  • Will finance battery storage
  • Good option if looking to utilize the tax credit
  • Pay down your principle with your tax credit to receive an even better monthly payment

An important difference

Unlike home equity loans, our Solar Financing partner provides access to solar loans that aren’t based on how much of your mortgage you’ve paid off and don’t ask for a lien on your home. Instead, they’re based on your ability to pay going forwards, as represented by your credit score and secured by the value within the solar system itself.

One reason solar loans are different than other home improvement loans: a solar loan allows you to own an asset that generates significant financial value. It’s hard to think of another home appliance or renovation that can generate financial value.

Mission driven

Our mission is to accelerate the shift to clean energy. It’s because of our commitment to values that we partner with another Certified Benefit Cooperation to bring you the best Solar Financing on the market. Building a better world can start with you and can start in your home.

We’re excited to offer these loan options to make solar more accessible to everyone interested in making their home more sustainable, more self-sufficient and achieve financial savings over the lifespan of your system.

Why Solar Should Be Your Next Home Improvement

Days are growing longer and that means springtime is here! You’re probably thinking about Spring cleaning & home improvement projects… Don’t forget to add Solar to the list! Why? We have 6 reasons for you below…

Lock in your Solar Installation date

Think ahead about getting locked in for a solar installation this year to receive the tax benefit for this year, when you file next spring.

It’s Getting Sunnier!

In fact, we’re gaining sunlight at the fastest rate all year! In April solar panels begin to start producing excess power and begin that pile up of credits for you to use in the darker winter months.

On these longer, sunnier days solar power gives you more than what you need, it runs your meter backwards and racks up credits on your utility bill. These credits get drawn down during the darker months.

Financial Benefit

Look at this February bill from one of our solar customers covering dates 1/04/2020 – 2/07/2020 with 1,668 kWh charges. Notice also the amount due: $0.00. Especially in a grey, Ohio February… How did they do it?

Through net metering, this customer built up credits over the spring, summer and fall months to use during the wintertime.

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A Note About Fixed Charges

With rural coops, customers may still experience a fixed monthly charge that is not kWh based and will not be offset by the solar production delivered back to the grid. In some cases, such as with investor owned utility companies, like AEP in this example, the net metering credits carry forward on a rolling 12-month basis and zero out any fixed charges.

Property Value Increase

Have you ever been worried about going solar and not getting the full benefit because you may move? The home you’re in now might not be the home that you live in for the next 25 or more years. With your solar system lasting at least 30 years (and some functioning even after 40 years!) you may wonder: what happens if I move?

A recent report by Zillow shows that on a national average, homes with solar sold for 4.1% more than homes without solar. So by investing in solar, you’re both saving money now AND increasing the resale value of your home.

So not only is it a good home improvement, it’s a good investment.

Plenty of Time to Research

Are there any other appliances in your home that have a return on the investment you put into them? Sure, an investment like solar will require some research, talking to people, and some serious thinking. BUT, what better time than now to consider an investment like solar? With time on our hands, in our homes, there isn’t a better time to learn something new and connect with the folks who can answer the questions you have.

Check out our upcoming Solar 1010 Webinar Series here.

Be a Leader in your Neighborhood & Family!

What other home improvements could you make that make a statement to your children and your neighborhood about the future world you want to see? Switching to solar power isn’t just a smart economic choice to make. It’s an environmental choice too.

Our Solar Consultants have moved to a remote solar site assessment process. They are available to talk with you from the safety of each of your respective homes. With the federal tax credit dropping at the end of the year, we encourage homeowners interested in getting the full benefit of a solar installation to connect with us soon.

Solar Power in the Time of COVID-19

At Third Sun Solar, our mission is to Accelerate the Shift to Clean Energy. We accelerate towards a clean energy future at a faster rate each year. However, we know that making this shift won’t happen overnight and we’re committed to seeing our mission through to the end. We’re all facing a lot of uncertainty these days, but we know that that seeing a clean energy future is still our driving mission and we won’t rest until we’ve seen big change!

What has the COVID-19 pandemic taught us so far & how does it apply to solar power?


How are we creating a sustainable business that can weather the hardship that a pandemic might cause? As a Benefit Corporation, sustainability is at the root of our business. BCorps are accelerating a global culture shift to redefine success in business and build a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

One way we do this is by creating sustainable and self-sufficient homes and businesses. We harness the environmental and economic benefit of the solar movement to help build the market for renewable energy.

In the time of COVID-19, we’ve all learned that supporting our local economies in times of crisis is what will sustain us. Supporting the local restaurants that employ our neighbors. Supporting local farmers who will be there to provide food to nourish us. Supporting a local energy supply comes next.

Sustainable economies are fueled by an energy supply that comes from close to home, energy supplies that are renewable in nature. Today’s solar technology paired with simple lifestyle changes will help maximize a community’s resilience all while protecting the natural world that we all depend on to survive. That is sustainability.


Think about it: renewable energy is reliable, it’s stable and it has sound economic advantage. Are there any other appliances in your home that have a return on the investment you make when you buy them? With solar, energy is supplied for a flat rate for the decades that the solar panels are producing. It’s well documented that the case for renewables is as strong now as it’s ever been. The thing about your solar system is that it’s not influenced by outside forces – the economy, pandemics. The sun comes up every day and provides you with power, saving you money. It’s that simple. Solar is a safe investment.

Despite relatively low electric rates, the solar industry has been thriving in the US for many years. Why? Electric rates creep upwards and ratepayers can see the expense of grid modernization coming. Our customers have decided to trade their dependence on outdated and non-renewable energy sources for clean energy generated in their neighborhoods and consumed right where it’s made.

The Need for Community

It’s more important now than ever to reach out and connect with community. We’ve seen brilliance in the ways individuals are creating community and connecting with one another despite social distancing protocol. From the countless educational resources released to assist in homeschooling to live yoga classes hosted on Zoom, we’re in awe of how the world continues to connect.

In our mission to accelerate the shift to clean energy, we won’t stop educating those interested in learning more.

In order to connect with you at this time, we’ve put together a series of live webinars for you to learn something new and for you to engage with us. Check out a full list of upcoming webinars here to register or learn more on our Facebook Events page.

The Need for a Clean Energy Future Remains

From titles like “Sorry, Climate Change hasn’t Gone Away Just Because of COVID-19” in Forbes to “The Coronavirus is a Preview of Our Climate-Change Future” in New York Magazine – we know that COVID-19 has something to teach us about climate change.

Despite global economic slowdowns, we all know that the climate crisis still exists. So too does the need for a clean energy future. Since the stay at home measures and other slowdowns of economic activity have happened in some of the world’s largest economies such as China and the United states, there has been an observed decrease in pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, a gas emitted by motor vehicles, power plants, and industrial facilities.

As we’re reminded to slow down, we’re also reminded to take time to think about what didn’t serve us in the past and move into the future with a new vision: we hope that the need for clean energy surfaces as a priority in the weeks and months to come.

Solar 101 Webinar Series

Our mission is To Accelerate the Shift to Clean Energy. And when looking forward we know that despite the Covid-19 pandemic, we still are completing the work necessary to achieve our mission. In fact, it’s more important now than ever. As part of our mission, we provide education to individuals every day who are interested in learning more about solar power.

We know that solar can strengthen our homes and businesses by making them self-reliant in times of crisis. We also know that solar power protects the natural environment that we all depend on.

That’s why we’ve developed a new way to educate: through virtual events! Check out these webinar recordings. If you have a question, post it on YouTube, and we’ll answer you! And if you’re interested in upcoming events, like our Facebook Page to get notified when we post new events.

Solar System Monitoring Demo

Get a glimpse into life as a solar homeowner. In this demo, Solar Consultant David Zelasko will walk you through the Solar Edge app which monitors the production of your solar array.

Take this opportunity to ask questions and get them answered in real-time by our solar pro.

[av_button label=’Watch Here’ link=’manually,https://youtu.be/Xgj44VEgxOM’ link_target=” size=’small’ position=’left’ label_display=” icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-a7l64f’ admin_preview_bg=”]

Customer Conversations: Solar Case Study

In early 2020 Joe B. and his partner had solar installed a 4 kW solar array on their home in Millfield, Ohio.

Join us to learn more about Joe’s solar journey and ask Joe questions about the process! Read more customer testimonials on our website here.

[av_button label=’Watch Here’ link=’manually,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6EU3xCA0fM&t=422s’ link_target=” size=’small’ position=’left’ label_display=” icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-a7l64f’ admin_preview_bg=”]

Backup Battery Power for Resiliency

While early solar technology required batteries, most modern systems are battery-free, depending on the utility grid for power at night and on cloudy days. The cost and reliability of today’s Lithium-Ion batteries are quickly changing that, as more and more solar customers are choosing to include backup power in their systems.

Have you always wanted to learn more about Solar energy storage or the new Tesla Powerwall? Join Third Sun President, Geoff Greenfield for a deep dive into solar batteries. Geoff has lived 100% off-grid with a variety of battery systems, and recently installed a Tesla Powerwall, his “last battery bank ever”.

[av_button label=’Find Recording Here’ link=’manually,https://youtu.be/GzaTdML0TGc’ link_target=” size=’small’ position=’left’ label_display=” icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-a7l64f’ admin_preview_bg=”]

Turning your roof into a profit center: How Solar Energy is Transforming Businesses

In this webinar, 20-year industry veteran Geoff Greenfield provides an overview of today’s solar technology and considerations for commercial applications. To submit a request for a quote for your business or non-profit, follow this link.

The presentation will address the typical concerns of those exploring solar including:

  • Project economics
  • The solar resource in Ohio
  • Technology (including storage)
  • Performance and durability
  • penetrations and roof warranties
  • Question and Answer period

[av_button label=’Find Recording Here’ link=’manually,https://youtu.be/7uvypKnuOGQ’ link_target=” size=’small’ position=’left’ label_display=” icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-9hj8ov’ admin_preview_bg=”]

Going Solar For $0 Down: Fact vs. Fiction

Do you dream of going solar but don’t have the upfront capital to make the investment? You aren’t alone! For many people paying for solar out of pocket simply isn’t an option.

Third Sun Solar is proud to offer a variety of ways to go solar for zero money down. We take a consultative approach and walk you through every step of the process.

Have questions about solar financing? Get them answered by Solar Consultant, David Zelasko

You’ll get answers to common questions like:

  • Can I really go solar for $0 down?
  • Are there additional incentives for solar that I can take advantage of?
  • What is the loan approval process?

[av_button label=’Find Recording Here’ link=’manually,https://youtu.be/UZ2OWOx4HIo’ link_target=” size=’small’ position=’left’ label_display=” icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-81cdsv’ admin_preview_bg=”]

7 Things to Know About Ohio Net Metering

In sunny peak months in Ohio, solar systems often produce more energy than a home can consume. Have you ever wondered you benefit from the extra energy your solar system produces?

Join Solar Consultant David Zelasko for a deep dive into Ohio’s Net Metering benefits.

[av_button label=’Find Recording Here’ link=’manually,https://youtu.be/VcYdiVNRqlg’ link_target=” size=’small’ position=’left’ label_display=” icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-6l9dsv’ admin_preview_bg=”]

Tesla Powerwall Off-Grid Experience

Third Sun President, Geoff Greenfield has been living “off-the-grid” with his Tesla Powerwall for the past 10 days.

Join Geoff as he discusses his experience taking his solar + storage system off the grid and what he’s learned along the way.

[av_button label=’Find Recording Here’ link=’manually,https://youtu.be/gXW_LqZyE9I’ link_target=” size=’small’ position=’left’ label_display=” icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-6l9dsv’ admin_preview_bg=”]

Become Self-Reliant with Solar Energy: Emergency Backup Options

How we can strengthen our homes and businesses and become self-reliant in times of crisis?

Join David Zelasko and learn how homes can combine battery storage, generators, and solar electricity to harness the sun and power themselves even when the sun isn’t shining or gird is down.

You will learn about:

  • Tesla Powerwall
  • Other Solar Batteries
  • Generator Options

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Solar Myth-Busting Panel

Meet some of our Solar Consultants and ask them questions! We cover the most frequently asked questions we get, some long-standing solar myths, and taking questions from our audience!

Solar Consultants Jamey Jones, David Zelasko, and Cesar Flores will be panelists.

The presentation will address the typical myths we’ve heard from those exploring solar including:

  • Does solar work in the wintertime?
  • Does solar work when the grid is down?
  • Can I go solar for $0 down?
  • Should I wait for better solar technology?
  • Questions from the audience…

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When a Ground Mounted System is a Better Option

Join Third Sun Solar’s Jamey Jones to learn why and when we suggest a ground-mounted system.

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How to Choose a Solar Installer

The most important decision you can make with regards to solar is who builds it. With solar panels becoming more common, the real key is the quality of the installation, integrity, and longevity of the contractor you choose. Co-Founder and Company President, Geoff Greenfield will evaluate points of comparison for choosing the best installer.

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Why We’re a Certified Benefit Corporation

Third Sun Solar is proud to be part of a larger movement which is striving to redefine success in business, so all companies compete to not only be the best in the world but best for the world.

Learn about the commitments we’ve made to join the Certified Benefit Cooperation movement and join a forward-thinking group of businesses leading the charge to make business a force for good in the world.

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Choosing a Solar Module Manufacturer

Installing a home solar energy system is a smart financial investment for many homeowners.

With over 20 years’ experience with solar, Third Sun President, Geoff Greenfield has seen solar panel manufacturers come and go, module technology grow and change and knows what to look for when choosing a solar module manufacturer. Tune in to learn what he looks for and why choosing the right manufacturer is so important.

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Solar Proposal Checklist

Each solar company has their own unique proposal. There are several key pieces of information that should be consistent with each proposal you receive. And, we know comparing apples to oranges can be difficult, so we’ve created a checklist of items you need to watch out for when you’re considering which solar company to hire.

Download our full Solar Proposal Checklist PDF here.

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Covid-19: Our Turn to be Great?

I am in my second week of “working from home self-quarantine”, and I found an old photo of my grandfather as a young Air Force pilot, taken just before the US formally entered into WWII. He went on to fly fighters throughout Europe and the Pacific and was one of those that returned home alive. At the time the photo was taken, the war was underway in Europe with bombs raining down on London, while the US was nervously watching a rising danger that still seemed far away to many.

Looking out my window at the quiet woods surrounding my house I feel safe and am grateful for my health. I am grateful as well that this fast spreading virus hasn’t yet claimed any lives in my family or network. This will change, and the death and suffering carried by this emerging threat will be upon us faster than many understand or currently admit. This is not the case among my friends in healthcare who see what is coming and are grim. They are preparing for “the surge”, where our hospitals will be overwhelmed. As they get ready they also know that many of them will fall sick as they struggle to save as many lives as they can while comforting the dying. While it seems that too many Americans are still trying to carry on as normal, those on the healthcare frontlines are steeling themselves for the realities of triage where they will decide who to treat and who to let die. They see the rising danger, and it is no longer a far away threat to them.

The tragic reality of this pandemic is that it is still “far away” for many Americans. While the call to stay at home and flatten the curve is slowly gaining traction, it seems that too many of us are continuing with business as usual. As I look at my grandfather’s young, innocent face in this photo, I can only imagine his thoughts as he prepared for a war that was still distant and far away to many of his peers. Their fragile innocence was quickly shattered as more and more families said goodbye to departing young soldiers knowing that many would not return. These families and their neighbors quickly adjusted to a new reality of rationing, sewing bandages and planting victory gardens. Whether flying repeated bombing runs over a distant battlefield or working on a domestic aircraft assembly line, this war experience shaped and defined these men and women, and changed our culture. Tom Brokaw told the stories of the “The Greatest Generation”, and their actions, mindset and sacrifice provide a stark contrast to our current culture focused on individualism, comfort and consumption.

As we hear about the grim reality of Italy’s overwhelmed healthcare system, many of us are starting to realize the gravity of our situation. This growing awareness is awakening our instincts to contribute, and many are beginning to help in many ways: sewing masks and fabricating face shields, delivering food to the homebound and vulnerable, converting craft-distilleries from vodka production to hand sanitizer. Thousands of small businesses are going into hibernation as they prioritize community health over their own economic self-interest. The inspiring courage of our nurses, orderlies, med-techs, first responders and doctors feels contagious as they scramble to face a growing danger with a shortage of the masks, gloves and gowns that they need to protect them from this invisible enemy.

My grandfather and his generation were shaped by WWII. His role in air combat was just one part of a massive collective effort that defined him and the nation while more than 400,000 Americans died in the war. That horrible chapter in our history brought massive suffering and pain, yet it also birthed a culture where selfless contribution to community became stronger than selfish individualism. If today’s epidemiological models are right, the US may loose more lives to this viral enemy than my grandfather’s generation lost during the war. Will our generation rise to the occasion as his did? Will our efforts mirror the collective sacrifice of “The Greatest Generation” and reshape our culture?

As I continue to see so many not yet taking this pandemic seriously, I am not sure we will. My grandfather’s generation was also shaped by the great depression, and our world today is vastly different than his, so strongly influenced by a media driven popular culture infatuated with pleasure, distraction and consumption. While millions have continued to suffer from calamity and war around the globe, many of us have largely insulated ourselves from this pain, focusing instead on the pleasures and distractions that are beginning to appear trivial. Though our economy has promoted a culture of self-indulgence, I don’t believe that this is who we truly are or how we are meant to be as humans. At our core, our species is meant to be interdependent, working together for group survival. Perhaps these traits are reemerging and our deepest survival instincts are awakening as a response to this new existential threat growing on the horizon.

Looking at this photo in my hand I feel grateful to have spent a lot of time with my grandfather during my youth; his influence on me was pretty significant. His strength of will, determination, and confidence to lean into challenges are traits I have aspired to as I raised a family, built a business and lived my relatively comfortable life. As this virus begins to challenge that comfort and we react and change, how will our culture shift? Decades from now how will our grandchildren view our generation?

Though my observations often make me feel cynical, deep in my heart I am an optimist. I am far from confident in this outcome, but I do have hope that this virus might awaken the best parts deep within all of us. I have hope that as we respond to this threat we join together in collective action and relearn to genuinely care for each other. This existential challenge on our horizon could be our chance to become a second “Greatest Generation”, with a new norm that values the good of the whole over our individual pursuit of comfort and false security.

We did not choose this challenge, yet it is upon us and we will all have a part to play. I am inspired by Teddy Roosevelt’s call to action: “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”. I do not know how our grandchildren will come to view us years from now but I am hopeful that they will see us as heroes similar to the way I view my grandfather. We are all a part of this story, and in the coming months our choices will determine its outcome. This is our turn.

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Third Sun History and Ohio University

Some time back in early 2003, Geoff and Michelle Greenfield agreed to be a case study “site” for a group of Ohio University Business School students. This meant that the students got a chance to study a real-world small business, with a view into all the challenges and triumphs of a start up. For Third Sun Solar, it meant getting some outside perspective on what they were doing, how they were doing it and what needed refining in order to succeed.

“Our first meeting with this group of 4 students was in the Attic loft room of our home, where we both had set up our desks and were running the business”, says Michelle. “It was a tight space – you could not fully stand up in half of the room and there were files and paper stacks all over the place. One of the students, who was sitting on the floor, bravely asked us if we ever had trouble or found it distracting to work from this cramped space”. Looking around them, Geoff and Michelle did acknowledge that this office was not ideal, especially if they were going to grow, add some employees, meet with clients or need a warehouse.

Thinking About Growth

The students then suggested that the Greenfields look into the new Innovation Center that Ohio University was in the process of constructing on West State Street in Athens. They knew about the Innovation Center, because they were in the process of working with the university to install a solar array on that very building. After meeting with the director, Linda Clark, and being accepted as a “tech” company that met the incubator standards, the Greenfields made the move into one of the smallest offices that the Innovation Center had available.

“Stepping outside the house and actually starting to pay rent and adding overhead, was scary at first,” said Geoff. “But the benefits ended up far outweighing the costs.” Those benefits included the ability to have a dedicated business space, access to amenities like a copier and a separate business mailing address, interaction on a regular basis with other entrepreneurs and access to small business counseling resources that the Innovation Center and the University provided. The biggest benefit was yet to come: a path to adding employees to the team.

Moving to Ohio University Innovation Center

Moving to the Ohio University Innovation Center (IC), where Third Sun Solar remained housed for 8 years, enabled the company to grow, add employees, add warehouse space and receive the assistance needed to put the company on strong footing. Over the years at the IC, the company moved to many different offices, larger and larger spaces, and finally multiple offices that comprised the end of one of the wings of the building. When the IC warehouse space became available, Third Sun Solar was able to bring its inventory on site, rather than using vendors and storage units to hold product.

Third Sun Solar became the site for many OU student groups and case studies, from the marketing department to the management school and entrepreneurship classes. During this period, the Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs at OU was growing and adding services. They began to oversee on the Small Business Development Center and the PTAC (Procurement Technical Assistance Center) and added a new entity called TechGrowth which provides assistance and funding to early stage businesses. Third Sun Solar was able to access business assistance and services from all of these entities and saw great benefits to these partnerships.

Lessons Learned

“One thing that Geoff and I have learned over the years in business is to reach out to and learn from all the advisors that are out there for small businesses”, commented Michelle. “Our connection to the Innovation Center, Ohio University and the Voinovich Center has helped Third Sun Solar with outside experts to help address challenges, give perspective and be cheerleaders for the business”. The “entrepreneurial ecosystem” in Athens County is strong and is one of the reasons that Third Sun Solar has remained headquartered in Athens, even as the company has grown, working all over Ohio and the Midwest.

After moving from the Innovation Center into its current space on West Union St. in Athens, Third Sun Solar still enjoys a great relationship with Ohio University and its business outreach services. The Greenfields extend a big “Thank You” to everyone that has worked with the company over the years to help this homegrown Athens County business to grow and thrive but remain rooted in the Athens community.

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