USDA REAP Grant Expanded

What is a REAP Grant

In 2023 the USDA REAP Grant was expanded.

The USDA’s Rural Energy for America Program, or ”REAP” as it’s known, provides grant funding and guaranteed loan financing to eligible small businesses and agricultural producers to implement renewable energy systems such as solar or make energy efficiency improvements.  


I understand the USDA Reap Grant was expanded. What is new or different about the program this year?

Historically the REAP Grant could cover up to 25% of eligible project costs. 

With the passing of the recent Inflation Reduction Act, or (IRA) bill, the USDA REAP grant can now cover up to 50% of eligible project costs for qualified projects. 

Also, maximum grant size also increased from $500k to $1 million dollars.   


What other changes are you seeing in the expanded REAP program?

Project funding opportunities: previously, there were two primary funding rounds – spring and fall.   

The USDA is now holding six quarterly funding rounds resulting in increased opportunities for applicants to be awarded.   

This expanded program comes with a significant investment – A little over $1B in funding.   

This is an unprecedented investment to assist rural America in becoming more energy independent by reducing their energy costs with zero emissions solar energy.  


Who qualifies for USDA REAP Grants?

Like a lot of USDA programs, the target is rural America, not simply those directly engaged in farming.  To apply you must be either –  

A Qualified Agricultural producer – that means Making at least 50% of their gross income from agricultural operations OR 

For-profit small businesses – These businesses must meet SBA or small business size standards. 


How about location?

For small businesses, you must be located in an “eligible area” There is a handy tool for this step.  

If you qualify as an Agricultural producer, your operations can be located in a noneligible area.   


When can I apply for a USDA REAP Grant?

As I mentioned earlier, Under the new program, Grants are accepted quarterly through September 30, 2024.   

The first round of this new program kicked off on April 1st and closes on June 30th, with the next round beginning July 1st.    


What happens if my grant is not awarded?

That depends on when your application was submitted.   

If there were no issues with your application, and you simply didn’t score well enough compared to other applications, you can reapply in following quarterly submission rounds.   


How Much will a REAP Grant Cover?

As mentioned, The grant can cover up to 50% of the total cost of your solar installation.   

 For example, an $80,000 solar installation project would request $40,000 in grant funding. 


When will I receive the funding if my REAP Grant Application is awarded?

We get this question a lot!  This is a reimbursement grant, and funding will occur once your system has been installed.    

You simply fill out a few additional forms and submit your invoices to your local USDA office, automatically transferring funds into your account. 


What documents do I need to submit for the REAP Grant?

As you might expect, there is a fair amount of paperwork required.  

But you’re not alone.  We provide assistance to our clients in preparing and submitting the application paperwork on their behalf.    

Due to the nature of the information requested, it is the role of the applicant to provide us with all of the required information to submit your grant for you.  

We can cover all the specific documents during your initial consultation.   

Click the link below for a list of all required documents that will be needed to submit a REAP grant 

USDA REAP Grant Application 


How will this USDA REAP Grant improve ROI?

Solar is a great investment for many reasons.  It’s a hedge against rising electric costs. 

It’s been all over the news recently about the substantial electric rate hikes impacting consumers beginning yesterday, June 1st. 

Also, other available federal solar incentives include a 30% Federal Investment Tax Credit or ITC and depreciation benefits.  

Based on an applicant’s tax circumstances, a combined REAP grant and tax credit could cover up to 80% of your total project costs! 

For projects awarded a USDA REAP Grant under this newly expanded program, we’re seeing simple project paybacks of 1-4 years.  Incredible! 


When can work begin on the project?

This depends.   

If you’re moving forward with solar, regardless of the outcome of your grant application, work can begin on the project as soon as your local USDA Rural Development office has accepted the grant.    

Alternatively, we can wait to begin work until the grant has officially been awarded.  

There are some downsides to this approach, however, including delaying the energy cost-saving benefits of getting solar installed.  

Also, you may want to take advantage of the tax credit, which has different rules than the grant and is tied to the year of installation.   


How long would it usually take to hear back about the grant award?

Since applications are accepted right up to the final day of the funding round, it takes time to review all of the applications.   

Each application is reviewed for accuracy and then scored.   

Some rounds have more applications, and this work takes longer. 

In our experience, awarded projects begin to receive notice anywhere from 6-8 weeks after the close of the funding round has ended, though we’ve seen it take longer based on volume. 

This is another example of why it makes sense to go solar while waiting for the award’s notice.   



Solar System Service and Maintenance

Solar System Service and Maintenance with a Trusted Installer

Have you ever made a major purchase and wondered what your service and maintenance would be like after taking the plunge?

If you are like me, you certainly have.

For me, one of the main things I worry about after I sign the papers is how I will be treated when I need help.

Will my purchase be serviced when I need it to be? Will my partner still be in business years down the road?

I like to plan for the future, and have a roadmap of what is ahead. I use this methodology in almost every purchase I make and encourage our customers to do the same.

Buying a solar system (or a solar system with storage) is an investment in your future. It’s an investment that will last for 25+ years. You want to make sure that your investment is protected once you have made the purchase. And that solar service and maintenance will be smooth when and if the time comes.

As you research potential solar partners, one main factor you will want to look into is the Service Team of your solar partner to ensure they have experience and the ability to take care of you after the purchase.

Solar System Service and Maintenance

While solar systems and storage are generally low maintenance and come with manufacturer warranties, issues can arise over time.

Over the last year, we have experienced some national solar companies, and even some Ohio-based solar companies close their doors and leave their customers with both a monthly electric bill and a payment for their solar system (due to the system not functioning properly).

Customers simply cannot afford to pay long-term for both; it’s why they went solar to own their future and lock in their utility rates.

These customers tried tirelessly to contact their solar installer and were unable to connect with them all while trying to figure out how to get their systems up and running.

Kokosing Solar’s Mission

It was frankly heartbreaking to hear some of the stories of these customers, and at the same time, it was very rewarding when our team was able to get their systems up and running successfully, many of which had been down for months.

Many of these customers expressed their deep gratitude and wished they had worked with our team prior to their solar installations.

We pride ourselves on our 23 years of solar experience and servicing customers in the best possible way.

While we hope our customer’s systems never experience maintenance issues, some do, and just like with all things, they must be maintained.

Our Service Team is staffed and ready to take calls from customers, whether it is remote troubleshooting because someone got a new internet provider and need just to reset their internet router, or to deploy out to a customer’s home who has experienced an onsite issue that needs to be addressed by our experienced technicians.

Our technicians started their careers installing some of the very systems they are out servicing today. Not only do we have a long-term tenure installing solar, but many of our team members also have over five years of installation experience in the industry before they became service technicians.

Understanding a Solar System Service Department

How do you know if the company you are talking to has a service department?

Simply ask them.

Also, ask them how long they have been in business, what their warranty is, how will they help you, the customer, with warranty claims should they arise, how quickly they can deploy if there is an issue, and if they offer any service protection packages.

Remember to research the service you will get after you purchase your solar system.

You own that system, and you want to ensure it is well maintained, and if you experience an issue, your trusted solar installer will be there to support you and get your system running again.

Choosing a Trusted Solar Installation Partner

There is so much uncertainty in the world today, but one thing you should be certain about is choosing a trusted partner.

Buying a solar system and/or a solar with a battery system is an investment, and our team is here to provide you with a workmanship warranty, help with manufacturer warranties, and share our 20+ years of solar experience with you as we maintain your system.

We offer stability for the future as we will be here for many years to come to ensure your investment can be serviced by a knowledgeable and expert team.

One thing is for sure, our team will provide you with excellent service, answer all your questions, and do all we can to get your serviced quickly to ensure when the sun rises tomorrow you are generating solar production to keep your rates locked in.

When you’re ready to start owning your future – reach out and we will answer all the questions you have at this stage of your solar journey.

Care of Your Solar Installation

How will you take care of your solar installation? After you get your solar energy system installed, there is a lot to learn!

You are now a power plant operator – you’re learning to use your monitoring apps, fielding all of your neighbor’s questions about solar energy, and reviewing your electricity bills to understand the impact your solar energy system is having on your monthly energy payments.

In addition to all of that, you want to be mindful and keep your solar installation in tip-top shape.

What are things to keep in mind when planning for routine maintenance and care of your solar panel installation?

We’ll answer that question and more in this blog post!

Cleaning Panels

In Ohio and across the Midwest, you won’t need to clean your panels. You may find alternative information online, but double check where that information comes from. Panels installed in western states can get dusty or build up layers of pollen, dust, leaves or other contaminants. Here in Ohio, solar panels get cleaned regularly by rain and snow.

If you do feel like it’s necessary to clean your panels here are a few tips:

  • Don’t get on the roof to clean your panels. Doing so without proper safety measurements is unsafe, and we do not want you to do anything unsafe.
  • Panel cleaning should be carried out before reaching working temperature (early morning) and must only be cleaned with water at ambient temperature to avoid thermal shock.
  • Ideally, de-ionized water should be used to clean solar panels.
  • Ensure the water used is free from grit and physical contaminants that could damage the panel surface.
  • Use a regular garden hose. If that doesn’t do the trick use a soft sponge or microfiber cloth to clean the solar module.
  • Please don’t use high-pressure hoses, pressure washers, metal sponges or blades to clean the panels! Doing so may harm the integrity of the panel and/or invalidate panel warranties.
  • It is best to let panels air dry after washing.

Clearing snow

Snow buildup comes on some of the shortest, lowest production months of the year. Thankfully, a day or two lost during snowy months is only a fraction of a day lost during a peak sun month, like July. We recommend not worrying too much about snow stuck on panels after a snowfall.

The snow will likely give the panels a nice cleaning and the panels will likely be the first place where snow melts, because the panels were placed with the intention of having the best access to the sun!

If for some reason you do need to clear your panels of snow, just remember not to use anything abrasive that could scratch them.

Critter Guards

Neighborhood animals are prone to nesting underneath roof-mounted solar panels. This is especially true if you have foliage adjacent to your solar installation. If you don’t have any nearby trees or tall bushes, this is less of a worry.

Rooftop solar systems provide protection from the sun and a good space to create a nest for many neighborhood animals. If you aren’t proactive, animals can quickly become a problem for your solar array.

Your Solar Consultant will recommend Critter guards for your home solar array if it makes sense for your home. It’s most cost-effective if our crew install critter guards during your initial solar installation.

One downfall of critter guards is that they do tend to trap leaf debris under the panels. If you start to notice a buildup of leaf debris, you’ll want to take care to clear them out because it can lead to a wet roof.

Monitoring App

Did you know you can monitor your solar installation in real time? And get day by day and month-to-month data?

For our customers, this is often their favorite part about owning a solar energy system.

Pay attention to your online monitoring. It will help you understand how your solar energy system is performing and how much energy you’re generating. Checking in on your monitoring app regularly will ensure that if something comes up with the system, you’ll identify an issue and contact our service team quickly.

Internet service change

When your internet service provider changes, you may need to reconnect your system to the internet. Similarly, when you need to toggle the Wi-Fi on and off on your laptop to get the system to receive an internet connection, your Inverter, which is responsible for getting monitoring data to your app, is a wifi-based device that needs a good connection to the internet to produce you with monitoring data.

If you change internet providers or notice that your monitoring data isn’t coming through like normal, give us a call, and we should be able to help you connect your inverter back to the internet.

Take Care of Your Solar Installation

We hope this information has been useful!

As always you can reach out to our service department at any time with questions you have about the service and maintenance of your home’s solar energy system.

Cost to Install Solar Panels

What is the cost to install solar panels? This is the most common question we get. If you’re new to shopping for solar, you’re likely looking for a ballpark price.

As with most home services projects of this scale, you can probably guess that the price varies widely from home to home.

But this is a good question to get you started understanding the variables of a solar energy installation. The average cost of solar systems we sold last year was $32,000 (that’s $22,400 after applying the Federal Tax Credit for solar). While that is an average, we’ve also sold solar energy systems that range anywhere between $15,000 – $100,000 in recent years! We say this to remind you that the price can vary tremendously from system to system.

The cost of going solar depends on several factors, including the size of your system and the cost of components. Keep reading to understand what goes into a solar energy system sizing, how much solar costs, and what other financial payback considerations you should evaluate.

Size of System

The size of your system is based on how much energy you use.

Compare two 1,500 square foot houses for example. One could have a family with three kids and a hot tub. The other could be home to a retired couple who volunteer outside of their home all week and do everything they can to conserve electricity. You can imagine the electricity bills at each home would be significantly different.

The footprint of a house actually tells us very little about the actual energy consumption of the home.

As a home service provider, it’s our goal to help you meet 100% of your electricity needs with your solar system.

That’s why we ask for an electric bill at the very beginning. We must understand how much energy you need to offset each year with solar energy. Looking at the annual usage graph on your bill, we can determine how much energy you use in a year. Once we know your average kilowatt hours used in a year, we model a system on your home that will meet that need.

As you probably guessed, the family with a hot tub living in the 1,500 square foot home will need a bigger solar energy system than the retired couple that doesn’t use much electricity.

Cost to Install Solar Panels

There are a few different costs that go into your solar system.

First there is the cost of components. A solar system is made of panels, racking, an inverter, conduit, wires and bolts. If you’re adding battery backup to your system, this adds a large cost to the overall solar system price.

Second is the team behind the install – all the way from the designers, engineers, project managers, and permitters to installers and electricians whom you will meet on installation day.


Type of Installation

Ground mounted systems usually add between 10 – 15% to the system cost due to trenching and additional material costs to build the mounting system.

Batteries & Generators

Batteries and generator costs vary widely and could add 10 – 100% to your project costs, depending on the size and number of units required.

Don’t Forget About Incentives!

Don’t forget to evaluate these as you weigh the Cost to Install Solar Panels

Interested in learning more?

Download our guide to going solar here.

Ohio Solar Incentives for Homeowners 2024

Ohio Solar Incentives for Homeowners 2024 is one of the hottest topics we cover with new clients. Ohio is an excellent residential state for anyone interested in investing in solar energy. Not only are there various incentives available to Ohioans, but the economics of solar vs. utility energy in Ohio almost always has solar in the lead. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the different incentives Ohio has to offer to those who are interested in investing in solar energy.

Take Advantage of Solar Net Metering in Ohio

Ohio has a net metering program available to residential solar energy customers.

Think of it this way: through net metering, you treat the grid like a BIG battery. You store energy in the grid when you produce more than you need, and take energy from the grid when you aren’t producing solar.

Net-metering allows you to stockpile the energy you make in the electric grid in the form of credits.

When you “stockpile” energy like this, your excess solar powers your neighbors’ homes, helping them reap some of the benefits of onsite, direct solar energy. Per The State of Ohio’s Public Utilities Commission, the utility must credit you for the energy you produced and send along. These credits appear on your monthly electric bill and roll over month to month.

If you’ve lived in Ohio for a while, I’m sure you can imagine which seasons have better solar returns. This is when net-metering really comes into play. Your solar system generates most of the energy you’ll need for the year during the sunny months. An experienced solar installer will design your system big enough that you bank up a bunch of credits to use during the cloudier winter months, when your solar system isn’t producing as much.

One drawback of net-metering? You can only produce up to 120% of what you consume annually, and if you produce more than that, it jeopardizes your agreement with your utility for net metering. So, working with an experienced installer who understands how to maximize the benefits available through net metering is essential.

In summary, net metering allows customers to receive credit for any excess energy their solar system produces and sends back to the grid. This credit can then be applied to future energy bills, reducing costs for the customer.

Are you eligible for the solar investment tax credit?

If you pay federal taxes, you’re eligible for the solar investment tax credit (ITC). This tax credit is a solar incentive available through the federal government that allows you to take 30% of what you paid for solar from the federal taxes you owe.

This incentive is available to residential solar energy customers in Ohio and can help reduce the cost of purchasing and installing a solar energy system.

Paying for the solar system – understanding loan options

For some people having a low energy payment is the priority. For others, they want the best deal on the lump sum they pay for their solar system. In both cases, loan options are available to help you meet your goals.

Solar loans have become mainstream in the past five years, making solar accessible to even more homeowners across Ohio. Solar loan programs are designed to help those interested in purchasing a solar energy system to finance the purchase.

Selling Your Home With Solar

Solar increases home value!

According to a 2020 report by Zillow, homes with solar sell for 4% more. This increase in value is due to the potential cost savings of electricity that solar panels can provide.

Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular, making them an attractive feature to potential buyers. Ultimately, the amount of value a solar installation adds to your home will depend on the size and quality of the system and the local market.

When a new homeowner moves into one of our installations, we often work with the new homeowners. They’re often excited by the new technology and eager to reap the benefits of a free utility!

Ohio Solar Incentives for Homeowners in 2024

Overall, Ohio is a great state for those interested in investing in solar energy.

As much as we wish the advertisements online were true, there are no Ohio incentives for free solar. If there were, we would lead with that.

Be wary of any solar company who leads with “No Cost” or “Free Solar” in their advertising. In our experience, we know these installers don’t have your best interests in mind. And we’ve seen their deceptive advertising tactics have a negative effect on our communities and occasionally take the installer down themselves.

Ohio Solar Incentives for Homeowners

We hope this blog post has provided some helpful information about the different solar incentives available in Ohio.

We would love to help you understand your energy goals better.

Our Solar Consultants have a consultative style and are always here to work with you to evaluate if solar is a good option for you (or not!). When you’re ready to learn more from one of our experienced team, reach out!

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