Climate Action Film Festival

The Climate Action Film Festival brings together activists, filmmakers, and communities to witness and celebrate stories of climate action. CAFF’s mission is to amplify voices and inspire further action in addressing the climate crisis, locally and beyond.

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Schedule of Events

  • We’ll send a link out on Monday, June 21st at 5 PM for you to access the film festival and watch on your own time.
  • On Thursday, June 24th from 7-8 PM we’ll gather on zoom for a panel discussion with our non-profit partners to learn about what they’re doing to fight the climate crisis across Ohio.
  • If you sign up after Monday, June 22nd, you’ll receive the link right after you register.

About the films:

When selecting films for CAFF, we look for variety while remaining true to our mission: to amplify voices and inspire further action. Climate action can be so many things, from civil disobedience to estuary research to regenerative agriculture and more, and our selected films portray just a fraction of the climate action stories happening around the world every day.

Win A Prize – Raffle Basket

On the night of our panel discussion, we’ll host a raffle for all those who attend the panel.
The contents of our CAFF Raffle Basket were sourced from companies who use their businesses as a force for good. That means they may be local, powered by renewables, a Certified B Corp, sustainably-sourced, or all of the above!

Each ticket gets you one entry into the raffle.

About our Partners & Sponsors

Rural Action – Partner

Rural Action is a regional community development organization with a 32-county footprint working with members and community leaders on a range of quality of life, environmental, and economic projects across rural Appalachian Ohio. Its mission is to build a more just economy by developing the region’s assets in environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable ways. Learn more about Rural Action at

Green Energy Ohio – Partner

Green Energy Ohio (GEO) is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting sustainable energy policies, technologies, and practices. Read more:

The Ohio Environmental Council – Partner

The OEC works for pragmatic solutions to keep Ohio clean and beautiful, and our communities safe. We fight for clean air and water, clean energy, and protected public lands. We hold polluters accountable in court while working with communities and companies that want to invest in a clean, more sustainable direction. Learn more about the OEC:

SunCommon- Sponsor

SunCommon created and hosted the Climate Action Film Festival with a mission of amplifying voices and inspiring action in addressing the climate crisis, locally and beyond. After the 6-day festival in March 2021, SunCommon is sharing a curated package of climate action films from the festival, along with original filmmaker and activist interviews. The Climate Action Film Festival (CAFF) Encore Series package was created for individuals, community leaders, and organizations to host their own events to inspire action locally and beyond. Find SunCommon at:

Harness Cycle – Sponsor

harness cycle is a beat-driven indoor cycling studio based in Cleveland, Ohio. they are a small business with a mission to create connection + community through movement and act as an economic driver supporting fellow small businesses in their neighborhood. harness cycle is a newly certified b corporation striving to create positive change through local partnerships focusing on land restoration, community development, and equitable employment opportunities. Learn more:

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Understanding Solar Energy for Kids

When families go solar, it’s natural for kids to want to learn more about solar energy too.

The complexities of solar energy can be pretty confusing. So we broke down some of the basics and main points about solar power.

Bring your family along for the ride. There is a lot to learn for both parents and kids alike.

What is Solar Energy?

The sun has produced energy since the beginning of time – for billions of years! The amount of sunlight you receive varies depending on: location, time of day, time of year, and weather conditions.

Solar energy is used by plants to eat, reproduce, grow and survive.

People have used solar energy for hundreds of years to cook food, keep warm, and to dry clothes.

Today we can use the sun’s energy to create electricity.

How Solar Panels Create Energy

Solar cells are the technology that turns sunlight into electricity.

Many solar cells create a solar panel, and when solar panels go onto a home, we call that a solar array.

Solar panels on a roof collect the sunlight that hits the roof and turns that sunlight into electricity. The electricity produced by solar panels on a home can power anything inside the house that uses electricity.

If you walk around your neighborhood, you’ll probably see a home or a business with solar panels. But have you ever seen a solar array on a home or business?

If a home or business has many solar panels on its roof, it means that they’re making a lot of electricity. Homes and businesses with a solar array generally produce 50 – 100% of their energy from the sun.

Why are we so jazzed about solar panels?

We’re excited that with solar cell technology, we’re able to turn sunlight into electricity.


Because the sun doesn’t run out! It’s a renewable energy source and is widely available for us to use.

Other ways we get energy – oil, natural gas, and coal –which you may know as “fossil fuels” take a long time to form. There is a limited amount of these types of energy. They are not renewable, and once we use them, they’re gone!

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The Future of Solar Energy

We know that the sun will be shining for billions of years. Now, with the help of solar technology, solar panels, and companies who install solar on homes – we can capture the sun’s energy and put it to use in our everyday lives!

If you’re interested in learning more about solar energy for your home or business – reach out today!

Get Started

Complete the form below to begin your free solar evaluation.